Chapter 406: beautiful mountain but hidden volcano


sorry for the delay

yesterday two good things has happened.

the first is the local temperature has risen to 40 degree Celsius,

it shocked me to think that end of the world is coming with the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, sudden floods at many parts of the world at the wrong time.

the second good thing is that a bunch of red ants made an ant hill of my laptop almost destroying it.

fortunately I reacted in time to clean saving all the data inside.

it took me all day yesterday.

so things are delayed a little


Chapter 406: beautiful mountain but hidden volcano

Even if it wants to join the alliance the side of the other hidden villages would not let them join in.

Well they would considered it if Chiyo that can compete with Tsunade and their Kage that is considered very strong with his magnetic style technique.

Other than that they did not have anything that can value the hidden sand village.

That is how much they looked down on hidden sand village.

Now they did not even have the tailed beast.

So they are worthless.


In the hidden leaf village third Hokage is panicking because of the information he got from his spies about the alliance of other villages.

Their current situation is not right and the other villages are taking the opportunity to attack them at the right moment.

But he also a found a favorable information that is the other villages seems to have lost their jinchūriki.

But that is not enough for them to face against four villages from four directions at the same time.

Currently he lost half of his forces under his control and Danzo's control which is terrible.

So he was anxious.

Because of the urgency of the situation he called the heads of all the clans and the representative civilian ninja to talk.

Among them there is also Suzaku that was specifically invited because of his special status.

Suzaku was leisurely but his demeanor has changed completely like a sleeping volcano.

It is like he is a peaceful mountain that is beautiful with all kinds of vegetation, but it was actually a sleeping volcano with endless energy waiting to burst out.

Because of this feeling the other looking at his way also changed.

Previously they did have an impression on him being a good doctor.

They did not know his fighting capabilities but they saw that Suzaku can subdue Danzo.

This means that the power Suzaku has in his hands is on the same level or very close to Kage level.

Just knowing this is enough to make them feel shocked.

Suzaku has hidden his strength all this time and did not act at all.

They all saw many people ridicule Suzaku before about this but Suzaku never revealed anything.

Just like a dormant volcano waiting for its turn silently and patiently.

In the ninja world the strong are respected so Suzaku gains the respect from those people.

That is not all Suzaku has unlocked the strange seal on the tongues of their people placed by Danzo and let them return to their clans.

This gave Suzaku more praises from those clans.

In the meeting room there is only third Hokage without any advisors.

Suzaku took the chance and gave a set of papers of all evidence of the committed crimes of those three advisors that Suzaku captured before.

Also during this time many civilians with enough strength were given jobs at the Konoha guards that are the police station.

With this the public prejudice of the people towards the Uchiha clan has completely reduced by a large margin.

So, third Hokage's power has many problems right now.

When they looked at the information they were shocked that so many things have happened when third Hokage is in power.

Those three advisors have eaten the resources of the villages like worms and pests.

Even though they are angry they would not show that on their face.

Third Hokage is still very strong.

The foundation he build using his fox face and lies is still standing tall and hard.

Even with the loss of these three advisors he is still strong.

Suzaku can directly kill the third Hokage and all the people that support him.

But that would leave Suzaku with the name of a ruthless tyrant in the eyes of others.

The most powerful Kaguya that was hailed as rabbit goddess was turned into demon by the words of the people.

The funny thing is even her own children believed that and attacked without a second thought of her current situation.

The people of this world are like that and Suzaku don't want to get a rebellion on his face instead he wanted to remove third Hokage peacefully.

Fighting fire with fire and popularity with popularity,

This is the current strategy that he is following.

It is not a quick one but it can still produce good results.

Third Hokage looked at the information on the papers with a big frown.

Sakumo that was standing behind third Hokage as the head of the Anbu also received a copy to check.

The son of third Hokage is currently not in a situation to carry out his duties as an Anbu ninja.

So Sakumo the second in command took over the situation.

Well he was quite popular with his Hatake sword style and quick moves.

He did not get the name white fang yet.

He would get that in the coming war right now.

Suzaku was very optimistic about this person.

Suzaku feels like Sakumo might not die this time because he has already cleaned up Danzo.

Third Hokage did not have enough guts to directly make a move.

So things would not cause any problems.

While Suzaku is thinking third Hokage came to the main topic about the war and the current situation of the other countries that are ready to go to war at any given time.

Everyone frowned looking at the information that third Hokage given them.

They know what it is to have a war at this moment.

They are barely recovering from the previous war.

If there is a war again then the situation would become dire.

They might even have to send the newly graduated ninja to the battle field which they don't like to do.

This the statistical results that were mentioned in the information provided by third Hokage.

When Suzaku looked at the information he immediately felt that the numbers are not correct.

Also the deployment is completely wrong if they did not that, it is not different than wasting the resources and killing people.


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