Magic day

6am in the morning...

Date :- 23 August 2022

The birds were chirping as the morning sun rays entered the orphanage through the window which eventually fell on Sonu's face which made her squirm and she pulled the blanket all the way up to her face and went to sleep again peacefully until....

" Get up good morning monkey!! "

"Get up good morning monkey!! "

Rani and bani jumped on Sonu and pulled her blanket off and brutally shouted in union in Sonu's ear.

" Oiyeee..uaa... leave me alone you donkeys!!!! "

" Get up monkey it's your birthday" said Rani

" Happy birthday Sonu !!! " Said bani.

" Please let me sleep for a few more minutes "

Rani and bani sigh in frustration.

Bani had enough of this sleepy Koala

" Hey monkey get up or else you want to rather stay at orphanage alone huh??"

Rani nodded her head in agreement

" Right Sonu don't forget today is our school trip as well "

Hearing this Sonu leapt out of her bed making Rani and bani fall on each other's bed

" Offff...owee...... yooou!...."

" Whaaat ..... Oh my gosh why didn't you tell me sooner"

Bani was getting red from anger

" Idiot we were waking you up for a while it's you who wanted to sleep some more minutes"

Sonu gave Rani and bani a glare and stuck her tongue out.

" That's enough all of you go get ready or I will give the chocolate that I brought for you to someone else " Sonu and Rani , bani looked at Teja and shouted.

" Don't !!!!! " Teja laughed.

" I see so whoever gets ready 1st will also get my share of chocolates "

" That chocolate will be mine" said Sonu and picked up her blanket and covered Rani , bani with it . " Offf... Wait for you you cheater!!!! " Scared Rani and bani .

Sonu sprinted toward the girls bathroom while giggling and Rani and bani also followed behind her. Teja was laughing hard seeing them fight for chocolate even when they were already 17 years old.

" This panda will wake up early even when it's her own birthday" Teja smiled to herself as she thought of her little panda 🐼 Sonu .

After half an hour all the girls sprinted from the bathroom bani , Rani were ahead of Sonu so Sonu grabbed their arms to stop them but bani quickly dogged in reflexes and Sonu missed bani but she was able to grab Rani's hand in time.

Sonu was grabbing rani so she could win but instead it slowed both of them and bani was the first to reach Teja. Teja handed bani the extra chocolate while smiling.

Sonu shouted " hey stop it I want a rematch!!" Bani stick out her tongue at Sonu and said " in your dreams little panda 🐼"

" Don't dare call me that only big sis calls me that way !! " Rani who was controlling her laugh now burst into a fit of giggle.

"You cheated and still want a rematch forget it if it wasn't because of you I would have been the winner" Rani said in a tounting way. Sonu gave Rani an annoying look " yay what ever!!! " And started to look at her feet.

Teja , Rani and bani looked at each other and gave a meaningful smile. Bani walked in front of Sonu and handed all the chocolate to her Sonu looked at the chocolate in her hands. Then the three of them started to sing " happy birthday to you panda !! happy birthday to you !! happy birthday to you!! "

Sonu's head snapped upward as she looked blankly at them singing for her birthday.

As the song finished Teja , Rani and bani smiled at Sonu , Sonu was staring at them the look in their eyes was so gentle and filled with tenderness for a second Sonu felt like the world had stopped.

Teja looked at Sonu's expression and knew what she was feeling" hey want a hug " as Teja said this she opened her arms wide for Sonu at that time Sonu eyes went round but in the next second she pulled Rani , bani with her in Teja's arms and hugged them tightly.

Bani who doesn't like to be clingy started to struggle and shout for help.

" Hey don't be so touchy you little panda!!" But she stopped as she heard a small sniff and realised that Sonu was crying.bani knows that this little panda is an emotional fool but this little panda belongs to her so she was her responsibility.

Bani quietly wrapped her arms around Sonu . " Hey panda shuuu it's ok don't cry " bani said this in a very tender voice.

"No I am not crying ok I am strong I don't cry" bani sigh softly and caressed Sonu's hair " stupid monkey who said that crying is a weakness it's a coping mechanism of every living being when it hurts they cry it let the pain out in order to be free from it so if you are suffering let it out the more you hold it and think that you are being strong but in reality it is called being weak so don't hold anything in let it out ok "

Sonu hugged the three of them more tightly. "Maybe " and then Rani , Teja and bani looked at each other and gave a meaningful nod. Knowing that the 'maybe' is the means that Sonu was facing the reality step by step and they are fine with it. After all facing the reality is like waking up early in the morning you are suddenly not wide awake you have to brush your teeth to be fully awake.

It's ok if she is taking a small step one at a time it's enough at least she is not in a complete darkstage.