Come to My Side!

Beiting Jing stroked his sister's head. Other girls that were born in a wealthy family like the Beiting Family and enjoyed a life full of gold and jade, but what about his sister? She grew up in an environment of resentment. "Little Ninth, I don't know much. You were still in Mom's stomach when Mom and Dad were hunted down and fled everywhere. Later, they had no choice but to leave me in the family. You were born while they were fleeing. They brought you into the magical beasts forest. You were picked up by Grandpa beside the swamp abyss…"

"His Highness said that our parents didn't die but went to another plane. That should be true, right?" Beiting Huang pondered for a moment and suddenly raised her head. She asked Beiting Jing, "Brother, do you know about the Chaos Divine Source?"