The Happiest Thing

"I hope that we can last forever!" Leng Qianmo chewed on these words for a long time. A heroic feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart. It had been more than a hundred years. Ever since that incident, he had never felt this way. It was as if he had suddenly become much younger.

"Teacher, this is also a poem I copied from somewhere else. Take this poem to Emperor Mo of the Nine Provinces Mo Region and tell him that a fellow countryman of his asked for it. I think he will definitely take care of you!" Beiting Huang had never met Emperor Mo, but she could tell from Xu Xiaomo that Emperor Mo, Xu Xiaomo's father, must be a loyal man. She hoped that after Emperor Mo saw this poem, he would know the background of the person who asked him to help her teacher.

As for how she would repay this favor in the future, when she reached the 33 Heavens, she would definitely think of a way to repay it.