The comfort

It was late in the morning and everyone already got up and done with their morning routine still there was no sign of Sonu waking up finally when Rani had enough she jumped on Sonu carefully to not hurt her.

"wake up! wake up monkey it's late ! "

whosh....a pillow hit Rani's face and she shouted.

"oiyeee!!! how dare you! "

"shuhhhh..... lower your volume , where are your manners The girl should not talk loudly...let me sleep "

Rani snorted in disbelief " what are you typical Indian aunty!? shut it ! I will talk as loud as I want!"

Teja and Bani watched them Becker for a while sighing having enough of their ranging voices running the beautiful morning even the birds chirping It was not heard they were being loud. Teja and Bani grabbed both of them, shaking them off each other as they had literally no sense to stop. suddenly Bani's hand caught some tree branches in Sonu's sleeve. she was stunned.

" hey ! wait a minute what is this?"

Bani held the branch to show it everyone and everyone bent their head looking at the tree part Bani was holding.

Teja "hmm.. where did it even come from?"

Sonu coughs nervously "hmm... that...i wasn't able to sleep last night so I went for a walk "

Bani raised an eyebrow " that's it ?" surely a big palace full of magical cleaning wouldn't let some tree hang inside their castle so where did it exactly come from.

Sonu gritted her teeth in frustration her cheeks having a little pink tainted on the dusky skin. "I was just getting to that part , you stop disturbing me in the middle of the conversation"

Bani shut her mouth immediately knowing their little monkey is sensitive sometimes and could kill if she continued to tease her after all her life is more precious than seeing Sonu get irritated.

Teja" so ? "

Sonu "I met Niru and she took me to a lake it was a beautiful magical ..."

Bani "whoa! whoa! that's not fair! why didn't you wake me up ! "

Rani hit bani's head , Bani was caught off guard but couldn't do anything other than grunting.

Rani "idiot it was you who was most tired and slept like you sold your horse"

*gode bech ke sona - careless sleep or sleeping carelessly.

after this no one asked any further questions to Sonu and she was glad about it. since Sonu wanted to sleep more they left her and went to roam around the castle after just mare two hours there was a banging on the door Sonu was again woken up from her slumber by the banging sound.

Sonu sighed getting annoyed that no one was letting her sleep peacefully, It seemed like she was the most resented and hated child of God.

"come in " Sonu shouted the door cracked open revealing the princess dressed in traditional clothes the green crystal complementing her as always, Sonu jumped from bed.

"Niru what are you doing here?"

Niru smiled "Just came to see you can't I ?"

"ohh no I mean yes you can come have a sit"

niru sat by Sonu the smile still not fading.

" How are you? I mean you would be tired we spent so much time playing last night"

Sonu collapsed on her back closing her eyes releasing a breath " Yup I am was so fun I never felt like that it all felt like a dream...hmmm... I don't know why but every time you show this type of magical things they are interesting yet somehow I feel this weird comfort... and peace when I am with you"

Niru hummed in response , her smile getting more gentle " know I feel that there are so many things common between us the day I met you, your carefree behaviour the way you prefer to smile more yet ...on some days..." Niru didn't complete the last line feeling a bit scared of Sonu's reaction yet she was taken aback when Sonu completed her words.

"i feel weak and lose my facade and burst into tears" Sonu said while her eyes were still closed , Niru who was caught off-guard kept looking at Sonu , Sonu opened her eyes gazing at Niru as Niru nodded in agreement.

they both heaved a sigh deeply inhaling then a small smile appeared on both of their faces.


"I came to tell you that there is a ball tonight and all of you have to come. the dresses and everything else will be sent in a few hours the ball will be at 8pm "

" ... today "

"you don't feel like socialising today?"

"yup.. it's one of those days where I find myself unable to go to a tiring event "

"hmmm... then I will do something about it don't worry " saying this Niru left as she had to do a lot of preparation for the party and was hella busy.


After just two hours all the things Niru said arrived. just when Niru left all the girls returned from their exploration, Sonu told them about the ball and they all were excited to go but when they got all of the dresses and jewellery and all the makeup things they were stoned.

they had give up the hope to go as all of them were orphan no one had taught them how to actually do make up and stuff not just that all those things sent were of high quality many things never seen by them but just then many maids came and helped them saying that they had ordere from the princess to help prepare the guest.

all the girls were grateful knowing that their friends are so generous they felt warm. all the ball gowns were beautiful Rani's gown was warm pink showing the soft and fragile heart.

Banis was Red fitting to her Fierce personality. Teja wore a deep blue gown with light blue crystal showing fitting to her personality of being diverse in nature deep and dark, cold like ocea yet faint blue crystal like cloud providing shadows and cooling.

at the end it was Sonu her gown was surprisingly the mix of these colours but most of all yellow colour stood out more as if to symbolise her hope , cheerful, energetic side.

soon after they joined the ball the princess was as though looking for them. the moment they came the princess came up to them.

"you all look so beautiful!"

they all smiled thanking the princess for the compliment.

"Niru is looking handsome! but why didn't you wear a gown?"

Niru was wearing male's clothing suit the colour was a mix of white and black she looked beautiful.the big brown eyes and the earring shining perfectly on the sharp features her little dusky skin shining looking soft and smooth as silk delicately shining.

"ohh... it's just I can't really handle big heavy clothes I always wore simple and light clothing " Niru said flashing a gentle smile.


[ who says, who says your not perfect?, who says your not worth it ? who says your the only one that's hurting? trust me that's the price of beauty , who says your not pretty who says your not beutiful? who says? ]

Song name - who says by Selena Gomez.

today I only have one thing to say are you feeling ugly here it is for you then.

struggling to feel good and beautiful inside the body you are just because you don't fit a strangers perspective of beauty?

pick your crown 👑 up and make the definition of beauty.