we saw sunrise

Teja was looking at bani with a gaze which made bani feel a bit weird like she was finally seen she was not an air , finally someone saw her for the 1st time after so long. Bani suddenly felt a warm hand cup on her cheek and looked up and she saw it was Teja.

Teja and bani stared at each other's eyes deeply. Teja slowly moved her head closer to bani and attached their forehead.rani and Sonu were watching them silently.

" Hey your identity or who you are is not something to be made or find it is about recognising and accepting" Teja said this in a whisper.

Bani was like a lifeless statue until she heard what Teja said , bani's eyes were wide for a moment and she looked at Teja's eyes , Teja was staring at bani with a gaze which cannot be described as sympathy or pity .

Bani just didn't know but somehow she felt it was more than that the way Teja was looking it is like she understood what I was going through.

In Teja's head , no matter what but please don't give up I know there is no one who can understand you but do know that you have to understand yourself first. Teja was repeating this in her head again and again like she knew bani can understand what she wants to say to her.

After a few seconds Teja let bani go and without saying anything she walked at the roof door and stopped in front of it. " Let's go aunty is searching for us " at that time the caretaker lady shouted.

" Bani , Sonu, Rani , Teja where are you girls it's time for bed !!!! " Sonu and Rani held bani's each hand and walked down stairs.

Later that night... Bani was laying on her bed while not being able to think straight as always but this time it was different because there was a voice which was like tearing the darkness apart from inside and clearing the path she never thought existed.

Singh* my identity is not makeble but instead recognisable umm.... thinking hard she finally understood what Teja was trying to say to her she is more than a name that someone can give her she is a living being.

" I always felt like I am missing something I guess it was because of it I didn't really need a name all I need is myself.... thank you"

In the morning....

It was a Sunday morning so Teja was sitting under the tree in the playground with her little monkey and lizard sitting beside her they were taking a snack break. Sonu " sis these cupcakes are so sweet I guess playing two hours was worth it " Rani laughed at Sonu's comment " Sonu you are really a monkey always thinking about eating or playing huh" Sonu pouted at Rani's comment and stuck her tongue out at Rani .

" Well lizard you should eat more and also exercise more like Sonu you know " now it was Rani's time to pout at Sonu , Teja was grinning seeing the two Becker for the 1111th time a day she got used to it. As Teja was looking around she saw bani come their way. " Hey both of you stop fighting bani is coming this way "

" Uh-huh what??!"

Sonu and Rani who were just one inch apart from grabbing each other's throat stopped and quickly distanced themselves from each other and looked at bani .

Bani stopped in front of them and gave something in Teja's hand. It was a paper saying thank you.

Teja looked at bani with a gentle gaze and nodded her head " it's ok you don't have to thank me and specially this idiot's right beside me " Sonu and Rani looked at each other and then back at Teja. " Hey sis who are you calling idiot it's better if you are referring to Rani ok "

" Hey monkey stop it didi was referring to you ok get over it now !! " At side they were beckering like twin sisters while Teja was firmly keeping her eyes on bani.

" Bani don't pay them attention they are always like this Do you want to say anything more?" Bani looked at Teja and nodded her head and took a deep breath. " Can...I ..call you sister?" The trio altogether stopped and stared at bani like an owl.

Bani panicked seeing the expression on their faces " ohm.. it's.. it's..ok I am sorry I.."

" Yes "

" Uh-huh?"

" Yes you can call me sister" bani was surprised but she knew somewhere in her heart that the girl who talked to her last night is exactly the same she is seeing now.

Bani smiled " thank you sister"

The trio smiled at bani gently. Sonu got close to bani and hugged her , bani was a bit taken aback but she hugged her at last.

Sonu loudly said

" Welcome to family bani !!!! " Rani also said the same " welcome to family" bani laughed at Sonu and Rani's excitement.

" Ummm"

Although Teja just smiled but in her heart she also welcomed bani.

"Welcome to family bani "