Swing of life

That night when everyone went to sleep but Teja was roaming around the castle she wasn't able to sleep to be honest she had insomnia since she was small so it was quite often that she would stay awake. When the girls knew about this they tried to sing her to sleep singing lullaby she still remembers the horrible voice of Sonu both Rani and Bani almost fainted from her singing.

Although they all tried very hard telling stories from podcast sneaking in extra milk for good sleep giving her head massage although she would be able to fall asleep but it never helped much with her insomnia. So she would often just pretend to sleep to not make them worry. It is okay if something isn't working out there are many things in life which you can't control and if you focus on something which is not in your hand it will only give you panic attacks.

So she long since learnt her lesson to not worry about it although this just wasn't working in the case where she would have to part with them. Sigh. Umm? Who is singing this late at night?

The lyrics were not there there was only humming the tune sounded peaceful in this lonely night the stars and moon were looking gorgeous the moon was in full bloom illuminating the entire earthly realm.

Teja walked inside the flower garden she walked around to find the source the source of the melody. Somehow it gave her a feeling as if she was a lone traveller on a journey to see the vast world seeing the wonder and horror the beauty and danger hidden beneath the layers along the way she is meeting new people new travellers.

It is a like she has wings to fly alone over the endless sky.it was such refreshing and free will spirited vibe in such silent night gives people a sense of freedom and power as if they are invicible.

Teja finally saw who it was. Sitting on a rock feets dipped in the pond Niru was like a warrior singing on the night with the comrade in arms. Such allure made Teja sigh in contempt. Seems like all the people here are really filled with only good heart and beauty blessed by nature.

After a while the melody came to an end Teja was still in a trance hence she didn't react when she heard Niru talk. "Can't sleep either?" Teja had to take few seconds to register that Niru was talking to her, Niru looked back when she didn't get a response for few seconds. Teja took a deep breath the slightly cold air hitting her face she replied "Yes. Were you humming a song? "

Niru made some space for Teja to sit as she talked about the song , Teja sat down dipping her feet into the water it actually felt good giving relief to her tense muscles sore from the dancing. "Yes. It's a song which is often sung by the soldiers during war festival"

Teja "war festival?"

Niru "war festival is a special day. On that day the wars were declared as illigal there are it's been three thousand years since then. This special song represents many things throughout. Like remembering the lost soldier, giving them praises for scarifice and bravery and those who have lost their loved ones wish them a peaceful enternal life like giving them encouragement to go on after life journey to be free from all those earthly bounds and responsibilities they had died with to free those shackles because now there is no need for them to suffer anymore. To fight with life and death for protection of their loved ones their mother land. "

Teja looked at Niru the expression on her face was so calm when she was describing it.

Teja "can you sing it with the actual words"

Niru nodded her head.

"But the song is quite long so I will only sing some phrases. "

Teja just wanted to hear how the song is sung so she agreed.

We acknowledge you even though we may not see you. Shatter your chain free the worries you have.

O brave soldiers don't suffer anymore you have achieved the victory lift your head and travel the world with glory.

Nothing stays forever just like that your bad days have come to pass so will the good ones.you become brave during the chaos and kind during the bliss. Then why suffer when your in between?

If the outcome is scaring the heart don't worry it shall pass. Worry you may have today tomorrow will shine forth a new path.O brave little solider shattere the bounds of earth and fly towards the sky dance with the wind we shall always remember you all.

You may have passed but will never be forgotten don't suffer in vain we shall always remember your pain.


Niru stopped singing taking a sip from a colourful bottle "what are you drinking?"

Niru "it's grape urk if you drink this it will make you dizzy and out of control but a little amount is not bad."

Teja "....." ummm...oh it's just alcohol then.

Niru continued to drink. The silence that followed by the end of conversation was not bothering either of them so they stayed that way for a while before it was broken again by Niru.

"Mother said you all can go back tomorrow..." her tone was quite sad and gloomy maybe she was sad to part with them the memories they made in just few days were indeed quite remarkable not only that but her geniune treatment and kindness also won over Teja.

Teja replied with more of a questioning tone than answer , Niru looked at her with a pleading face which reminded her of Sonu that little hamster will also make such adorable face whenever she wanted to eat her fill of dessert which made Teja smile. "Can you all please stay for the sea life festival the day after tomorrow ?"

Teja "....." why doesn't their world has this many festival? Then she could get so many holidays.

Teja " how many festival's you all even celebrate?"

This question made Niru smile as well

"It's just that you all came during the festive month and I promise this is the last and most travel festival since only a certain age group celebrates it."

Teja didn't mind seeing another brizzan phenomenon and about the rest of the girls she is sure that they would love to see another festival and rituals to be honest a part of her wants to stay as longer as she could she doesn't want the time to ever end but unfortunately as much as she wants to hold this time sand tightly it slips as fast from her hand.

At the end of the day she still agreed to stay on behalf of everyone she felt a little guilty about making the decision all on her own but she really didn't wanted to lose another chance of spending more time and making more precious memories to think about when they will be parting next month.just like that Niru and Teja parted to go to sleep finally with peace of mind.

Both had different reasons they were happy about but the common thing they were greatful for is that they both had borrowed more time. With that in mind they went in a peaceful slumber.


Next day when they all found out from Teja they were all excited except excited about the wrong thing. (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)

Sonu smiled cheekily "so you actually took the initiative to start a conversation and even asked her to sing?"

Teja "..." little brat is focusing on the wrong thing.

Bani "Admit it you also like her and consider her a friend. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠↗"

Teja "..." why does it matter if I do consider her a friend or not!?

Rani "..." i think a war will break out if I don't control the situation (⁠ʘ⁠ᗩ⁠ʘ⁠'⁠)(⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

Rani "so when are we going there? (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)"

She tried to divert their attention and soon Teja followed along her tactics talking about the time. It is supposed to be the early morning when the sun is yet to rise fully.she didn't say anything much about the rituals and all those things or anything at all because Niru wanted to keep this a secret from them a kind of suprise.

So for a full day Niru entertained them by giving a full tour of the castle. The various parts of castle were equipped with magic like colour changing wall and there was even a small mirror castle puzzle when they entered there one by one the 1st one to find eachothers were Niru and Sonu.

Niru "look at my luck it's exceptionally good today that I found you first. ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨"

Sonu giggled at the show off and went along with the act "yes! Captain let's go on this mission and search for others together! /(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)/"

Niru couldn't help but laugh at the overly enthusiastic and excited little hamster. After that they held eachothers hand to make sure they don't lose eachother as they continued to find others. It was so fun they would often bump in the mirror and everywhere they could see was their own reflection that after a while it felt that they are standing there instead of where they really are.

This activity took two hours and they all finally found eachothers Rani and Bani found eachothers then they together found Sonu and Niru after that they altogether found Teja who was apparently sitting on the ground because she was tired from the walking her face looked a little pale which worried the others.

So Niru teleported them into the high terrace to take some fresh air and gradually Teja's raggad breath calmed down her face also gained the normal complexion back. After that they all decided to fly in the sky since they all were on the terrace. Sonu was held on the flying board firmly by Bani although she protested for alone riding Bani glared at her so ferociously that she quited like a checken being hypnotized by a straight line.

They all honestly didn't wanted to let this little trouble maker ride alone since what happened last time safety of magic net is another thing they just simply don't freaking want a repeat, rewind or flashback or what happened no thanks. (⁠人⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)

The day was quite fun after a lot of playing around and eating a lot of new kind of sweet dishes or spicy ones they went to early sleep for their next day of adventure.


The next day .....

All the girls looked at eachothers they all felt a bit embarrassment and tried to pull their pants a little down for some reason Niru has arranged for short and tight clothes it was the 1st time for them wearing such short thing since in their area most of the girls are supposed to be covered otherwise they will be harrased by the strangers.

To be honest Bani and Sonu were the ones who didn't mind wearing it instead it felt comfortable they wore their clothes confidently while Teja and Rani were unsure even more Rani was much shy when she walked it looked like a penguin walk one step at a time with weird walking posture.

It made them all laugh at her but they still asked to Niru for a little longer clothes for Rani as per request Niru provided Rani with a slightly long pants reaching up to her knees. After that they all went down to the bustling city they sat in a floating Bus the journey was one hour long. Although it was dark and night but due to the festival the streets along the way were bustling with people not only that the bus type vehicle they took was also filled with people.

But it was much better than their local bus where the conductor practically stuffs people in like animals when there is no space to even stand let alone an empty seat to sit. Here the bus only took as many people as there's seat the tough part was there are only two window seat and one was taken by Sonu immediately and the other was followed by Bani Teja sat alone behind Bani while Rani argued with Bani for window seat. Niru sat with Sonu along the way Niru told Sonu about some interesting belief one of which particularly grabbed Sonu's attention.

"If you manage to catch a rain drop in the centre of your palm and call the name of person you love three times the drop will transform into a pearl the pearl is said to be magical"

Sonu "what does the pearl actually do?"

Niru "those who managed to do it say that it can revive a dead person. Actually the story behind it is interesting want to hear it?"

Bani " i want to hear it! Hey! Owee! What do you want! I already gave you my seat!(⁠ʘ⁠言⁠ʘ⁠╬⁠)"

Rani "keep your voice down and listen quitely! (⁠╯⁠ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻"

Sonu and Niru laughed at their harmonic banter.

Niru "it is said that a person lost their loved ones and when the reaper came to collect the soul of her beloved she exchanged her life with his. When her lover woke up from dead he was devistated to see that she had died eventually killing himself to follow her the goddesses of love and harmony looked at this pair of devoted lovers and her heart was filled with sympathy for them her tears reviving the pairs since then she blessed the rain drop that whoever holds one rain drop in their palm and calls out the name of the person they love genuinely three times like a wedding vow they will be blessed with life granting pearl. "

Bani "so I will have to get married to Rani if I want to get revived again? (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)"

Rani "believe it or not the reason for your death in the 1st place would be me! (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ"

And another round of beating fell on the poor little savage kitty (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠).

The rest of the journey was quite when they were close to the destination Niru woke Sonu up urging her to look through the window. Sonu rubbed her eyes taking a glance at the window.

She saw vast dark blue sea which seemed to glow under the sun rays falling from the sun on the other end. It was as if the sun was sleeping beneath the ocean surface and finally got up scattering the golden pink hue over the horizon and sea surface but it wasn't the end.

There was a large and almost endless trees along the coast where the water looked knew deep rope swing hung on the large trees and many people crowded in the front but did not enter the water as if waiting for something.

Sonu "it's amazing."

When they all got down and joined the crowd Niru noticed Sonu looking at her own feets unconsciously Niru looked down and saw that Sonu was rubbing her feets on the smooth sand Niru found it a bit funny but she said nothing after few seconds the Sun was raisen properly and the surrounding darkness disappeared completely.

Niru " keep looking over your head. "

Just as she said this a big wave which looked as if it can destroy and flood the entire area came towards them this made Sonu a bit scared and she clasped their hands together tightly even Rani hugged Bani closing her eyes shut but unexpectedly the waves scattered over their head just before it would crash on them. For a few seconds they were bathed in a rain their clothes drinched but when they saw over their head the seven colours were so close and clear as if they could touch it.

Sonu raised her hand as if she wanted to touch it and was enchanted by the beutiful vibrant colours.

Sonu "Rainbow?"

Niru "that's what you call this indradhanush in your world?"

Sonu was so struck with awe that she couldn't even give a proper reply only humming in response her reaction made Niru smile and her heart jumped with happiness. On the other hand Bani pinched Rani's cheek urging her to open her eyes.

"Open your eyes or you'll miss something beautiful."

Since the impact expected didn't came and instead she was drinched as if it rained Rani opened her one eye at a time she couldn't even breath the scene in front of her looked so unreal that she forgot to let of the little savage cat in her arms and was attacked on her ear by the little teeth of that kitty making her slap on that curly hair.

Sonu was still admiring the rainbow when her hand which was holding Niru was pulled "come on let's go! The real fun will has yet to begin!"

Sonu was pulled towards a swing and Niru sat on it urging her to sit as well Sonu hesitated due to the water reaching up to her knees but the bright face of Niru killed any worry she had as she also hopped on the swing Teja sat on the swing with the other two the swing was on left was just big enough for three of them Rani was seated in the middle so she had to extend her arms to keep her hold.

After this many people also did the same Rani was wondering if everyone is going to sit who will push the swing? This question was answered when a tide hit her back making her already wet clothes more heavy she screamed in terror but Bani laughed and shouted with giggles at first Teja's eyes also went round with terror but slowly she seemed to enjoy it and let out a small smile.

Sonu held the rope with one hand and the other was holding Niru's waist as they were pushed forward by the incoming tides although with each tide she was drinched the motion of swing made her tummy feel funny she couldn't help but giggle at the sensation. Niru calmly looked at the childish joyful face as if she wanted to engrave it into her memory never to be forgotten.


"All the roads we travelled the journey of our lives memories fade but legend never die. One more time let's live for something I can feel my blood is rushing, will back someday, will find our way , take control over fate and will be back someday "


BY : thefatrat and NEFFEX

Somedays it feels like you will not get through it and somedays we don't want them to come to end but both will come to end. When it's a worse day and everything is going wrong I am hating myself and others I want those days to come to end quickly while when I feel something good has happened i like how I look somedays I want those days to last a bit longer.

But the bad days seem so long and the good ones feel so short nothing less i understood one thing as long as I am happy it's ok a living being can't survive without happiness so I know if someone says something bad it will not ruin my day because the most important person in my life is me the 1st priority should be yourself but that doesn't make me unkind i will feel happy to compliment a stranger and make their day because one kindness doesn't need money second it makes us more happy to see how much happy we made someone (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

And it's ok to vent by cursing (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ just make sure your not caught by a person you wouldn't want to be caught when cursing! And don't try to do something as stupid as trying to distract your brain by alcohol the more you ignore some feelings the more they grow so it's better to acknowledge them and work on it. Yes it will be a slow process and painful but at the end you will grow in a stronger version (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ love and light.