
Sonu was sitting alone with her head on her knees with no sound or anything but still tears slipping down her left and no one to love or care for herself from the very young age she was used to not making a sound while crying to not let anyone hear or know that she was crying even though she knew in her heart that no one will care even if she cries and that realisation was hurting her even more.she wiped silently not knowing that the sun was setting and the darkness was coming.

"awooooo hrrrrr" Sonu Heard many wolf growling and looked at the front slowly the growling sound was getting close to her , she wasn't a baby she knew that if she didn't hide now it will be too late so she swiftly got up and hid behind a small bush which barely covered her but it was enough to hide for her in the pack of wolf reached her she even slowed her breathing to make less sound but sadly the wolf don't only have hearing senses they also have pretty good smell sense.

one of the wolves which looked like the pack leader came front and started to smell the exact same spot where Sonu sat seeing this Sonu held her breath and kept staring at that wolf as if the moment she will blink the wolf will be in front of her like a ghost. the wolf turned to where Sonu was hiding and slowly started to come towards Sonu's hiding spot Sonu Panicked and even stopped breathing. as the wolf almost was going to reach so close to her when suddenly something hit the Wolf's head.

whoop!! at the speed of air something came crashing the wolf on ground and princess niru was standing tall her back facing Sonu , °•° she just punched that wolf in face ? what the hell do people here even eat ? °•° as if the princess heard Sonu's thought she turned her head and gave Sonu a smile and in a second she turned her head again facing the wolves who were growling seeing that their pack leader got punched and probably is unconscious right now.

"Sonu !!" some hugged Sonu tightly from behind then Sonu saw it was Teja , bani and Rani stood in front of her with a furious expression bani " who the heck do you think you are a super man or something?! "

Sonu was cornered by the sudden questions

Sonu " I umm I..." she was again cut off by Rani " I what huh?! do you think it's still funny or something it would have been your last day stupid!! what do you even gain from making us worry like this !!! "

Sonu was feeling that there was no way out when suddenly Teja said in a soft yet sharp tone" enough both of you don't you see she is scared instead of comforting your making her more worried by asking such questions" bani and Rani looked at Sonu then heaved a sighed. bani patted Sonu's hair like a child "little panda don't worry everything is fine just don't run like that please you don't know you might not see it but for someone your whole universe ok " Rani just hugged Sonu tightly.

as they were in their own little world they didn't realise that the princess and her soldiers made the whole pack of wolves run with their tails trailing between their legs. when everything was over the princess came to three of them with a troubled expression niru said " it's already down we should rest here the forest you know it's like your world full of creatures and animals lurking in dark to hunt" hearing this all of them just nodded their head in agreement.

after half hour.....

the tent was set by all the soldiers and the fire was also lighted by them and princess niru also helped them they also took the food from temple container of supply for everyone to eat . as the some soldiers were busy cooking Teja and bani , Rani also decided to help them Sonu also wanted to help them but her sisters simple refused to let her work and said to rest as she had a quiet adventure today.sonu was sitting near the campfire quitely staring at Teja , bani and Rani while they work they were smiling and teasing eachother somehow it made her feel left out.

after so long she felt those feelings again the feeling of being left in darkness with no one to hold as Sonu was lost deep somewhere she felt someone grabbing her shoulder from one hand she jumped out of reflex " wow ! calm down it's me calm down please! " it was princess niru. Sonu rolled her eyes and sat again not paying much attention to the princess from other world. niru smiled seeing Sonu squint like child she also sat near Sonu. although Sonu probably was not looking at niru she can feel that the princess was sitting by her side. ' she sit all she wants I don't care anyways ' she thought.

"you never expected her to act like that huh"niru said while giving a gentle smile.sonu didn't look up she just kept quiet. "you know the person you saw today he was well known in the kingdom my father and mother aka the king and queen also believed in him not just them I also trusted him" finally after this Sonu lefted her head and looked at niru as if she found something which triggers her curiosity.

niru smiled and continued"today he came here for the power the (mother) maa kali temple held there is a legend that four people will come from another world they will have divine powers and they will save our world from destruction but before that they have to touch the four stones which will awaken their power some even say that the stone have the real power but no one knows and we don't even know if this legend will come true or not but many people are after those four people so they can have that power as to how that too no one knows"

Sonu"what is this destruction you are talking about? and when will it happen?" princess niru "this destruction will happen after ten (10) years from now on and this destruction is said to be caused by the splitting of timeline like the bridge by which our small world is connected to other world of other universe and when that happens our planet will just split too leaving nothing " Sonu " split? and what about the old man ? was he also after that power? " niru nodded her head"yes it was unbelievable that the respected court advicer will come in greed of power it kinda of feels like he betrayed us not just that he was someone we never expected to do something like this but he showed us that people are not clean and white people have darkside too "

Sonu was looking at niru with an intense gaze "you know it's ok it's our fault to think or expect from someone even if we do everything for someone that person cannot full fill out expections same goes with us we can't full fill others expectations " Sonu " so what do we even do we love that person but and do everything for them but they disappoint us " princess niru just gave a small smile"my mother once said that if you really want to love then never expect anything because love is not something in which we do something for someone so they can also make us happy in return no love is something in which if we do something for that person we are more than happy to be any help of that person "

Sonu " but....." Sonu wanted to say something but slowly as she just digested niru's words somewhere in her mind it clicked what the princess was trying to say to her.princess niru have Sonu a gentle smile before Sonu was called by Rani to have dinner but they don't seems to hear it.sonu felt a fit of angre boiling inside of her asking "why ?why ? it's always me? I don't want all of this what did I even do?"

"do you know about the bamboo 🎍 tree in the Strom it doesn't fall and break but instead bents opposite happen with the tall and hard tree's which cannot bend and instead break and fall if we think of the bad things as strom then are you ready to become the small and thin bamboo to bend and when the Strom passes the bamboo again stands tall similarly the bad things and the good things come in life to not just bend us but also for teaching so it's up to us if we want to become the flexible bamboo and learn all those things which universe is teaching or should be like a stubborn hard tree which will will break and never be able to stand again? but for us living being we fall in category of learning when something hurts so bad and the process is repeating again this means we have to observe what teaching is hidden it could be anything don't let the same fire burn you twice so does learn from every pain that the universe will have no need to repeat something to make you understand the same thing twice "

Sonu fell silent for a second she could feel the strom of questions and all of her complex emotions she was going through she could feel them slowly fading away as if they never existed Sonu stared at niru but the princess was expressionless they both didn't say anything and they both didn't think there was any need to say anything to fill the silence this silence was still and balanced but it also become the witnesses to the starting of a understanding relation.


"To the kid in the corner who trapped in the shadow of doubt passing time till it's over just hold on one day you'll be found tell me who through your chance away did they even know your name if u live in the shadow ur heart never beat as loud your not invisible ur not alone your worth more then they know but you been running running when you should have known " song name - forgettable .

for many of sweethearts who are feeling hyper anxious , pain , numb , grif , guilt I want to say we can learn from the hurt please don't leave and for the sleepless nights you can try a vibration music as music is something which gives us comfort trust this music is so powerful it will definitely help.

you have to keep your finger on the link and then click the option copy and then send the link to someone on any chatting app then you will be able to open it sorry for this circular event I too didn't get how to open the link directly but web novel app doesn't support it like this.

but if you still can't open it the video is on you tube and the title is.

warning! extremely powerful frequency to balance solar plexus chakra / 183hz vibration and music.

this is the title and you will see a sunflower 🌻 on the tittle of video.