Chapter 368: verbal argument between Jiraiya and Suzaku

Chapter 368: verbal argument between Jiraiya and Suzaku

"Do you really wish to know the answer to those questions?

Are you telling me that you really don't know what I just said?

Also it is related to the confidential matters of hidden leaf village.

Are you sure you want me to tell you."

When Suzaku asked these questions Jiraiya that was embarrassed before stopped thinking with his mind.

He thought that Suzaku is insulting him at that moment.

So in a fit of rage he immediately said.

"I don't know tell me what it is, you…?"

Suzaku smiled inside but did not show that on his face and said.

"Since you asked you should be responsible for this.

Do you know that the Uzumaki clan people are best for making jinchūriki?

The current jinchūriki of the 9 tails that is the wife of the first Hokage is at an old age.

They need a replacement for that.

So they took the opportunity to bring back someone with the purest bloodline from the Uzumaki clan along with their sealing technique.

The best candidate that can fit both the conditions is actually the princess of the Uzumaki clan.

That is princess Kushina.

Just think about it there are so many ninja in the hidden leaf village with strong powers.

Can't they even save a bunch of kids and women from the Uzumaki?

Except for Kushina, not a single one was saved.

Even if a 3 man team was sent they can at least save 2 people.

It was funny when they say that they are protecting again other hidden villages attack.

The attack from big hidden villages cannot happen within few hours.

It takes days of preparation.

But saving few people from Uzumaki clan would only takes a day or two.

Even then there will be strong supporters as there are many strong men in the hidden leaf village.

Why did they only save one person instead of saving many?

Isn't it shameful to saw that the great hidden leaf village has only saved one person from their allies?

If other villages found out about this will they really willing to ally themselves to us in the future.

Think about it carefully and you will find the answer.

You should have already knows that the third Hokage is paying special interest towards her and did not let her go out even on a single mission after her graduation.

He would always give various reasons to stop her.

He is going to make her into the next jinchūriki"

Suzaku stopped speaking to Jiraiya for a moment and turned his head toward Nagato and said.

"You don't have to worry; they would prefer to make a woman into jinchūriki than a man.

This is because controlling a woman is much easier than controlling a man.

As long as that woman falls in love with a man from the village, she would not leave the village.

If that man is an idiot, or I should call him patriot towards the village then the jinchūriki woman would be completely under the control of the village and Hokage."

Then Suzaku looked towards Jiraiya and continued.

"Do you know that third Hokage even found that idiot that I just spoke off?"

When Suzaku said that Jiraiya looked straight at Suzaku along with Tsunade and Orochimaru thinking that idiot is Suzaku.

"It was not me; don't look at me like that.

I really liked Kushina as she was more charming and her thoughts would fit with me well.

Unfortunately it was Minato that did not know right from wrong.

During the time I was out on missions third Hokage created many hero saving beauty daily routines between Minato and Kushina.

It is as if they happened accidentally.

He used the Anbu to create these situations to get them close from the early age and they would marry when they are of the right age.

This is his plan.

I have already investigated this matter.

They did not take me seriously just like my clan members just because I did not open my Sharingan.

It is like I am a tool person to them…."

Jiraiya immediately interjected.

"Third Hokage helped you so much.

He even helped you to meet Tsunade for you to learn medical ninjutsu….."


Suzaku laughed out loud so much that the people startled for a moment.

"He helped me.

You really are an idiot even though you are strong.

He did not help me but tried to use me as a tool person.

He wanted me to be an agent on the side of Uchiha clan to give him information.

Also when I told him that I wanted to become the medical ninja, he has other plans for me.

The reason why he took me to Tsunade sensei is because he wanted another medical ninja with all the capabilities of Tsunade sensei on his side.

He was fearful that one day Tsunade sensei finds out about the secret related to her brother's death and turns against him.

That is not all he also holds grudge against the Senju clan for objecting him to become the third Hokage.

I am sure that the façade he put on would only last till Mito san stays alive.

Once she is no more, then the situation of the Senju clan would completely collapse.

He would definitely use one way or the other to cause severe or irreparable damage to the Senju clan.

I am sure that he would not even leave the children of the Senju clan."

Jiraiya could not take it anymore and shouted.

"You are lying.

Third Hokage is not like that.

You all Uchiha clan people are the same."


Suzaku laughed out loud again.

"You are telling me that Uchiha clansman is bad.

The let me ask you.

In the disciples of second Hokage there is an Uchiha clansman called Kagami.

When the second Hokage is dying Kagami stood there to buy time for the other four disciples namely, Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Homura to save second Hokage….."


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