Niru and the rest were talking when a gentle voice called out from behind their group.

"seems like my little star has found her crowd?"

all of them looked back , a fine lady around mid 30s or something was standing her posture straight the elegance visible on her face with a kind heart warming smile on lips upon her head golden crown was resting lightly. although most of the people invited were royalty and had their crown in all shapes and colours there was strangely golden colour was never found.

Niru "mother! you're finally free ! Here meet Sonu , Teja, Rani and Bani"

Niru looked at all the girls with a smile "This is my mother the queen"

all the girls bowed greeting the queen.

"ohh dear it's ok quite the formalities! such lovely children's no wonder my little star has taken a liking to all of you"

the queen smiled making all the girls smile too suddenly the queen looked at Sonu her smile fading she carefully looked at her making the other a bit baffled and Sonu scared before anyone could say anything the queen looked at Niru " this is Sonu who you been talking a lot about lately?" the queen said with a smile throwing Niru off-guard on what to say or do.

Niru " mother do you really have to be revealing everything! privacy is something ok ! and the Tiara in your hand! I am not going to wear it take it back !"

now that Niru mentioned the queen holding a tiara only then did the girls notice that the queen was indeed holding a little golden tiara it was also golden but there were pure white diamonds engraved in it giving the crown simple yet elegant look.

Niru "I am not wearing it "

Queen " Niru baby don't be impudent you have to wear it today at least for this party so people can finally see who the future ruler is "

Niru "....."

Sonu ".....Niru please wear it I want to see how it looks on you.." Sonu said with an innocent puppy eyes her big black doe eyes staring at Niru's soul making her give a defeating sigh.

Niru "huh....ok but only until this party "

the queen beamed in joy putting the Tiara on Niru the moment it was on Niru's head the crystal changed colours appearing bright yellow.

Queen "ohh my ! looks like my baby is happy today! you should wear it often so we can see you happy like this!"

All the girls got confused seemingly not following on the topic at hand the queen looked at their faces as if expecting them to be confused she gave a kind smile.

" This tiara is our generational tiara it changes colour according to the wearer s emotions yellow means happy "

Niru "ok that's enough mom thanks for the explanation look the guest are staring at you go great them!"

Niru quickly pushed her mother towards the crowd making the queen pout at her little chick "well ok then little baby but please stay a little longer last time you came and went just after 15 min ! "

Niru "ok ! now go " finally the queen left after squinting at her child for a while leaving with quite sad gaze as if she did not want to part.

Niru sighed after making sure that her over protective plus possessive mother has left them alone but that wasn't it she heard the girls giggle behind her back.

Bani "ptfff... I can't believe the brave warrior in the forest is mommy's Little girl!"

Teja"ptfff.... hahaha"

Niru " what even you!? unbelievable! can we please change the topic! let's eat the food on the table is getting cold "

Sonu "ok... little baby "

Niru flushed at Sonu's teasing walking ahead of them "whatever "

after they all had their meal , Bani and Rani decided to go join the mask dance and Teja decided to go see the chess competition happening in one corner leaving only Sonu and Niru alone.

Sonu " wasn't so bad I had fun "

Niru "Glade to hear it here eat this sweet dessert"

Sonu "mmm.... it's so tasty!"

Sonu would say that about every sweet dish after all , sweet and spicy are her favourite flavour it is understandable though she belonged to Maharashtra part of India where strong flavours and spices are preferred.

Niru cackled at Sonu's pleasent reaction.

"hahaha.... ahmm...hey let's get out of here I will show you my chamber"

"really!? but.. your mother said to stay here it's only been one hour the party is still so lively"

Niru shrugged "don't worry my mother knows that I can't stay at one place for too long and with so many people no way "

Sonu still appeared a little bit hesitant seeing this Niru again asked her with a bit of uncertainty "so .... you want to...or not?"

Sonu saw the hesitation on Niru's face and agreed quickly. "Yes! let's go !"



they arrived in front of the big gates designed with gold and silver making Sonu gasp in amazement.

Sonu " you know there are many temples in India state Maharashtra who's doors are actually made from pure gold and silver just like yours"

Niru "hmmm... interesting...i would like to go there maybe someday...."

Niru pushed open the door Sonu heart racing in anticipation on how a princess room would be will it be like the one she seen in books or t.v. but to her disappointment the room was dark making it impossible to see anything.

Niru looked at Sonu extending her hand

"hold my hand"

Sonu held Niru's hand stepping inside the room Niru closed the door behind them making Sonu a bit afraid. sensing her fear Niru squished her hand gently assuring that everything is fine.

"it's ok wait let me just turn on the light"

with a snap of her fingers blue colour fire candle lighted the room was illuminated the blue light flashing everywhere there were many star formed from gold from the ceiling to the floor even where they were standing the star's beneath their feets glowing it was as if they stepped in milky way surrounded by nothing but the darkness and the shining star.

it was perfect the way dark blue flames giving out the galaxy darkness and the star's made from gold between all this the dark blue bed also had star's on it but something which caught eyes was the big golden perfect half moon hanging from the top of the bed making Sonu dazed.

Sonu eyes shined in Marvel a big smile gracing her lips as her face looked alive Sonu walked up to the bed to take a close look at the moon.while Niru stared at her with a fond grin , Sonu looked back at Niru with a smile but her smile faded when she looked at Niru

"Niru ...are you angry?"

Niru was caught off-guard a slight huh escaping her throat before she could form a proper question Sonu pointed at her head.

"it's red are you angry? "

Hearing the Tiara changed colours Niru panicked taking it off quickly "no.. it's just that red also symbolises you know passion or liking a thing the most and I love how my chamber is like a mini galaxy so...yay.. that'"

"hmm ....ok I get it is indeed beutiful I wish I had it phew ... but that's not going to be true"

"hmmmm....well if you decided to stay here your always welcome to be my roommate..."

Sonu laughed at Niru's words "ok that's so sweet! thanks for the offer though even if that won't ever happen "

Niru"hmmm.." Niru went a little quiet making Sonu look at her with concern if she said something wrong.

Niru walked up to putting her crown on bed as she took hand giving something in the palm of her was a necklace. it was made from silver a green pendant hanging from it which looked quite similar to the one hanging from Niru's hair.

"what is this for?"

" it's a gift .... consider it a symbol of our friendship"

at first Sonu wanted to decline it but hearing that it is symbol of their friendship she had no heart to decline it , her brow furrowed for a moment before her eyes lit up her hands reaching her ear and taking out the gold earrings which was the only possession she had since childhood apart from the heart necklace given by Teja. apart from this she had nothing precious to give.

"Consider this from my side the symbol of my new found family"

Sonu never treated her friends like friends instead she always treated her friends as a family making Niru smile. Niru took one earring and wore it on the other ear as she already was wearing another gold ring on her left ear but Sonu's gold earring was smaller and it had a pink crystal in it [ *gold earrings with pink crystal are common for babies in many rural areas of India think of it like a tradition]

"keep one ring with you so that we can have two matching"

"hey isn't the green stone pendant similar to the one in your hairs?"

" are sharp minded yes they are like pairs if you connect them they will form yin and yang symbol"

Niru pulled the green peridot stone from her hairs putting it togather with the pendant it indeed form a yin and yang symbol but the difference was the colour was same.

"wow ! that's so cool "

"hmm ...not just that we can even communicate with eachother with this it is a magical object"

"really ? so i will be able to talk to you when I return home ? "

"yes "

"how to use it ?"

"wear it then hold it in your hand and speak your message will reach me I think in two or three days "

"three days!? well... forget it at least we will be able to talk right?"

"hmm...yes we will " Niru said as a grin formed on her face.

Sonu looked at Niru's crown which Niru put on the bed.

Niru picked it up "you want to wear it ?"

Sonu shook her head "no it's yours I can't but I always wanted to wear one they look so beautiful..."

Niru rolled her eyes " there is saying that sharing is caring"

saying this she put the crown on Sonu's head the diamonds on crown immediately changed their colours to the bright yellow nearly gold indicating the wearers happiness.

"Beautiful it looks so gorgeous on you "

Niru grabbed Sonu's hand pulling her in front of the mirror Sonu was stunned to see herself she always felt inferior and ugly because her skin was dark it wasn't even that dark she could be called dusky but Sonu never liked her skin colour as she was teased and called out for it many times but looking at the mirror her reflection was admirable she looked cute , elegant her dress mix of colours complimenting her dark complexion as the crown on her head sparkled in golden light making her long black hair stand out.

she had small lips puffy cheeks big black eyes and a very symmetrical high nose , a black mole below her eyes, she never truly noticed herself it was as if she couldn't believe it's her the dark skin she hated was still there but now she was able to see more than that she felt ... beautiful it was weird but a good feeling to finally feel comfortable in her own skin in her own body.

Sonu was stuck in a daze just staring touching her features as if to feel if they are real or not , Niru was observing Sonu calmly with a smile she was waiting patiently for Sonu to come out of her little moment of realisation but she also somehow didn't want that moment to end seeing Sonu admiring herself she felt greedy to stare a little more to cherish the delicate moment a little bit more.

after that they talked for hour finally deciding to go out meet the other putting the crown on Niru again they left the tingling softness of the moment leaving the sweet smile on their lips.


[ You came out blue on a rainy night no lie , I'll tell how I almost died while your bringing me back to life , I just wanna live this moment forever cause I am afraid that living couldn't get any better started giving up on the word forever until you give up haven so we could be togather Angle, angle baby angle your my angle baby, baby your my angle]

song :- name angel baby by Troye Sivan.

it was so dark but then one hand reached out from the dark pulling out it showed me understanding and kindness which gave me strength to keep going on it taught me a lot along the way I am greatful for it.

You're a soul and your body is a vessel handed to you so be sure to take good care of it because your body is not who you are it's a responsibility handed to you, your an pure energy a soul which gives life to this vessel be kind to your body nurture it with same respect and kindness as you do with others.

people come in our life for three things to leave you with good memories or to leave you with a life lessons which will be painful or they are permanent with you.

fun part is the person who will be with you and who has been with you from the start to end is the person in the mirror.

You're never old to start over again.

failing is ok but not trying because of fear of failure is not ok , we are human's after all we don't learn to walk from the day we were born we try and fall on butts flat but still get up and try because trying is what matters the outcome is not in our hand yet trying is in our hand.

if you really want to make a true friend seek the person who thinks like you because having same thinking give rise to an unbreakable understanding which is the most basic and important thing in any relationship.