encounter with sunshine 2

Sonu was sleeping soundly when suddenly someone came with quiet footsteps and yelled loudly in her ear " happy birthday soni !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Poor Sonu got up from bed in a second with the fear of hearing something so loud early in the morning .

Sonu was scared out of her wit but as she saw who it was she just threw a pillow at Rani's face " ranu are insane let me sleep today is Sunday ! " Sonu wrapped the thin blanket around her body and turned around and slept again.

" Offf stop it lazy monkey just get up already" saying this Rani was pulling the blanket off from Sonu who is sleeping like a Koala 🐨 " hey get up idiot it's your birthday 🎂 your finally 7 year old behave like one please!!!" Hearing this the little koala's ear went high and she got up with the speed of light .

" Ohh right today is my birthday !!! " With a surprised Pikachu face Sonu said to herself , looking at the Koala finally awake Rani heaved a sigh of relief 😮‍💨. " Hey get ready quickly aunty said today your parents will come to celebrate your birthday ."

For a bit everything was silent Rani looked at Sonu's face to look for an expression but Sonu's face was blank " are they really coming?? " Sonu asked in a quiet voice. Rani was a bit hesitant to say anything so she hugged Sonu and said " yes your whole family is coming "

Ever since that day when Rani 1st talked to Sonu they have become best friends. They would do everything together almost everything even if Sonu caused trouble Rani would also take part in it . Rani wasn't sure how sonu would react but to her surprise the next second Sonu hugged her and said in an excided tone.

" So are my brothers also coming right ??" Seeing that Sonu finally smiled Rani also smiled with enthusiasm and said " yes caretaker aunty said your whole family will come " Rani started to tickle Sonu which made Sonu giggle nonstop.

" Heyhh stoppp huhuhhh stoohhhh ayo " Sonu caught Rani's hand " now taste your own medicine " this time it was Rani's turn to laughing non-stop." Hehhhh huhuhhh stoohhhh huhuhhh" poor Rani wasn't even able to say a word .

After 12 pm in the noon ...

Sonu and Rani were sitting together in the office room waiting for Sonu's family to arrive it has already been 2 hr the caretaker was finished with her paper work and looked at the two children sitting on the front couch for two hours.

" Hey kiddo why don't you go and play on the playground that way if Sonu's family comes you will know right away " Rani and Sonu looked at each other , Sonu said " ranu let go and play I am bored we been sitting for a long time!!!" Rani was also bored to her last brain cell but since she can't leave her best friend she endured it " yes let's go I am also bored "

Both of them went playing on the playground with the other kids. The caretaker looked at the two small cuties with heart in her eyes and whispered to herself " these pure souls make our day with their cuteness and the small unexpected questions I just love my job !!!!! " She grinned with happiness thinking about the many children she took care of .