encounter with sunshine 3

Sonu was playing with Rani and other kids Sonu and Rani decided to climb on the railing which was made for kids playing on the playground. Sonu was so happy because it was her birthday.

" Hey ranu what gift do you have for me ? "

Hearing this Rani stopped what she was doing and looked at Sonu .

" Huh I won't tell you" and stick out her tongue at Sonu at this Sonu pout.

" Hey don't be like that please please tell me what my gift is ? " Rani laughed at Sonu's cute reactions. " Soni you have to wait till you cut your cake " Sonu just gave up because she knows how stubborn Rani is " fine anyways when will my family come"

That Rani also was thinking but before Rani could say anything two boys came from behind them one of the boys asked "hey you are Sonu right? " Sonu and Rani got a little scared because they were one year older than both of them. Normally older kids don't talk to the younger ones because they think that young ones are annoying.

Rani and Sonu were looking at each other when one of the boys again asked " are you gonna answer or not?" To this Rani said "yes she is Sonu why you ask brother? " To this the boy said " I heard her say that her parents will come today to celebrate her birthday?" Sonu nodded happily " yes my whole family will come " to this the both boys laughed while looking at each other .

The 1st boy said " ohh really ? What do you think about it sudhir ? " Sudhir looked at his friend and laughed " Poor thing for an orphan like us there is no such thing called family "said Sudhir while looking at Sonu . Sonu and Rani were a bit dumbstruck so they didn't give any reaction.

" Come on let's go dhiraj let's not spoil the child's mood " said sudhir , dhiraj smiled and patted Sonu's head " child don't live in dreams it will break your heart" and both the boys walked away from Rani and Sonu . Sonu and Rani both were frozen on spot until Rani said.

" Hey don't worry they will come" but after a while Sonu replied " maybe" unknown to any of them a girl was watching them very carefully from a distance. It was Teeja she was watching intensely but after a while she just turned her head and left from there.

The day passed it was the time of cake cutting Sonu was constantly glancing at the front gate from the window to see if anyone had come but no one came . Finally the caretaker said " Sonu cut the cake it's time everyone is waiting dear " Sonu nodded her head and cut the cake Rani was the 1st to feed her .

"Happy birthday monkey here is your gift 🎁" Sonu laughed and quickly took the present from her hand and unfolded it . It was a small locket and heart shape one in which we can keep a small photo of the most precious memory of our life. Sonu was happy beyond the word after all it was the 1st time someone brought a gift for her birthday.

And it was the 1st time she celebrated her birthday.she was so excited that she was smiling the whole time. After a while the caretaker started to take the small children to sleep Sonu was talking with Rani when suddenly Sudhir and dhiraj appeared in front of them. Sudhir smiled and said" didn't I tell you we don't have a family we are the ones who are thrown on the side of the road!"

At this dhiraj nodded his head" see he is right we are nothing but a piece of trash to the people around us ! We don't have a family! " Their voices were getting louder with every word Rani and Sonu were scared of but looking at Rani shaking in fear Sonu decided to be brave " no we have a family and we are not trash "

At this both the boys started to laugh dhiraj said " hey didn't you hear we don't have a family we are orphan that's why we live in orphanage accept it you were thrown like trash " sudhir also spoke" yes we have no family ....

"Hey we have family!" The boys were shocked when they heard a voice behind them they turned quickly and saw that it was Teja . Teja walked calmly toward them with her hands in her hodie pocket and stopped in front of Sonu and Rani who were hugging each other tightly.