magic day part 3

It was almost night when they reached the other city many of the children were sleeping peacefully and as expected Rani and Sonu were sleeping on Teja's either side of the shoulder. Teja however was wide awake and looking out of the window on Sonu's side quietly staring at the street light of each passing city and road.

Bani was looking through the smartphone it was the smartphone which all of them had brought by all the savings from their pocket money so it was all of their property and no doubt they all fought for it and the war just never ends until Teja comes and takes away the phone from them.

Bani was just scrolling through random stuff but after a while she noticed Teja just quite and all while staring out side of the window there was no way four of them could sit on one seat so bani was the one sitting at the exact other side of their seat because she was always the one who doesn't like crowd but she doesn't mind it if it's only teja , Rani and Sonu but at this she just sat in different seat so they could sit comfortably but this thing was of no use because Teja , Rani and Sonu they were like glue for the whole day sticking to her side.

And Sonu even sat on her lap just because there wasn't enough space.


Bani was looking out of the window when suddenly Rani came and sat beside her

Bani slowly turned her head and looked at Rani " so are you done being mad \(^⁠_⁠^)/ ? "

Rani snapped her head at bani and glared at her " none of your business shut up (=⁠_⁠=)"

Bani didn't said anything more but her expression was like she knew that Rani will come to her (^⁠‿⁠^⁠).

Teja " bani can slide the other way I want to sleep The crack head is playing music very loud I can't fall asleep"

Bani " huh..? Oh come sit"

Teja sat near the window so she can have some fresh air and fall asleep easily but suddenly a high pitched voice was heard

Sonu " huh!!!how dare you all be here without me "

Bani had enough of this (ತ⁠_⁠ತ) she immediately stood and covered Sonu's mouth with her one hand and signalling with the other hand to stay quiet

" Shuuu.. lower your voice sis is trying to sleep , and what are you doing here we all can't fit in such a small space"

Sonu " hmmhmmmm..." Bani removed her from Sonu's mouth to let her speak.

Sonu " who said there isn't enough space" Sonu said in a quiet voice.

Bani " what?" Bani didn't get it so she unconsciously just blurted the question out until she was thrown in her seat back

Bani " ..aaaaaiiiiii ....." And before anything more can happen Sonu sat on bani's lap.

Bani " yea I guess there is enough space but you're an idiot" although bani was a bit pissed but it was amusing to her the way all of them just squeezed in like they were cats but in a way they were warm so bani really don't mind having extra warmth.

Sonu smiled at bani's response and ducked her head in her phone again.

Bani looped her arms around Sonu's stomach to make sure she doesn't fall and hit her head on the front seat when there is a road breaker. Rani was peaking at them with her one eye while smiling like she saw something funny.

Bani " it's a bad habit to spy on people Rani you should sleep"

Rani immediately closed her eyes shut.

Bani laughed at Rani's reaction.

Although Teja was closing her eyes she hasn't yet fallen asleep but it's not because they were being nosy it's just Teja has not been able to sleep lately. As bani was busy holding the little panda and Rani had already fallen asleep Teja sigh.

End of the flashback.....

At present..

Bani looked at Teja and asked " sis what's on your mind? "

Teja looked at bani and smiled

" Nothing why are you asking? " Bani eyed Teja suspiciously.

Bani "it's just that you are lately a little distracted like there is something bothering you"

Teja was silent for a moment and looked at bani with an expressionless face but quickly changed her expression to something we should call a cheerful smile but the one which we fake.

"Don't worry it's just I haven't been sleeping much lately so it's probably affecting me in some way "

Bani heaved a sigh of relief "sis you should get more sleep and don't forget if something is bothering you you can talk to us you know"

Teja giggled and patted bani's head

" I know that my little seedlings are now grown trees but don't forget that for me you all are the same small seedling"

Bani looked at Teja and smiled "I know sis " just then the caretaker lady's voice was heard " everyone wake up we reached the hostel we will be staying here for the night come on wake up " and she clasped her hands many times which made every child wide awake.

" Come on kids let's go and rest for the night so we can go for site seeing and visit the temple early in the morning"

Bani and Teja gently woke Sonu and Rani up.

Teja " hey let's go you can sleep on a comfortable bed wake up both of you "

Bani " wakey wakey sleepy heads "

Teja thought of the old times when while watching TV with all the orphanage kids how the three of them used to fall asleep and then she would have to help the caretaker lady to carry bani,Sonu and Rani to their bed.

It was one of those times when the whole orphanage would watch a small TV together although what we would get to watch was the biggest question mark so the caretaker aunty was the one who decided what they would watch.

And it was fun because Monday was a horror movie day and Tuesday was a comedy night and Wednesday was a fantasy movie night Saturday was basically for religious movie night and Thursday and was about science fiction and lastly Friday and Saturday and Sunday were reserved for the cartoons the caretaker rarely ever showed them any fighting or abusive movie as she knows that it's not a good thing for children to see something and get their innocent mind polluted.


hey sweeties are you doubting yourself? and you feel like you can't trust anyone and it's the truth we really can't trust anyone we are here born as an animal to survive and live not to believe in a false concept like trust and it's ok I know sweeties you feel like everything you ever learnt is falling apart and you know why ? because everything that's happening is showing you the truth as it hurts because we have been taught in a wrong way let's both learn the correct things with every day of life. sweetie now please can you give me your canny smile so that I can smile too 🥺 have a day like this that even if the worst things are coming in your way you are still able to find positivity or at least your able to appreciate the simplest things ok sweeties 💙.