we came pretty far didn't we ?

It was morning and all of the girls and princess niru with some soldiers started their journey , princess niru was in front by her side our little warrior Sonu and Rani on the other side by Rani's side Teja was walking and bani was on Sonu's other side. Sonu was glancing at niru from time to time but she got caught after a few minutes she nervously smiled at niru half expecting the princess to return her smile so when princess niru smiled back at Sonu she was a bit taken aback.

Sonu stepped closer to niru and bent her head in niru's direction as if to say something niru saw Sonu's action and somehow she knew what Sonu was doing or going to say , Sonu whispered in a low voice "hey I just wanted to say thank you and please don't ask why I won't be able to explain" princess niru grinned and said in a low voice "it's ok I am glad that you rekindled with your big sister" Sonu was shocked again even her jaw dropped she didn't thought that the princess will understand why she thanked or more she didn't expect her to know that they all patched up because from the morning Sonu did not talk to Teja in front of niru.

although it was not intentional it just happened that she didn't talk to Teja in front of princess niru so she was a bit surprised that niru can guess it maybe niru is much wiser than she appears or Sonu thought. Sonu smiled as this thought crossed her mind she was grateful that at least there is one person who can understand her words without her having to explain them.niru was looking ahead but she saw from the corner of her eyes that Sonu was smiling seeing this she also smiled.

after walking for eight hours..... it was down so they decided to spend the night at the nearby lake.they didn't walk continuously it is not possible for a human after all so they rested for half hour after every two hours of walking they crossed the dense part of the forest and now they reached an open area with a lake nearby all of the girls were amazed to see that the lake was crystal clear not just that but there were many crystals coming out of the water like small mountains on earth. Rani gasped in amazement and Bani kept looking at it as though she couldn't believe it while Teja just calmly observed it as if she wanted to capture this beautiful scenario in her mind.

Sonu was so surprised that her eyes were round like a tea cup.

princess niru was on the other hand smiling seeing all of their amzad reaction all of a sudden she grabbed Sonu's hand , Sonu jumped from surprise as she felt someone hold her wrist when she looked up she saw it was princess niru she thought °•°ohh right she was by my side who would it be other than her but wait a minute! why is she holding m...°•° before her thoughts could run more wild princess niru said "come on follow me I will show you something much better" and just like that without hearing Sonu's reply niru pulled her "offf hey go slow"

Rani and bani dramatically looked at each other then at Sonu and niru while Teja just looked at Sonu and niru calmly.niru got at the lake side and was going to step inside the water when Sonu pulled her "what do you think you are doing?! I don't want to get soaked in water ok ! " princess niru laughed at Sonu's exaggerating word " Trust me you won't get wet just follow me step by step. " Sonu didn't want to follow after niru but she thought the water at the edge is not that deep even if she gets wet it will be only up to her ankle.

she sighed and stood by niru's side and when they both took a step tinggg suddenly something rang as if it was some kind of bell 🎐 Sonu was shocked when she saw instead of her feet getting inside the water round snow ❄️ flake like crystal was formed at their feet which glowed with blue colour and the crystal which came out of water and was near them started to shine with mix of blue and bright red ( "woww... it's so .." princess niru smiled and completed the sentance for Sonu "magical right?" Sonu just nodded her head without averting her gaze from the crystal at their feet. both of them were caught in the small fragile moment but this was broken from a loud voice.

"whoa... it's incredible common Rani let's try it !" bani pulled Rani by hand. both of them stepped on the lake water and immediately another beautiful sound rang and a round glowing crystal of pink colour formed at their feet rani laughed from excitement and they started to run on the lake.many crystal of many colours started to form Teja also stepped on the water and started to walk calmly while being amzad how a bell was ringing and glowing crystal of many colours were forming with every step and the former one disappearing when you take the next step as if they never existed as well as the crystal mountain glowing with mix of every possible colour it looked as if the northern sky lights came on the lake surface.

Sonu was watching Teja walking calmly and bani and Rani running wildly while a beautiful music filled the place as if the lake itself creates the music when you step on it Sonu was brought back from daze by niru pulling her hand."common we should run too ! " Sonu was a bit hesitant "but such beautiful and calming music is being produced I don't want to ruin it by running what if it makes everything sound odd?" princess niru smiled at Sonu's words"this lake is called swara means chord or tune this lake is known by the name of goddess of sound so no matter how much out of shape you go it will only create the best sound " after that niru pulled Sonu and they also started to run like crazy while laughing uncontrollably. as niru said the music tune got better and better with each step.

with all of them running with the sunset 🌇 and the beautiful tune being made with their each it all made the surrounding look even more beautiful.after playing for a good while they all decided to set the tent and make dinner.after they all had dinner the four girls decided to sit near the campfire for a while niru also sat by Rani's side on her other side was Sonu and on Sonu's other side Teja at last bani who was tired from all the runing and walking today was sitting quietly and sighing to herself.

bani *sigh Teja looked at bani and patted her head "you shouldn't be reckless we been walking like for the whole day why do you have to run like that if you can't handle it ?"

"I know sis i am sorry ok but it was quite fun I would have regretted if I didn't ok " Teja laughed at bani's childish behaviour "ok show me your feet I will massage it for you " bani didn't wanted to let Teja do it for her but Teja as always like stubborn and dominating mother took her feet and started to massage them.

bani and Sonu who were looking at them just shrugged knowing too well once the old hag said something she ain't listening to no one. Niru on the other hand found this situation similar to something that happens to her when she is with her mom so she just laughed a little " so do you guys want to play an interesting questions game ?" all of the girls looked at niru and nodded their heads.

"ok it's a simple game where everyone will be given one turn and they can ask one question to one person "

Sonu "can I go First?" everyone nodded their head niru"yes go ahead "

"so this question has been on my mind how is it that this different world has the same language as us ? "

"because we learnt it from your kind in our world there was no language we just communicated with telepathy I said the correct word right? that's what you call talking with the help of impulse of the brain right? "

Sonu was speechless "Yeah that's right "

Rani "now my turn tell me do you have many interesting places like this!?"

"yes we have many different types of places which were blessed by mother nature and tomorrow morning if you would like I can show you something good if you are willing to wake up early"

bani "really? I will wake up please show me " princess niru grinned finally seeing the silent treatment disappearing from bani.after quite few questions finally niru decided to ask something different "so I want to ask Sonu is there something that someone said that you still remember one which made you feel hurt but other which made you feel happy?" Sonu Singh and looked up at the sky filled with star and blinked slowly"yes it was when my father left me in orphanage he said *you are a burden, don't be selfish think about your little brother's , it's such small thing don't be selfish' this was the very word which I still remember which made me feel like I was a burden but now I am slowly learning to accept that he was just not ready to take my responsibility and it's not my fault nor his so I just want to move on slowly " everyone looked at Sonu but Sonu's eyes never looked away from the night sky Rani and Teja and bani hugged Sonu , Sonu smiled " and the best words I heard were do you remember Rani when you asked to be my friend? and when Teja said that I have a family and it's her as my sister and the moment at which bani asked us to include her in the family these are the best words that I heard they were like the light of rey which give me hope to continue everything " niru smiled at Sonu's words and turned her head up to look at the stars.


"like a small boat in the ocean sending big waves into motions like how a single word can make a heart open I might only have one match but I can make an explosion " - fight song by Rachel platten.

hey sweetheart do you remember someone who was like that one calm tree in your Strom which said something you never expected and which made your heart open now see for yourself you came a long way you can feel gratitude right? let's just admire how you transformed like a butterfly 🦋 let's just today not go by without saying to yourself that I am proud of you for turning your pain into a lesson like a butterfly your transforming into much wiser version of yourself each time you learn from your pain.

I am proud of you sweetheart I will continue this journey with you let's learn together and reach a higher level of transformation and become wiser.