Final goodbye.

The sun was away from the horizon half day has passed and people finally stopped playing on swings gathering in the forest ahead to have dinner so did Sonu and the others. The beautiful scenery of bright red and yellow flowers dancing in the wind made it the perfect spot to have picnic.

Sonu tugged at Niru's hand "where should we sit?" Before Niru could say anything Bani pointed to the tree nearby which had half red flower and half yellow appearing a bit odd than other "how about we sit there?" Sonu and Rani looked at Niru who nodded her head with a smile, they sat down eating while enjoying the mesmerizing scene.

Sonu "I am so gonna miss this."

Rani "hmm... this would be probably the most amazing memory in our life."

Niru just smiled and didn't say anything.


The night fell.

Sonu "Where is the bus? How are we going back to the palace?"

Niru "We are going to go back on branches."

Teja "What?"

Niru pointed ahead in the forest where the flowers had started to glow as large ball of lights slowly came it light among it was formed a branche bed yes it was a flat surface made from many branches floating above ground many people went ahead of them and sat on it in groups.

Niru grabbed Sonu's hand pulling the group forward "Let's go!"

They all sat on one branch bed , it started to flot off in the distance as they passed the forest the star's and galaxy itself has came on earth there were so many small little floating orbs which sparkled like star's as well as the soft glow of flowers among the trees, it was all too magical just like other things they saw.

Just when they thought it couldn't get better the orbs started to form shapes and like a picture book the more they went the more scenarios there were. First there was a picture of a little girl then next came the picture of another girl but this time she looked older holding a sword facing some type of three headed monster.

Then the next came her defeating the monster and the people cheering her on , the last was not a picture but a scene of her form shattering into pieces transforming into very small little star's.

Teja "What is this?"

Niru "This is the legend of supreme Goddess, when the three headed bull who was incharge of fate made the future and present dark with engraving of monster and evil creature's in world so they could become more stronger and ascend the primordial godhood, at that time the creator of universe goddess Kali sent one soul fragment of her to be born as human to kill the three headed fate this is the story getting recreated because after the defeat of the three headed fate the girl named Durga aka the soul fragment perished into the water scattering into endless small glowing embers which looked like star's in that black moonless night."

Teja "hmm.. Incredible."

Niru smiled "indeed."


They reached the palace and the exhaustion made them all fall asleep instantly except for Teja she kept staring at the night sky. There were things one cannot avoid the more we try to hide it the more it is showed in our faces by the universe, for example our emotions the more we reject them the more it gets worse she has learnt now that emotions need to be addressed.

But in a good way by asking yourself what this emotion is trying to teach you? What is it that seems to be the cause for it? And how can I honour this emotion without hurting myself or other's. It was impossible to make thing last forever but she has learnt that forever is a word for memories.

It always seemed so impossible to continue living, the life felt like an endless void as the darkness seems to strech endlessly yet she hadn't realised when the light crept in and it was bright like day. They all made it , she is 18. It wasn't easy but she was glad she kept herself alive, they kept her alive.

Bani steered in her sleep restlessly like a little child, Teja quitely hugged her stroking her back in a soothing way soon Bani stopped moving her breathing even out as she fell in deep sweet sleep. Teja kept staring at her until she was also drowsy and fell asleep.


The next day the servants brought them their old clothes and then Niru picked them up , it was as she promised the last day they would return today, they wanted to take many things with them but Niru told them anything taken from here would become destroyed in their world since magic is practically non-existent there.

Sonu eyed Niru Suspeciously.

"Then how can we communicate with the necklace?"

Niru "It works for dream magic we would only be able to communicate there because the dream realms are always magical no matter which world it is because dream realms are often taking place inside the person's soul or consciousness which are magical innately."

Sonu hummed thoughtfully.


They all went on the roof it was the same place they entered this place now it was the same place that would be an exit for them. The queen and king stood to side with the line of attendance behind them as Niru hugged each of her friends with tears streaming down her eyes but still she kept smiling.

Teja being older refused to cry yet her eyes were bloodshot and watery while the rest of them cried with pretty ugly face the most ugly crying and most devastating cries were of Unexpectedly Bani. Making Rani and Sonu burst into laughter while year's still streaming down their flushed cheeks.

Sonu "ptff! You look so ugly while crying!"

Rani "Right! Hahaha! Look at that snot!"

Bani wiped at her snot only to make it worse as she defended herself while still crying. "Who's crying!? This is sweat ok? My eyes sweat because I passed by kitchen where they were cutting onions!"

Niru "ptff!oh sorry! Sorry!" Bani glared at Niru who kept apologizing with a grin no real guilt was on that face.

Bani "fudge it! We are leaving so I will not fight with you today! Bye!"

Niru "Bye , I hope you miss me."

Bani "same too you" she mumbled too embarrassed to say it loudly like Niru.

Niru looked at Rani and smiled "I hope you will have a great future Rani , i will miss you."

Rani "Me too! Thanks for showing me show much beauty of your world!"

Niru nodded looking at Teja"I will miss your wise nature but I hope you allow yourself to be a little childish."

Teja finally couldn't hold her tears while her face was Stoic and her posture relaxed the tear's falling like pearl told a different story.

Teja "Thank you for everything."

Niru nodded finally her gaze falling on Sonu who was also looking at her with tear stained eyes yet the broad teeth smile of happiness couldn't be hidden.

Niru "I finally found someone so similar to me yet i would have to let you go."

Sonu " least I am greatful that we got to meet."

Niru didn't say anything just smiling more brightly even as the tear's kept pouring like rain their smiles did not fade. Tears were for the sadness of parting to come yet smile's were the joy they shared time togather with eachother, they were greatful for meeting eachother.

The queen stepped towards them with a same looking deepak (lamp) 🪔 in her hand as the flames surrounded them Sonu could see the last glimpse of rain falling strange the sky had been clear yet the rain was falling along with a marvelous rainbow in sky among it the still crying yet smiling face of Niru as she waved her hands in good bye was covered by flames.

They all closed their eyes when they opened it again they were back in the same temple the lamp fire still bright, for a minute's they were left in daze before patter of rain sound came from outside along with shouting for their names.

Their teachers and classmates were calling out to them.

Sonu "Was that all real?"

Bani and Rani heard her and wanted to say that it was but before they could Teja got up extending her hand.

Teja "It's all in the past let's go the future is waiting."

Sonu was blinded by the bright smile on Teja's face she did not know how she held her hand and got up but they all were already in the entrance of temple, Bani and Rani shouted.

Bani "Teacher! We are here!"

Rani "Hey! Friends! We are here!"

The teacher sighed in relief to have finally found the trouble maker she reprimanded them. "Such a careless kids! Don't you know that you should never separate from group so far!" She kept blabbering making their ear hurt.

Sonu took one last behind looking at the lamp still bright as ever she touched the pendant on her chest a cold air blew jolting her awake when she heard the teacher say.

"Why did you guys enter this forbidden area?"

Sonu turned around walking towards the gang she smiled cheekily at the teacher playing the ultimate cuteness card attack "We were just lost miss!"

Too bad the teacher pulled her cheeks "you are not five anymore Sonu! It won't work!"

Sonu "awee! I just thought to give it a shot in case miss i am sorry!" (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

Bani "....." (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Rani "....."╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭

Teja "....."┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌


" This is me praying that it was the very first page not where the story line end's my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again this are the words i held back as I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you."

Song name- enchanted.

Hey darling's all i have to say to girls is that please make you do not become your mother's confined in the society we are free individual. And for the little boys next time someone makes fun of you because you like girly things or have just cried because the emotional load was a lot and they try to make fun of you for that by calling you gay or a girl, walk at them and look them straight into the eyes and ask why do they think that calling you gay or a girl is an insult ?

It would shut them up and they would never date to do it again as you would appear intimidating, too be honest I just want to say that we young generation are the only capable people who can choose what we bring to future with us when all those old turn to dust what is it that you want to carry?

Is it the hate of gender, race , ethics, colour?

Or the love for eachothers and the solo goal of educating complete human race so next time someone asks about basic things like period's to a boy they would have full blown anwer about the amazing way the inside's are engineered through the millions of year of evolution instead of some wrong information they learnt from adult website.

All the boys can be whatever they want they can be the princess, the gentle person, the emotional person, the caring person, the person who cries when hurt instead of using violence after all that's the normal way to let out our hurt so don't, please don't deny yourself that human right.

Don't let the world take away your gentleness and empathy in name of masculinity these are the things that make us human don't let the old hag snatch it from you and turn you into a robot used for destruction instead retain that small human part where you have the heart to hold a dead bird as you cry and mourn for it show other boys that crying is a normal way to be human.

And if any man older than you tell's you that boy's don't cry just say Fuck off old fart! We are human we feel sad and we cry, die mad about it.

Love to all little young angels!

I hope we can bring gentleness and love again in this society and leave behind the harmful ways and if you ever feel like an odd ball remember I am there many like me are there we may not know eachother but as you read it you will know in your heart in some part of world someone like you exist! So I would continue to exist unapologetically!