
" what do you mean LeGal ? is it something illigal to love a human? "

"no ! no ! you're misunderstanding me ! I said this because on earth many countries doesn't allow same gender couple....a..."

"what the hell!? how came a total stranger is considered so great as good that they can control whom a human should love!? you're earth is quite a messed up place! "

Bani "both of you please talk slowly! "

few people around them were giving them stares so bani decided to scold both of them personally.

bani sighed " what next ? now don't tell me girls here don't have periods? "

to her exaggerated word she never thought that she would hear an answer she never thought of.

Niru "mm... you mean the monthly bleeding that human females go through? once there was this meddle age female physician from earth she told us about the monthly bleeding and how a child is formed etc ..I swear I couldn't understand a thing and yes we don't have that...the what you call it period? "

*physician - doctor

All of them were shocked as Niru continued this new piece of information made them all suprised bani's mouth hang open. Sonu shouted loudly " what!? girl's here don't have periods!!!?"

Niru " yes! how many times do I have to say it ?"

Sonu "ohh..god please let me born here in next life ! "

bani , Rani shouted " me too ! "

Niru panicked as other strangers were giving them weird look "hey ! please keep your voices down ! people are giving us looks! "

Sonu put her hand on her mouth in realisation removing it only little to mouth a sorry. Niru sighed shaking her head.

after that they all had much fun in various ride they only ever saw from afar in their world Niru paid for every single ride yet it was worth it they all let loose a little feeling comfortable finally meddling and mingling fully.

they played many ride even Teja was enjoying the rides at most she was scared from the rollercoaster although rest of them enjoyed that ride the most telling Teja who closed her eyes clinching the rail more tightly even when Sonu told her to open her eyes and enjoy it. unfortunately it is not same for everyone some may enjoy it some will not even like it in front of their eyes.

soon when they got down Teja had started to vomit her head spinning. bani put her hand on her back rubbing it in comfort while the other stared at them in concern.

Niru " she .... ok? "

Bani " maybe...? I don't know what to do either?"

Niru "here .... Teja you should wash your face and mouth that'll make you feel better"

Teja nodded her head taking the water bottle from niru's hand.

they all sat for an hour on a bench nearby until Teja felt completely good. it was already getting dark.

Teja "sigh* I am sorry I ruined everyone's mood "

Niru " no you didn't I mean to say that you didn't know that you will get sick right? then why are you apologising it wasn't your fault it isn't like you can control it so take chill pill "

Teja looked up giving a small smile in gratitude which made the other girls a shocked they couldn't believe that Teja smiled at someone else first time.

Sonu " don't tell I am hallucinating!"

Teja rolled her eyes "shut your mouth Sonu it isn't like I am a stone I am also a human you do know right?"

Sonu " Me ? " she pointed her finger toward herself "don't ask me ! I don't even know anymore what am I ?"

Rani "Parrot 🦜 "

Bani burst out laughing at Rani's sudden comment which made Sonu turn red in anger humping in response "well atleast not a 🦥 sloth like you"

Teja " shut up all of you that's enough for today don't give an headache " she said in a calm and gentle voice yet the trio went silent.

Niru " hey ! it's almost time let's go ! "

Teja " where? "

Niru " to see the last most important event called supernova "

before they could ask more Niru grabbed Sonu's hand pulling her so everyone also followed behind soon there was a big black wall afraid that she would collide with it head first Sonu tried stopping Niru " wait ! there is a wall !" but Niru didn't stop. "No it's a gate way " as she said this they passed through the wall as though it was only a sunlight without feeling anything they passed through it as if it was nothing but air.

soon to the other side there was a big crowd many people stood togather watching ahead Niru and the gang squished pass the crowd reaching the front they saw there was many trees at million or more so but the more beautiful thing was the fruit which hang by them all had shape and colour of small stars glowing galaxy 🎆 it looked like they were burning or more specific their colours were moving. they were present in every mix neon colours.

Sonu "wow.. it's remarkable"

Niru grinned bending down and whispering in Sonu's ear which made Sonu a little surprised and a tint of red appeared over her ear.

"just wait and see there is something more remarkable " just as she said this the small all mixed colours orbs started to increase in length rapidly at the end exploding without any noise yet their glow was getting even more vivid and beautiful.

Sonu " enchanting.. what are they called? "

Niru " supernova..."

[ supernova :- When a high-mass star has no hydrogen left to burn, it expands and becomes a red supergiant. While most stars quietly fade away, the supergiants destroy themselves in a huge explosion, called a supernova. The death of massive stars can trigger the birth of other stars.]

The scene in front of them was beautiful yet Sonu couldn't help sparing a glance she didn't why but as more she looked at that hansome sharp features the way the brown eyes staring calmly ahead reflecting the bursting colours from supernova the green stone knitted in her hair reached up to shoulder yet not touching it she was looking more remarkable.

Sonu's heart skipped a beat as she shook her head again focusing on supernova yet in the back of her mind one thing was spiring continuously •°•truly royal people have beutiful features •°•

after half of hour has passed the crowd was getting smaller and smaller the supernova is also coming to an end the group was sitting on the ground quitely admiring the silence. even if they all were so young one common thing they shared is their wiseness they got due to the harsh reality of life facing so early in one's childhood.

Niru was humming a calming melody.

" what do you think? "

Sonu who was sitting right by her side heard niru's tiny whisper.

" about what? "

Niru " about supernova? what meaning does it hold for you ? for some they are symbol of one experiencing full power and strength as their glow get's 10 times larger"

Sonu contemplated a little before whispering back " I think the whole thing symbolises how life is , it has a start it has an end and no one has no idea what should they do in between but so do any other person it might occur to us that people in front of us know what they are doing but what they are doing is not the same as what they should be doing"

Niru "me too it's like people care about little things so much when in reality nothing is permanent so why get upset?"

they both looked at eachothers in understanding a small smile blooming feeling somewhat a bit connected about their thinking.

after sometime the group returned to the castle calling off the day resting for the night.


"All the time that I tried but fitting in just backfired, sometimes the things that break you could be the things that make you " song name : - I am not sorry if you don't like me. by Chloe Addams.

we are human's doesn't mean we matter much more than any other life on this earth if a natural disaster came like tsunami or earthquake came we all will die every small creature including we humans so it's right whatever happens to us no one will care no Devine entity will save us if there is life there is death one day too so why are you getting inside others people's business? let others do as they please you can't even have control over your own how did you think that you could control someone's else ?

the most best thing to do is minding our own business instead of poking into other people.