forever is a lie ?

It was late at midnight when everyone had already eaten Sonu was sitting alone just in front of their tent Rani , bani and Teja were inside sleeping peacefully Sonu couldn't sleep that's why she came to stare at the sky and see the star and moon shine but her luck today moon and stars were no where to be found because of the cloudy weather still there were still some star which were shining through the small crack of clouds.sonu was looking at those while the anxiety inside of her made her feel restless.

she was scared of Teja not talking to her anymore she was scared of losing her too she didn't want something so important to be taken away this very reason was the cause of her sleeplessness. although she knew that someday there will come where she will be alone again she will again have to stand alone and face everything alone but for now she was not ready °•°why ? why should I be ready I don't want to give something so important to me away °•° as Sonu whispered this she heard a faint sound from behind her which made her jump from suprise.

"can't sleep? " it was Teja she was not really sleeping who could even sleep knowing that they fought with someone they love it would cause so much anxiety that even if we want to sleep the conversation we had the harsh words we said will ring in our ear just when we would be close to fall asleep making us wide awake again filling us with the grif of saying something cruel to the one we Teja saw how Sonu jumped silently in fear she sighed to herself "sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

Sonu quickly shook her head "no it's ok I wasn't paying attention" after this both of them went silent as always Sonu was dying because of the cold silence so she decided to break it by offering a seat "do you want to sit with me?"Teja looked at Sonu and just nodded her head Sonu quickly slid to one side and made space for Teja to sit , Teja sat down beside Sonu and started to look at the very small yet visible star Sonu was looking at Teja more like peeping after a minute Teja spoke in a soft voice.

"you know it's never going to work if you always think about others before yourself"Sonu looked at Teja and then down at the ground , Teja sighed and looked at Sonu "we are not children we have to accept that the world is a place where survival of fittest is the rule" Sonu was still staring at the ground

"you have to let go of the things you love the most not because you want to or someone is forcing love means freedom so one day people will leave "

Sonu looked at Teja with full eyes which showed hopelessness and suddenly asked

"then forever is a lie ? " Teja was lost for words but she didn't need to reply as someone else did it before her "no but it depends on you what your forever is" both Sonu and Teja looked behind it was Rani who said this and bani was also standing by her side both bani and Rani looked at eachothers then at Teja and Sonu and gave a small smile.

bani "so what is your forever? is it staying by someone's side?" Sonu just nodded her head bani and Rani crouched down in front of Teja and Sonu Rani took Sonu's both hands on her own and smiled "forever for me is our memories the 1st time we met and each time when you taught me something about myself and the world it's a bond which give me wisdom about myself and when I am with you I feel happy not just that even if I just think about you and the way you smile it makes me smile too"

bani "and the way you saved me that is my forever you see in life your life that staying with someone doesn't mean it's forever you can be with someone for your whole life and die without knowing anything about the person or yourself it will be empty but when you get to meet someone who changes you for the good that bond with that person is called forever no matter how small or temporary the relationship is but if that bond still feels like home even if you never saw that person again but when you think about them you are not sad you feel a smile creep into your face"

Rani "and when you remember all the memories you made together you are grateful for them " Rani looked at Teja who was smiling silently as though she is a proud mother or elder sister who taught the toddler well "can I know when did the two of you woke up"Teja said with a smirk at this both Rani and bani panicked looking at eachothers then finally bani said "like you two we weren't asleep from the start we were let's say pretending to be dead?" Rani looked at bani with disbelief "did you hit your head or something? idiot it's you who was pretending to be dead I was genuinely trying to sleep ok"

"pfttt.."Sonu laughed lightly hearing them Becker even in the middle of night all of them turned to Sonu and smiled finally seeing Sonu smile again it was like a flower was wilted when Sonu didn't smile for the whole day but when she finally laughed they all felt as though the flowers were on bloom. bani hugged Sonu tightly,Sonu was a bit surprised not because she knew that bani doesn't like to show physical affection but bani has always made an exception for them all in that term it's just that the hug was out of blue but Sonu still hugged bani back Rani also hugged them Teja was looking at them but in the end she also hugged them Sonu closed her eyes while smiling.

Sonu "you guys we should sleep tomorrow we have to travel you remember right?" bani hugged Sonu more tightly "it's your fault panda now stay still until we are finished" Sonu complained on her banis hug was getting tighter bani , Teja and Rani laughed at

Sonu's complaints Sonu can be a whole mood seriously never knew when will be sad or happy but most of the time she seemed joyful and positive although it was something the outer world saw inside of her she was always in war with her mind , body and feelings.

Sonu was complaining but in reality she didn't mind the tight hugs which made her feel safe maybe some day she will be able to express what she likes and dislike maybe some day she will learn that others cannot understand her if she doesn't say clearly what she wants and doesn't want.


all of the four girls were out of their tent getting fresh near the river after that they all went to see the princess who was currently talking to a soldier in her own tent. they all saw that someone was inside the tent and princess niru looked quite serious while talking to that soldier. Sonu "maybe we should wait until they finish we shouldn't disturb them right?" bani nodded her head in agreement. Teja "ok we will wait here outside so if the princess sees us she can hurry and finish whatever they are talking about"

at Teja's finished princess niru saw them and invited them inside her tent and the soldier bowed down to niru and left.princess niru was looking a bit nervous she heaved a sigh "umm guards are saying that there are no horses available currently because of the big festival held in nitya kingdom all the horses were taken for parade" for a second they all were confused that why is niru saying this to them until they realised that the horse were their median to travel.

Sonu was the 1st to react dramatically "whoa so you mean if there was not this parade then I would be riding a horse for the whole trip?" princess niru was a bit amused seeing someone 1st time get so excited about horse ride as she was the only person she knew who liked horse riding but none of the people princess niru knew liked the horse riding Sonu was the 1st person she saw who was this excited for horse riding she smiled. Teja looked at niru with an expressionless face "by this you mean it will affect the time we will reach your palace?"

princess niru looked at Teja and nodded her head. bani "how much time?" princess niru thought for a second before replying "probably a week or something"

all of their mouths were hanging in the air hearing such shocking news.

Sonu "crap if we are going home this late I am sure we would be considered dead zombies "

Rani "shut the hell up sonu ! or you want me to faint again?"

bani "Sonu ! if you can't say something positive don't open your mouth to say anything! "


" I am in love with someone who doesn't know I exist I stare from afar in my hand - broken heart while I play pretend " song name - invisible.

has this ever occurred to you that maybe all the love or affection words people say those people often leave us broken listen sweeties love is not in words it's in someone's action please don't get fooled by the people who talk like their words are laced with honey let the bitter truth be the reality otherwise you will always be anxious because you been living in fantasy I know living in fantasy when we were small was like a comfort zone and it was ok we were so small and innocent but now when your growing you and getting stronger it's time when you face the reality.

SWEETIES no need to feel freaked out or stressed let's start from the very small thing of just accepting the things you lose interest in are just gone but now you have the chance to find the new things which will slowly heal and mend the little fire of passion that we left let's start with a small step shall we ? let's go sweeties we both can do it ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ