"I think he's so hot!" Stacey gushes to Cindy as they walk down the hallway. "I mean, he's been talking to me all day and I just can't stop thinking about him."

"I know what you mean," Cindy agrees. "I'm so into him too! And I don't think he's into me. I mean, he barely talks to me. He just seems like a really good guy."

"Yeah," Stacey says. "He is a really good guy. I just don't know if he's into me."

"I have feelings for Darren," Stacey confessed to Cindy. "I know you do, it's so obvious," Cindy said reassuringly. "And I'm not sure how to deal with them," Stacey continued. "He's my best friend, and I love him." Cindy nodded in agreement but then continued. "But he's not interested in you like that."

"Maybe you should try and make him jealous," Cindy suggests.

"That might work," Stacey agrees, but doesn't seem convinced.

"I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about him." Stacey said

"You're in love," Cindy said drinking her coffee

"I can't help but feel like he's been pulling away from me," Stacey said. "It's like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"I don't know," Cindy said. "Maybe he just needs some time."

"But he's been so distant lately," Stacey replied. "He's barely even texting me any more."

"Maybe it's because you've been asking him for so much," Cindy suggested. "Maybe he's just not interested in the drama anymore."

"I don't think that's it," Stacey said. "I just feel like I don't know what's going on with him."

Darren and James meet for drinks in a pub.

Darren is talking to James about his breakup with Annabelle. "I just don't know what happened," Darren says. "We were good together and then she just stopped calling me." Darren is frustrated because he doesn't know what happened. James tells him that it sounds like she might have been cheating on him. Darren is not sure if that's the case, but he wants to know more about why she broke up with him.

Darren and James have been friends for years, and they have always been able to talk to each other about anything. Darren has recently broken up with his girlfriend, Annabelle, and he is feeling pretty low. James suggests that Darren go out with him to the bar to have a drink. Darren agrees and they make their way to the bar. Once there, Darren orders himself a shot of whiskey, and James orders a beer. The two sit down and start chatting about how Annabelle's been acting lately. As Darren starts to feel better from the drinks, he starts talking about his new relationship with a girl named Stacey.

James and Darren are discussing Darren's relationship with Stacey. Darren is telling James that he feels that Stacey is always making him feel bad about himself. James tells Darren that he should not be so hard on himself and that it is okay to make mistakes.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think we might be getting back together," Darren said to James. "I know. I think she's cool. We had some fun the other night." James replied with a smile.

"I don't know how I feel about it," Darren said, "but I think it would be best if we try to work things out. We should give it a shot."

"I'm down," James replied, "but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

After a long night out at the bar, Darren finds himself back at his friend's apartment where he shares a story about his latest relationship. James listens intently as Darren tells him about the conversation with Stacey and how she is feeling about their relationship. Darren is not ready to make any commitments or talk about marriage yet but he does want to take things slow. James agrees and says that he has never met anyone like Stacey before and that she is different from all of the other girls he has dated.

"I think I'm falling for her," Darren says to James. "She's really special."

"I think I just need to take it slow," Darren replies.

"That's a good idea, I think," James says.

Darren is talking to James about taking everything back and starting over. Darren is not sure if he wants to go back to his old life in the military and being a soldier. It was fun at the beginning but he was struggling with the idea of being away from home and his family so much. Darren is also struggling with the idea of living in a world without war. He feels like he has done nothing but fights since he was born and that he should be able to live without fighting. Darren says that he can't imagine a world without war, but that maybe it's time for him to try something different.

Darren had been struggling for a while. He had just gotten out of a very toxic relationship and he was feeling very low. James wanted to help Darren, but Darren refused to let him help. It wasn't until the two were at a bar and Darren had a few too many drinks that he finally decided to talk to James. Darren told James that he was struggling with self-confidence and self-worth and that he didn't know how to find his way back. James told him that it was never too late to start over and do things differently.

Darren was on the verge of tears as he sat across from James. "I don't want to be here anymore," Darren said. "I don't want to do this anymore." "You can't just give up," James said. "You need to see it through."

Peter is worried that Annabelle is still thinking about her ex-boyfriend. He has been trying to make their relationship work, but she just can't seem to get over him. She is constantly asking him about their relationship and what he thinks about it. Peter feels like he is being questioned constantly and he is getting frustrated. If she keeps asking him these questions, he feels like he will have no choice but to leave her.

Peter and Annabelle have been friends for a long time and have seen each other through some tough times. Recently, Annabelle has been struggling to find happiness after her breakup with her ex-boyfriend. She feels that she is not in love with anyone else, but she still feels the pull to be with him. She confides in Peter about her feelings, but he does not want to get involved. Annabelle begins to feel like Peter doesn't care about her anymore and she starts to feel lonely.

Annabelle is sitting across from Peter, who she has been friends with for a long time. She knows that the conversation will be difficult, but she can't stop herself from talking about how hurt she is by her ex-boyfriend. "I'm really trying to be over him, but it's just hard when I see him every day at work," Annabelle says. "It's like seeing him in my face every day." Peter listens and tries to understand what Annabelle is going through, but doesn't know what to say. Finally, Annabelle stops talking and looks at Peter. "I just want to know why he still has such a hold on me," she says.

"I feel like I'm going crazy," Annabelle said, her voice trembling. "I miss him so much it hurts."

"I know," Peter said sympathetically. "I miss him too."

"I want to be with him so bad," Annabelle said. "I feel like I've been cursed."

"It's hard to move on when someone you love is still in your heart," Peter replied.

"I'm glad you're finally talking to me about this," said Annabelle. "I've been feeling so guilty and I know that I should be over him, but it's just hard." "You should talk to someone," Peter said. "I feel like I can't tell anyone else how I feel because they'll judge me." "You can always talk to me," Peter said. "I'm not going to judge you."I know," Annabelle said, nodding. "It's just hard to see him with someone else."

I have been dating Stacey for over a year now and the clinginess is starting to get to me. I feel like she is always trying to be around me, and it has been getting on my nerves. I feel like she needs to find her own life, but she always seems to be trying to be with me. I feel like she needs to get a hobby or something. Stacey is not the only one who is feeling this way, Darren also has some issues with being too clingy. He thinks that he needs to spend time with her every day, even if he doesn't have time for himself.

One day, Darren is discussing with Stacey how she is so clingy in their relationship. "I want to be able to spend time with you without you worrying about what I'm doing," Darren tells her. "It's okay for me to do my own thing, and I don't want you to worry about what I'm doing. It's not like I'm going to get into trouble," he assures her.

Darren and Stacey have been dating for a few months now and he is noticing that she is clingy. He doesn't think that this is a good quality in a relationship, so he has decided to ask her what is going on. "I feel like you're always wanting to be around me," she says. Darren knows that this is not true, but he wants to know why she thinks this way. "I'm not always trying to be around you," he says. "I just want to be able to spend time with you." She then starts to cry and says, "I'm sorry! I just don't know how to be alone!"

"I feel like you're always trying to hold me close." Darren says, "I'm not trying to hold you close. I just want to be close to you." "You're just trying to be close so that you can have your way with me." Stacey says, "No, Darren. I don't want that. I just want to be close."

Darren and Stacey are discussing how she is so clingy in their relationship. Darren thinks it's a little too much, but Stacey says that she doesn't understand why he is so distant. Darren admits that he is not always the best at communicating his feelings and Stacey can't help but ask why that is. Darren says that he has a lot going on at work and that he is not used to having to talk about his feelings with anyone. He does not want to get into it, but he does want to know if there is anything he can do to improve their relationship. Stacey says that she would like to know more about what's going on with him at work, but Darren says that he has already explained it to her several times.

Darren and James take a walk to the park so they can try to catch up after such a busy work week.

James had come over to New York to keep Darren company before he leaves for Florida.

Daren discusses with James how Stacey is so clingy.

I love Stacey, I really do. But she is so clingy and I feel suffocated by her. She will not let me out of her sight, she never wants to be away from me, and she always wants to talk about everything. I can't go to the bathroom without her knowing what I am doing, and she has a tendency to interrupt my thoughts when I am trying to work on a project. She also gets jealous if I talk to other people, even if it's just for a few minutes. I think that maybe we should break up because I feel like she is holding me back from my full potential.

"Darren, can you please talk to me about how Stacey is so clingy?" James asked Darren. Darren sighed and responded, "I think she's just afraid that I'll leave her." "That's not it," James said. "It's like she has this idea in her head that if she can't control you, then the world will end." "I think I know what you mean," Daren said. "She's been like this since she was little." "Yeah, I remember when we were at the mall one time and we were in the food court. She was so afraid of losing me that she refused to get out of the stroller. It took forever for the mall employees to get her out."

"Is she clingy?" Darren asked James. "Yeah, I think she is," James replied. "I don't know what to do about it," Darren said. "Well, you could try to get rid of her," James suggested. "Yeah, I know," Darren said.