Big Brother Will Protect You

"Little Ninth has grown up, but in Big Brother's heart, Little Ninth is no different from ten years ago. If Mom and Dad were here, no matter how old Little Ninth is, in their eyes, Little Ninth is just a child. When they are gone, Big Brother will protect you. Big Brother has long sworn that in this life, Big Brother will use his life to protect Little Ninth and not let Little Ninth suffer any harm!" Beiting Jing said solemnly.

She couldn't tell what kind of feelings she had for this world. Even though this body didn't belong to her, Beiting Huang's soul had fused with this body to an unprecedented level. Be it her aunt, her eldest brother, or her uncle, whom she had yet to meet, Beiting Huang felt a sense of kinship in her bones.

Or could it be that this body was hers to begin with, and that girl called Beiting Huang was just a temporary resident?