
late in the night all the girls were sleeping peacefully on one bed which was wide enough for all four of them.the window which was half as big and wide as the size of palace gate was left half opened for cold fresh air of night to come lulling trio to sleep tint of cold air hitting their warm muscle which were exhausted from the day activity. soft curtains attached to the window fluttered getting caught in windows books making noises.

Sonu being the light sleeper heard this her eyes flew open at the sound reaching her ear traveling up to her brain making her regain consciousness. Sonu was sleeping between Teja & Rani with Bani being at the other end of Rani. she carefully slipped out of the soft cotton blanket , trying to find the source of sound when her eyes suddenly landed on the snowy white curtains her breath hitched eyes getting round all the sleep going in hell in a second but the very next second she hit her own head.

Sonu saw the curtain flutter which looked like someone was sitting on the window but turned out it was just wind coming in the room still it was enough to scare a child Sonu shook her head at her silliness. she looked around the room which was dark yet still little bit illuminated by a small candle 🕯️ side of the exit door of the room. [ since my sleep already went to hell I might as well take stroll outside in case if the devil wants me to be in hell as well ] although she said it in sarcasm her annoyance visible in her eyes.

sonu slipped out of the door without making any noise just as she turned around she was frozen to her place eyes going all round. she kept looking at the figure standing in the porch. silky black hairs flowing in wind perfectly muscle body not too big not too short just medium bent a little forward face curved to the sky filled with bright uncountable star big round yellow moon complementing the dusky skin while the silver eyebrow ring shining proud as if glorifying and admiring it's owner.

yet again the small four to five deep blue thread knitted in hair at one of the thread end having the small spiny green stone as if to protect the marvelous, alluring figure from any darkness. Sonu was struck by the enchanting encounter. To her it was as unique as the things until now she saw in this world. she kept staring until an owls voice was heard in the still and silent night making Sonu release a small squeaking noise. The statue-like figure moved at instant drawing the sharp silver blade at once.

Niru was surprised when Sonu entered her line of sight " Sonu ...? " calling out softly as if to confirm it was really her. Sonu's face went a little pink getting caught " sorry..I just wanted to take a stroll" Niru carefully withdraw her sword her expression getting soft. "trouble falling asleep? "

"No ..I was sleeping but woke up from the curtains fluttering sound. "

Niru curved her head to side humming she gave a small smile "I see .. light sleeper? "

Sonu nodded her head feeling a bit ticklish from her small smile.

Niru reached out grabbing Sonu's hand gently pulling her toward the railing at this point Sonu was used to Niru pulling her out of the blue so she didn't appear to be surprised.

"Then let's look at the stars together"

Sonu nodded her head.

"Do you know in our world there is also a big planet which appears at night it's calleud moon"

"ohh.. really? well here we call it chandrika"

" Hindi language we have the similar name it's Chand "

Niru " Hmm...interesting "

saying this she again turned to see the chandrika which looked far more big and luminous than any other star near it. Sonu looked at Niru " why aren't you sleeping? I mean it's practically middle of night right? "

Niru smiles still not looking at Sonu she answered "Today was quite fun I never go out in any festival with friends I always go alone"

Sonu understood that today was quite the memory for Niru that it made her feel so excited she wasn't able to sleep.

Niru " I want to show you something but if you are tired we can go tomorrow originally I wanted to bring all of you but since you all looked so tired that I dropped the plan "

Sonu " it far ? "

Niru laughed at Sonu's hesitation yet still wanting to go type of expression.

" No it's not that far but I can carry you just say if you want to go now ? "

" well yes I want to go ...but you don't ha....hey! ..hey ! stop it ! it was only a one time thing ok ! "

"what one time? " Niru made an innocent face while , carrying Sonu in princess style.

Sonu rolled her eyes " Don't pretend"

Niru smirked "Hold tightly make sure to close your eyes"

Sonu didn't understand what niru meant until Niru started to jump like a kangaroo from one roof to another eventually reaching the down ward still not stopping "whaaaaa!!!!..niru ! "

"hey open your eyes trust me" although Sonu was grabbing Niru's neck burying her head closing the eyes shut when she heard Niru's gentle whisper by her ear she slowly cracked open one eye. she was immediately memorized by the view although there were tall buildings from all side yet the light jumps made Sonu felt like she was floting in air or was in a zero gravity place.


after a while...

Sonu was put on grassland her feet wobbly for a second due to being carried for 15 min. Niru held her making sure that she didn't fall.

Sonu " thanks... what do you want to show? "

Niru " yes that ... it's inside this lake " she pointed to the dark lake in front of them which looked pretty deep up to 20_ 25 feet.

"Inside? I am not a fish ! "

"ptfff..I know! "

"Then how am I supposed to go inside?"

"That first let me ask you something do you trust me ..? "

Sonu burst out laughing at Niru's all serious look yet asking such silly questions. Niru rolled her eyes at Sonu's reaction.

"ok ..ok..phew.. silly I do trust you I mean I practically left my family came all the way here alone with you and you're still asking this?"

obviously Sonu considered the trio her family.

Niru hummed stepping closer to Sonu. Sonu stood on her place straight yet can't help herself from noticing how intimating Niru's height was it was probably equal to Teja on even one or two inch big. her face was the perfect tomboy mix giving her the very young and charming ancient Prince vibe on which every princess and every girl of Kingdom will simp for.

Niru bore her eyes in Sonu's bending close to her face she looked carefully as though looking for any hesitation or fear yet Sonu kept looking at her without blinking devoid of any emotions other than curiosity of what's next the next second Niru kissed Sonu a small blue light sparking from where their lips touched. Niru's eyes were closed yet Sonu's eyes went wide in shock although she did not move even an inch probably from the most unexpected thing.

[ ohh ! my! God! what do I do!!? wait why the hell is she even kissing me !? gosh it's my first kiss! what am I supposed to do!? ]

before Sonu could process her thoughts more Niru broke the kiss and stepped back tip of her was a bit red which wasn't that noticible in dark yet Sonu's whole face went red she looked 💬 speechless.

Niru " put your hand behind your neck "

Sonu "huh?.." Sonu's hand involuntarily reached behind her neck was immediately shocked to find fish like gill. she looked at Niru who carefully moved her short hair to side , small gills were visible on her neck.

"I put a spell which gives us temporary breathing mechanism like fishes to us it will work on me directly but I needed to transfer it to you...I hope you get it..."

Sonu seems to understand but the very next second her face twisted in a pout.

" Were you going to kiss four of..? "

"No! I mean...I mean there is no need I can just use my hands but! it won't last for more than half an hour that's why I kis..did that now the spell can last a few hours so..I.. you understand now right? anyways let's just go inside now here make sure to hold my hand tightly ok."

they entered the lake Sonu tightly held Niru's arm afraid to slip she was feeling werid since she was able to breathe under water now yet something more werid came in her view small light rays were coming from the very bottom of the lake as they reached closer the more it was getting brighter when they reached the end she was stunned to see coral 🪸 every colours coral was present which illuminated light of various colours specially there were more blue, yellow, purple which mixed with eachother beautifully.

although in the human world they can create this with torches and lights yet what is natural cannot be copied. nature was original , real , living root of everything thus when nature decides to make something beutiful it will be the miracle a human will be awe struck upon seeing.

they both played there for fair two hours before returning back to palace although they both were soaked completely yet when Niru picked Sonu up and started to jump again their clothes dried on the way eventually. Sonu fell asleep in Niru's arms probably hitting her limits , Niru gently tucked her in bed with the other girls leaving with feather light feet making sure to not wake up any one.


[ now I don't need your wings to fly , No I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time ,you held me down but I broke free I found the love inside of me , now I don't need a hero to survive cause I already saved my life ]

song name - HERO

singer - christina Perri.

it is common for normal human to walk the belief which were present from generation to generation without even realisation that if they are wrong or right? yet the wise person changes the belief to look at all possibilities if as a human I want to grow I have to expand the possibilities no matter good or bad I have to understand it the very first mistake a human does is thinking that they can keep the good and fight the bad when there really is no such thing which is entirely pure evil or pure good find the balance ⚖️.

if you think you deserve more just because you are being nice that's plain stupidity being nice does not ensures that things will happen how you want nor does it gives you any right to complain because if you are complaining about being nice and not having your way you were PRETENDING to be nice and that's called fake truth does not change.

you need to mind your own business what a random person on internet has posted has nothing to do with you, don't waste your time hating on them your just making them more famous and wasting your own time.