magic day part 2

It was 9am and every child was already on the bus except for our four girls they were late because Sonu was not feeling well so they decided to cheer her up by playing hide and sick but in turn it made them late for the bus. Sonu was holding Rani and bani's hand and Teja was walking behind them making sure that her little naughty sisters would not be left behind.

Sonu "hey run fast you too why so slow like a grandma??"

Bani glared at Sonu " it's all your fault why didn't you find us sooner we even hid at the most common place "

Rani " right like are you blind or what?!all of us were hiding just behind the office room door "

Sonu " hahahaha..count yourself lucky I was just eating my leftover sweets otherwise if I had a full meal present we would not be able to go on a trip"

Teja's voice sounded from behind them

" All of you shut up and get in the bus don't you see all the others are staring at us like we are some kind of alien and look at the caretaker aunt then dare say anything "

Sonu " huh?! Ohh aunt I swear it's not my fault it's these two clumsy lizard Rani and bani , Teja sis and I were just hauling them so we can come here sooner "

Rani and bani shouted at Sonu

"What did you say !?? It was your fault you monkey!!"

Teja laughed seeing their little quarrel

The caretaker lady looked at all of them with a sharp gaze but not the mean one it was more like when we do something bad and get caught by our mother's it was that kind of gaze.

But in the end the caretaker lady Singh with defeat.

"Stop it kids and get on the bus already everyone is waiting"

Sonu sprinted inside the bus while shouting " thank you miss believe me I am a good child and oh but you can punish these impudent children"

Rani and bani were red from anger

Rani " this monkey is getting out of hand"

Bani " then let's go and show her that if she is a monkey we are gorillas "

Both of them looked at each other and nodded their head and took a run in the bus.

Teja was the only one who was smiling seeing them play like this but she didn't know that by smiling she kinda attracted all the students attention and everyone started to mumble among themselves.

Random student A "hey..Teja never smiles but don't you think that these days she is smiling quite often? "

Student B " I know right... maybe she is going insane because of fear of losing the three of them I heard she will be going to another city for a job next month"

As those murmurs were getting louder Teja smile turned into a cold stare and she looked at those students who were gossiping about her and Sonu , Rani and bani.

Seeing her cold expression the students stopped their gossip and instead started to look in another direction.

Teja sighed and got on the bus with her hands in her hodie pocket. The caretaker lady carefully looked at everything that was happening but unfortunately she knew that there is no way to help them out It's a problem they have to solve on their own. She closed the bus door and whistles singling for the bus driver to start the bus.

The bus took off from the orphanage its destination was the most Devin (mandir ) temple of goddess Kali although it was a local place but it was quite famous for its ancient design and the beautiful Shila ( stone) work .

Goddess Kali represents many things like time , time travel and creation of the world , fearless, courage , destruction power and sexuality and the Divine protection from all the evils in the world and most of all the representation of a mother energy.

Sonu was specifically very excited because she was a type of girl who is interested in anything which is related to the spiritual world or anything which is beyond the physical world.

It was insane that she was so mad but she didn't let anyone know about this except for her family. Rani and bani didn't really care much about it because they just don't really believe in stuff like that but on the other hand Teja never made it clear on which side she is but Sonu also didn't make it clear that she really believes in Divine power or anything but on the other hand her actions and words seems like she did believe.

Sonu was deep in her thoughts thinking what should she do when they are done praying. °•°maybe we can see other small temples it would be exciting to explore other mandir (temple) as well °•°

Sonu snapped her head when someone put a cold bottle of water on her cheeks

" What the heck ?!!! Ohh you are so finished Rani how dare you!!!"

Rani laughed like a typical villainess to mock Sonu " you started it money now bear it " and stick out her tongue.

Bani was giggling from the side

Sonu" so funny hahaha now get lost and let me eat something"

Bani "hey monkey here i brought you some snacks I know you only have two things in life eat and sleep"

Sonu's eyes spirkled like a star in the sky " ohh thank you ma'am"

Bani smirked and said " no mention of my baby panda "

Rani stared at both of them with her mouth hanging open " unbelievable why you didn't bring me any ??!!! "

Bani was startled and then felt embarrassed " ummm you never eat anything even if someone offers so I ..."

Rani was now getting more angry " so what huh why I guess I am not important anymore?!!"

Bani was searching for something to distract Rani otherwise it will be her end suddenly she saw a rabbit costume walking with the poster in hand saying I am jongkook the bunny and she knew what to do because Rani was a big fan girl of BTS.

" Hey Rani look there is the bunny holding the BTS board!!!"

Rani " huhhh ?!! Where!?? Where!?? Wow it's so cute awwwww!!!!!!"

Bani heaved a sigh.

Sonu and Teja looked at bani with a admiring gaze mixed with a uncertain look

Teja " you're getting better at dodging the close calls huh"

Bani clasped her hand together while mouthing " ohh please she could have killed me today"

Sonu and Teja burst into a fit of giggle

Bani also smiled but hearing them giggle Rani was distracted and looked at them

" Huh... what's going on .. wait are you all laughing... and that too on me !!! "

Rani looked furiously at bani and huffed

" You..huh.. forget it I'll let you off this time because I got to see the cute buuny"

Now bani , Teja and Sonu were laughing at Rani . Rani Huffed and looked at the other side outside of windows and was smiling nonstop although she was looking the other way but they all could sense Rani smiling which made a soft smile appear on each of their faces.