
Sonu was still closing her eyes and continued to cling to niru meanwhile niru looked at Sonu with a faint smile on her lips and whispered close to Sonu's ear " hey we reached inside open your eyes everyone is staring at us don't you want to get down? " Sonu's eyes opened and she saw some guards looking their way with concern as well as her girls were staring at especially bani she looked as though she was digging holes with her glare.

Sonu quickly got on her feet and pretended to fix her clothes which were looking dirty since she hasn't changed them in days. bani walked up to her and started to look Sonu up and down "umm.. your fine right? You're not hurt are you? " Sonu almost didn't catch what she said as she was so busy with the awkward atmosphere around her while being busy in embarrassment of being carried like a sack of potatoes that the only response was " huh...? "

bani rolled her eyes " I said are you hurt anywhere? " Sonu's eyes went wide in realisation.

bani was doubting niru that she had hurt Sonu that's why she seemed like a pissed tigress ready to swallow someone " what!? no ! I am fine it's just I was scared to jump so niru helped me " bani after hearing this seemed to calm down and nodded. " wait why are you doubting me why would I do anything bad to Sonu ? " niru argued. " I don't care if it's about someone I love I don't see who is in front " bani said plainly as if she was just spitting the fact which she was actually doing.

Sonu grabbed niru's hand and said in a low voice "shuu please don't mind her she just has trust issues " niru didn't argue any further.

"ok the guard will guide you to the guest room you all should get fresh first and rest then I will take you all to the king and queen so we can talk about your return home "


after the whole day had passed it was down all the girls came outside when niru came to pick them up they all were provided with new dresses after all of them had a bath and changed into new set of clothes they were surprised to see the beautiful gorgeous dresses Teja dress had blue colour which suited her calm nature while bani's dress was red colour indicating the her sharp tongue and fierce demeanor.

Rani's dress had a light pink colour indicating her fragile and soft heart. last but not least Sonu's dress was of bright yellow which almost looked like golden colour. all of the girls were in daze staring blankly at their dresses.

Sonu " whoa...these are amazing they are so soft it almost tickles my skin ! "

Rani " same ! I never expected a piece of cloth to be this soft ! "

suddenly a knocking came on the door. Teja shouted "come in " the door opened revealing niru standing with a stunned expression.

"incredible! you all look as beautiful as I thought! "

Sonu " what do you mean? anyways your dress ! gosh it's so boyish but you're looking hot as hell ! believe me every boy I see fails in front of you! "

Sonu's words made niru blush while Sonu received an ear twist from Teja " talk properly! what is this hot ?! have some shame and manners for once ! "

"owwww ok ! ok! please leave my ear sister 🥺 it hurts " Sonu made a baby face which caused Teja to roll her eyes at her but at the end leaving the poor rabbits ear alone.

niru " I meant that I brought these dresses specially since today you can't go back.."

before she could continue the four girls shouted in union " why can't we go back!!?? "

niru covered her ear immediately

"off! ladies! calm down! let me explain! "

the room went quite immediately a thick tension surrounding the air niru cleared her throat nervously putting down her hands which were covering her ear's earlier.

"today is the festival of maa (mother) kali so it's impossible for your return today"

the four of them started to look at eachothers as if talking with eyes while niru stared at them with nervous eyes after few minutes had passed Sonu sighed "it's not like there is any other way so why not just go out and enjoy the festival I am pretty sure it would be great "

"yes ! it's great ! you should see the grand dance held by the special appointed worshiper girls of maa kali ! it's the main event!"

since everyone else didn't have much choice so they agreed.

Sonu " what about you? wouldn't there be crowd if you go out since your a... princess? "

Niru " don't worry about it I will just ues a face changer spell it's a special spell only royal know it is uesd to hide ones identity but it won't work on you all since you all are not originally from here "

Sonu hummed in response



niru along with the four girls walking down the busy and bustling street's , their eyes roaming around the lively decoration.

Sonu " whoa... it's so beautiful all the building are looking gorgeous! "

all the building had different colour along with many types of beutiful diverse colur plants and on this special day many golden light lamp were hanging and stuck to the wall and gates.

almost every shop on street was decorated.

"hey ! let's go the dance is starting! "

Teja " what? but the festival has just started "

niru "this festival has been going on since two days! today is the third and last day , the starting of last day is done by special dance let's go now ! "

niru held Sonu's hand and Sonu held Tejas hand and Teja held Rani's when Rani was going to hold bani she was held first by bani.

as niru pulled Sonu others were pulled along seeing them form a chain the little children were laughing.

all of them reached in between the crowd Sonu was looking here and there to find the dance stage.

Sonu " where is the stage? "

niru smiled "there is no stage they are going to perform in mid air see up there! they came look !"

when Sonu looked up she was astonished of the scene before her eyes her pink puffy lips parting slightly mouthing a little wow.

shrill and shouting of excitement filled the air making every cell of Sonu's body vibrate with high intensity the atmosphere become so dense and powerful but Sonu was silent inside , her mind was enjoying the sounds while she could feel the silence inside her body , her body felt empty filled with nothing but peace and silence.

The group of tall girls was floting in the air all of them were covered in deep blue 🔵 and black colour with the pink highlighting their lips, their hairs were as black as an moonless night with a sword in one hand while the other hand had a bowl with the heavy golden jwellery they all looked exactly like Maa Kali

( maa = mother. Kali is a goddess but we never call any goddess in India goddess we refer them as maa )

Sonu was memerised by it she has never seen so many tall girl dress as Maa Kali. the crowd was getting more louder as all the girls started their Bharat natayam dance with no expression on their face their eyes exactly showing goddess kali's anger and power.

Sonu "They're so .... beutiful"

Niru " I know wait you still haven't seen the main thing"

Sonu got more excited to see what more is going to come when suddenly the group of girls dancing stood in two lines a small girl around five years who also was dressed as goddess Kali came from between the two lines standing in the front of all the other tall girls.

although the girls were so small her expressions were the same as the other girls even her walking the way she swayed was even better than the big girls she was holding a sword in one hand while her other hand was empty she raised her sword up sticking her tongue out at the exact moment all the other girls lined behind her moving their hands. the small girl looked like the goddess Kali herself each and every person shivered due to the intense performance.

(* please go search on Google goddess Kali so u could see how she looks it will give you a brief Idea about those girls appearance these things are hard to explain in worlds thank you I hope you understand)

just like this the dance ended Everyone shuddered to their core everything was so dense. Bani being sensitive to crowds was more affected she was still standing at her place when a stranger passing by her said something which shocked her.

"you're skin is beautiful I wish I had it " the person who said it was as white as snow and looked attractive for a second she thought she was getting teased for her dusky skin but when she looked up she saw a geniune smile on the girls face.

Niru "Thanks! you're so kind your eyes are beautiful too ! "

the girl smiled and waved at them continuing to walk.

Bani "wait ...? what just happened? "

Niru " what? "

Bani " she called me beutiful? but she is so much beutiful than me ! she even had pale and white milky skin! "

Niru " that's the point 😅☝️ she has a white skin here we consider dusky or black skin more beautiful since it is the colour of the most beloved and workshipped goddess maa kali "

Sonu " whoa! look there ! look ! look ! "

when everyone looked up they saw a girl holding a ring for proposal but Sonu was more shocked seeing that the girl holding a ring was proposing to another girl as if this shock wasn't enough she saw when the girl accepted the proposal the whole crowd started to clap many people even shouted a congratulations.

Sonu spoke near Niru's ear quietly

" umm....Niru ? is homosexuality legal here ? "

Her one question made Niru look at her as if she is an alien.

" what do you mean LeGal ? is it something illigal to love a human? "

"no ! no ! you're misunderstanding me ! I said this because on earth many countries doesn't allow same gender couple....a..."

"what the hell!? how came a total stranger is considered so great as good that they can control whom a human should love!? you're earth is quite a messed up place! "

Bani "both of you please talk slowly! "

few people around them were giving them stares so bani decided to scold both of them personally.


[ when you feel it's hopeless

when you think you lost oh! I will take your hand and we'll rise up from the dust ohh ]

song name { RISE UP } by The fat rat.

why would you need anyone to treat you right when you start to treat yourself, your own body and soul right? sweetheart from today I won't be calling you sweet heart from today I want you to take a step to treat yourself as the first priority no matter how much you say that you can't say no to people because you don't want to hurt them just remember that your hurt matters too ! not just that if that person was really good enough they won't put you in a situation where you will get hurt just because you are not able to say no so today make oath to yourself that you won't allow something to hurt you.

loving accepting and admiring yourself is important no else will do that for us you have to do it for yourself don't worry about all the things all together just take a small step of deciding to say no to every little thing which you feel uncomfortable to do and if the person is somehow trying to manipulate you into doing it by emotional blackmail then it's clear that the person does not care for you if they even can't understand such small thing so don't be afraid to stand up for yourself

I hope you are able to heal much faster love (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ