Chapter 407: reprimanding Hokage

Chapter 407: reprimanding Hokage

When Suzaku looked at the information he immediately felt that the numbers are not correct.

Also the deployment is completely wrong if they did not that, it is not different than wasting the resources and killing people.


Quest: reprimanding third Hokage

Description: reprimand third Hokage into the most embarrassing and angry state till the embarrassment and anger bar shown by the system fills up completely.

Reward: 1 to 10x chaos points for all acts of reprimanding for the duration of the third ninja world war


As Suzaku spoke about every point in the devised plan for the war that the face of third Hokage turned from frowning to pitch black.

The faces of the other clan leader looking at the third Hokage also changed from respect to anger just form the words of Suzaku.

The embarrassment bar of third Hokage is already full and it turned into anger bar and then it was also full.

He was immediately issued with the highest reward of 10 times the points.

Suzaku nodded happily with the gain and continued with his attack.

From now anything he said or did will come under the gains of the reward.

So he would gain 10 times the points.

This made Suzaku more enthusiastic and continued with all kinds of nonsense till the faces of the all the people present are filled with anger.

Finally Suzaku said.

"Third Hokage it seems like you are too old for this kind of thing.

It is best to choose a new candidate to become Hokage while you go the battle field with others to fight for the village.

As for the candidate for the next Hokage I can recommend you someone…."

When everyone thought that Suzaku is going to recommend himself or someone from the Uchiha clan Suzaku spoke a name out of everyone's expectations.

"What don't you make Tsunade sensei as the next Hokage?

She is the granddaughter of the first and second Hokage.

She is your disciple and much better than your other two disciples.

Also currently Senju clan was severely damaged because of your stupid subordinate that you made as elders of this village.

All in all she would be the best choice.

As long as you pronounce her as the next Hokage I would support her wholeheartedly.

(Well she is my wife and I would support her.)

If you have asked me I would have made a best battle plan for you.

Why bother with his kind of cheap plan that could directly exterminate our village..

You just have to the Hokage seat to a suitable candidate and come to the battle field to fight in the coming ninja world war.

They say that you are the strongest Kage of all time right.

I really wanted to see your greatness when fighting with the third Raikage in the battle field.

The main people of the Anbu and others should be left here for the village for its protection.

Third Hokage, Sarutobi clan, Shimura clan, Utatane clan and Mitokado clan should face the forces of the hidden cloud village.

They are the clans that prospered over last few decades under the wise leadership of third Hokage and those bastard clan elders right.

As for the side of the coast where hidden mist village might attack we can put Hyuga clan, Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan for detection from sneak attacks.

As for the main attack you can send some strong civilian ninja.

As for the side of the hidden stone village, you can send Uchiha clan, Hatake clan, your disciples Jiraiya and Orochimaru along with few other strong people to fight.

The Nara clan, Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan can go to the front of the hidden sand village with few civilian ninja.

Also they can receive directly support from the hidden leaf village medical team as they are close to us in case of poisoning from Chiyo of the hidden sand village.

As for the hidden rain village that needed to be monitored to see which side they are going to take in the in this war.


Orochimaru was under Suzaku's control while Jiraiya promised to follow the words of Suzaku based on their previous bet.

Also Suzaku's plan is not problematic instead it was a best plan that even a numb skull like Jiraiya can understand.

So they did not have any objection about the plan given by Suzaku.

The face of third Hokage that looked at his disciples was complicated because they are not even listening to him and supporting him right now.

Suzaku explained the plan step by step making all the clan heads happy as the planning was perfect and easy to use.


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