I Hope We Last Forever

From this moment on, the news of Your Excellency Beiting Huang participating in this year's Alchemy Conference spread like wildfire. Through various messaging crystals, it spread throughout the entire continent. More and more people rushed to Danska City. It was said that in the two days before the opening of the Alchemy Conference, hundreds of griffins on the entire continent died of exhaustion just to rush to Danska City and see Your Excellency Beiting Huang refine pills with their own eyes.

Of course, Beiting Huang didn't know about this. At this moment, she was already sitting in the best suite in the Shang family's hotel, listening to Leng Qianmo introduce her to the young man she had fought with today. "The Valley of Pills is a faction in the 33 Heavens. It mainly focuses on alchemy. The Great Sovereign of the Valley of Pills has a total of 132 children. Zhu Lin is the youngest, and he's already more than 3,000 years old!"

"Pfft! Cough, cough, cough!"