Chapter 404: the octopus balls of 8 tails and chili meat of 2 tails

Chapter 404: the octopus balls of 8 tails and chili meat of 2 tails 

Now the news about the situation in the hidden leaf village has disrupted their peace.

The information about a new Senju clan man that can use wood style has increased their panic even more.

During this time Suzaku's clone brought back Karin from the land of grass without any problem.

The process is a simple knock out and bringing back which is as simply as plucking a fruit that is just about your head.

After bringing her over Suzaku talked to her and arranged her to stay in Senju clan.

During this time third Hokage is very busy.

He is still the Hokage.

The damage that Suzaku did was not recoverable.

Suzaku has interrogated the three elders so much that they confessed everything.

Under the influence of the Sharingan Danzo even told the unlocking method of the seal on the root people.

Suzaku has unlocked the seal and let them return to their clans and families safely.

Most of them can still recover from the trauma and brainwashing of Danzo.

The few that were unable to recover were helped by Suzaku with the help of Sharingan to return them to normal.

This was all done by Suzaku's clones.

The reputation of Suzaku increased so quickly that his name is clamoring throughout the village.

Many people started to respect Suzaku.


The players that made plans to gain some good things were completely pushed out of their plans.

They are not in the stormy seas facing the huge waves that are created by Suzaku.

They don't know what to do as the plot they know no longer exists.

Suzaku on the other hand is changing things very quickly.

He directly destroyed the plot.

Well it is said that when a person reaches absolute power no amount of strategies can change the situation.

Suzaku plans to take over the world completely and then try and attack other worlds like the Otsutsuki planet.

This way he would get the highest evaluation possible as a player.

But for that he has to have enough strength to travel between the worlds and the location of the Otsutsuki planet too.


Suzaku let other countries do as they please while he prepared his own things.

First of all he is planning to get the 2 tails for his food in a few days.

If possible he likes to take the 8 tails as well.

He wanted to know how the octopus balls made out of the pig octopus that is 8 tails would taste like.

As for the other tailed beasts they are mostly not eatable.

But Suzaku would see how things would turn out.

Currently his target is the hidden cloud village.

Well he did not have to do any work as his clones would do all the work for him.

One clone went to the location where two tails was sealed.

It was actually an old guy at the verge of dying.

Based on the knowledge he found that the candidate for becoming the next jinchūriki is a little girl called Yugito Nii.

Suzaku would not let that happen.

It is a good deed but stopping his plans for his own gains is also a form of villainy.

It is like how pirates are.

For pirates the navy is the enemy along with other pirates.

So every pirate group is an independent individual.

Suzaku's clone did the same process as it did with the hidden sand village.

Quickly the two tails is released and it was stopped from moving while the clone cuts its body to get the meat he needed.

After getting what he wanted the 2 tails was killed on the spot.

After its death the clone went to cook the meat of the 2 tails beast that has flaming fire nature.

Another clone went to the location where the 8 tails is currently present.

It was already in the body of the killer B.

But Suzaku did not have a problem with that.

He can take a part of the tailed beast without causing the death of the killer B.

This has happened in the original plot where Akatsuki tried to capture the 8 tails it left its body with a limb cut off.

This cut off limb is actually the clone.

Suzaku is going to do the same procedure.

There is only one big problem that is killer B has people guarding him.

Suzaku used his Sharingan to solve the problem easily.

The 8 tails can still resist a little and sense the situation.

But in front of a strong being like Suzaku that has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan it could not resist him.

Suzaku's clone got its meat too and then left the people in shambles.

To these people what appeared and attacked them is actually Madara Uchiha.

That is the appearance that Suzaku took to attack them.

Another clone of Suzaku went straight to the Kage office of the hidden cloud village.

The reason for this is to find the whereabouts of the treasured tools of sage of 6 paths.

Even thought he can produce the truth seeker balls and other things he still want to have all the things that can possibly threaten his plans into his hands.

For this he started his search.

Based on the information he knows and other ways of checking he can find the clues of their locations.

Once they are found they will be taken by him for usage.

He doesn't have to use them directly and can give them to his clones to put on a good show later when facing the 10 tails.

After searching and collection he left here and went straight back to Suzaku using the flying thunder god technique.

The clones started to cook the meat of the tailed beasts for Suzaku to eat.

Suzaku is currently eating 6 meals a day.

Three are from his beloved wives and the other three meals are prepared by his clones to improve his power with tailed beast meat.


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