legend of light mountain

Sonu was still looking at the stars and Rani and Teja were putting some dry wood to keep the fire burning while now it was princess niru's turn to ask questions as everyone was busy in their own world niru decided to ask bani " so it's my turn can you tell me a best and a worst feeling you ever felt? and feel free to say no it's ok if you want to keep it to yourself" niru added to her questions knowing that this question can be critical.

bani looked at niru and shrugged "naah it's ok so starting from the worst I don't know if you can understand it but once there was a person who would just say really mean things that me he much older than me and one time he even went as far as to abuse me physically but I was lucky I escaped after that I hated my body as if...as if ..."

"as if your body was a cage and you were trapped?" niru completed the sentence like with an expressionless face bani stared up at niru and just nodded her head"hmm right" banu looked up and continued "I felt so vulnerable , weak and left as if I don't mean anything like I had no purpose or value these were the worst feelings I felt" niru stared at bani's face while bani was now staring at the camp fire , Teja and Rani returned at their places and sat. bani smiled and continued

"and the best feeling the best feeling was when Teja sis told me my identity is not from the people around me nor it is something I should define it is to be explored as an individual being " Teja smiled hearing bani's words while Rani and Sonu were looking fondly at bani.

" I am so grateful for sonu grabbing my hand that day and for Rani yelling at me for all of you thank you for being there I can't imagine what would have happened maybe I won't be here seeing the beautiful lake today " whooshhh and here we go bani received a fist on her back and a loud thap sounded"oweeee you monkey why did you hit me ? "

it was Sonu who hit bani on her back "because you are talking nonsense why won't you be here listen I will even not leave your soul alone in hell I will even find you there and drag you to heaven with me so stop saying that if you would be here or not blah blah blah ok !! "

" hey monkey 🐒 who told you I am going to hell? " Sonu rolled her eyes " I know from my heart that a lizard like you with that cold attitude of your who will want you other than the ruthless devil himself?"

"ohhh really? well it is my dream to meet a devil but it seems like my wish got fulfilled much sooner as the devil himself is standing here "

Sonu's cheeks were looking red as if she was so angry" youuu!! get lost you lizard!" niru and Teja and Rani were laughing at their beckering when niru noticed that Sonu's whole face was red and when she scratched down her neck a clot appeared there as if she is having an allergic reaction " Sonu look your neck it's full of red spot " Sonu immediately covered her nick where the red spot occurred"ohh shit!"

bani grabbed Sonu's other hand "are you having an allergic reaction again?" Sonu nodded her head and Bani quickly pulled her finger ring out and handed it to Sonu "here wear this on your hand " it was made from pure copper Sonu had a rare allergic disorder called cold urticaria means if the temperature is much colder she gets allergic reaction to it in simple her body can't handle the cold weather.

as Sonu put the ring on her finger her patch slowly started to disappear. niru who was worried looked at Sonu with concerned eyes"are you ok ? What is this cold allergy? I heard of an allergic reaction in your kind but what kind of thing in your case caused it ? " Sonu cleared her throat"well don't worry it's not something major I am allergic to cold like if the temperature is much lower than my capacity I get allergic reaction my allergy is called cold urticaria "

Niru heard everything that Sonu said with great focus and interest and nodded her head "ok we all should sleep now it's getting late and tomorrow we all have to wake up I want to show you all pristi mountain " everyone agreed and went to sleep. as Sonu was going niru called her saying good night in low voice Sonu smiled and wished her back "


it was still dark as if the sun won't rise any soon bani yawn"ahh why do we have to wake up so early I am still sleepy ha " Sonu glared at bani "it is because of you don't you remember last night you said you wanted to see the pristi mountain?" bani scratched up her head"I said I will wake up early in the morning but it's still night " Sonu huff and looked away niru cackled seeing them fight even in their sleep.

" common don't be grumpy it will be worth it trust me keep walking just a little further and we will reach there " bani shrugged " It's easy for you to say but hard for me to do " Sonu rolled her eyes knowing all too well she thought this idiot will never learn from mistake huh. suddenly niru stopped and as expected Sonu's head bumped in her back. "offf " niru turned back and asked in a concern voice " you ok ? " Sonu rubbed her head and nodded "yes I am good"

niru pulled her clock out and put on Sonu's shoulder "wear it it's cold in the morning you will get an allergic reaction otherwise" Sonu just nodded her head. niru wanted to put the clock on Sonu much before but she didn't get the chance or didn't have the courage as she was fiddling with her clock all the way while thinking of a way and the opportunity came at her.

after that they all started to look around Teja "how much time do we have to wait? "

"not much see just in a minute or so hey see it's happening" and niru pointed out in the darkness at sky when they all looked they saw something green glowing at the top as if it was a star or something.

they weren't able to see what it was because it was pretty dark around them but slowly many of the green lights like that appeared in a circle around them and as the sun was rising. the light which looked like they were hanging in the air started to come down and soon a mountain shape was forming all of the girls looked in admiration. all of there were mountain everywhere they were surrounded by the crystal glowing mountain and the lights still didn't stop it came up to their feet they saw the soil glow in brown colour while the tree in green and the pink fruit in pink colour as if everything was made from crystal.

niru got near a tree and plucked a blue fruit out as she plucked it the fruit lost its glow and looked normal and editable "wow this looks good is it sweet in taste!? " niru jumped from surprise and when she saw it was just Sonu she heaved a sigh " ohh yes it's sweet here eat it " Sonu took the fruit curiously from niru's hand " this place is amazing what is it called again? "

"this place is called pristi or Rashmi means emitting light "

Sonu "hmm do all the names have a hidden meaning? like the lake before its name also has meaning? " niru smiled and nodded yes all the names have a meaning hidden in them even your own and mine too "

" what tell ? "

" your name means gold and mine means strength "

"interesting " while saying this she took a bite "mmmmmm this is delicious here would you like to try " Sonu offered it to niru without thinking that she is offering an eaten fruit to a royalty but niru just smiled and took a bite from the other side of the blue fruit.

niru and Sonu picked some fruits for Rani , bani and Teja who were busy looking at the beautiful scanario of sparkling mountain line , soil and basically everything around them it wasn't a blinding light instead it was just like a normal stone sparkling in sun Rey.


"I see your monster I see your pain tell me your problems I chase them away in dark we stand apart we never see that the things we need are staring right at us you just wanna hide hide never show your smile stand alone when you need someone is the hardest thing of all " : - song name I see your monster.

sometimes we need to realise that the things are happening around us are not in our control so why are you being rigid? let's just let things flow if you think you can't do anything about something then why are you hurting yourself? sweethearts we are just mare human we can't control others people or their actions or choicess we can't control situation happening around us let the flow guide you and show you everything so that you can learn more don't be afraid for future or stressed believe that everything that came will go.