Chapter 403: Taking over Senju clan

Chapter 403: Taking over Senju clan

Then they went to call other woman to meeting room of the clan immediately.

Well none of them are doing any missions during this time because the Senju clan is being hunted and they have to protect themselves under the orders of Tsunade.

While they are assembling Suzaku continued to play with Tsunade.

Her tits are already out and Suzaku is sucking her nipples.

The thing is the room they are in is right beside the meeting room.

So the moans of Tsunade can be heard by those that are gathering in the meeting room.

Their faces are red as they know that Tsunade is having some really good time on the other room.

They all thought that Tsunade has succeeded in convincing Suzaku to take all of them as his wives for the propagation and future of the Senju clan.

They thought that Tsunade sacrificed herself for the great cause first.

With this thought they became fiery and decided to go on the path that their princess has made for them for the greater good of the clan.

Well they don't know that the entire thing is other way around between Tsunade and Suzaku.

Suzaku can sense that the people have gathered here.

On the other hand there is an Anbu that is keeping an eye on the Senju clan.

One of Suzaku's clones appeared out of nowhere and directly knocked the Anbu ninja.

Then it started to guard the Senju clan as usual.

Suzaku on the other hand held Tsunade in his arms and came to the meeting room.

There are no men in the Senju clan, so Suzaku did not bother to cover the tits of Tsunade and came here just while still kissing her.

Tsunade was too intoxicated to notice her surroundings.

She did not know that she is currently in the meeting room surrounded by many Senju clan women.

Well all of them combined would only be less than 10 people.

It is not much of a clan right now with this small number.

It is no wonder that Anbu ninja came into the Senju clan area without being noticed.

Fortunately there is his shadow clone present that is covering the situation carefully.

When he came to the meeting hall and let go of Tsunade she finally realized that she was in the meeting room surrounded by other women.

Immediately she became shy looking at the situation.

Her face is red.

She is not the shameless future self in the plot right now.

Because of the interference of Suzaku things have changed.

Suzaku then announced to the people present in the meeting room.

"From now on you are all mine.

I will marry you all at the same time and you can make the preparations for that.

My shadow clone would help you in the process.

You don't have to worry about anything and feel the threat from anything.

In few months third great ninja war is about to start and third Hokage that bastard would definitely play tricks to pull you into his play.

At that time don't fall into his trap.

On the day of our wedding Tsunade would become the head of the Senju clan.

I will take care of the situation of the war later.

Since I am already here, why don't we all play some more before I leave for work?"

Suzaku stayed there and played with the women for a while….play means that.

He did not touch the virgin women for now as he has few principles….


On the other hand the other four villages are in a different state.

First of all the hidden mist village found that their three tailed beast is missing.

They did not find any trace of struggle.

They did not find the barrier around being broken.

They did not find anything.

All they found is that the three tails is missing.

So the panic is clearly knows that some strong person took the beast without letting it struggle.

In the hidden sand village the jinchūriki was given food once every few days to keep him weak and not cause any trouble.

But when the person came to deliver the food they found that there is no one inside the cage.

That is right their jinchūriki is missing.

Immediately the high level of hidden sand village is in panic.

On the other hand hidden cloud and hidden rock village are having a different panic in their upper circle.

They got the news that many big changes have happened in the hidden leaf village.

There is a situation where someone from the Uchiha clan rebelled and captured some of the village elders.

They were all detained and these elders include Danzo that controls the roots of the village.

These things are shocking to them and made them think that these things are all too unbelievable to make them believe.

That is right things like that could not happen in a village like hidden leaf village.

They all know that Danzo is around Kage level ninja.

How can someone capture him and detain him without doing something big.

Also there are roots which is a strong force filled with many capable Jonin and elite Jonin level ninja.

The reason why the hidden leaf village could repel all the three villages in the previous war is for this very reason.

How can they believe these things that are unbelievable?

So they are reluctant to make any move right now.

They sent their spies to check the situation carefully before deciding.

In the second ninja war all things happened in a way that left most villages dissatisfied.

They are not convinced and wanted to act again.

They wanted to fight again.

For that they are secretly making preparations all this time from the past three months.

Now the news about the situation in the hidden leaf village has disrupted their peace.

The information about a new Senju clan man that can use wood style has increased their panic even more.


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