
The light soon shone onto the body to reveal a man which had slightly similar features to Mallory.

He had the same tail and ears as her but there was a certain wildness and madness about him which made him very intimidating.

Mallory looked towards him calmly while going over her past memories. "How pitiful you have become."

The man grit his teeth and glared towards her. "Me pitiful? I see that you are with humans, I bet you are just a mere slave and tool for their use just like me."

He was confident that Mallory had been taken away once it had been discovered that she was missing.

Nobody went looking for her and it was assumed that humans had captured her.

Her fate would be one of a slave and she would become prey for the humans they hated and despised.

To him, Mallory was the weak and disgraceful half blood who kept bringing misfortune to those around her.

No matter how she tried to train herself and stand out among the tribe, her methods were often seen as a stain on the tribe because she went against their beliefs.

Everyone saw her as weak when in fact she was quite capable for a child her age.

If it had been a fair fight then she may have been able to defend herself from being captured.

The problem was that she did not fit in the ways of the tribe which often used their own bodies to attack along with sneak attacks on people to take what they wanted.

She was merely the result of them playing around with their spoils of war which had managed to cling onto life long enough to give birth to her.

She had been given enough to survive only so that she could later be put on the front lines and possibly be used as a disposable warrior when the time came.

They all believed that Mallory who was a half blood did not have the potential to awaken their tribes special ability.

There were few among the tribe which had successfully awakened their ability and those were the best among the warriors of the tribe.

Some abilities allowed them to gain greater power or transform to reflect their inner nature but many had difficulty controlling their inner nature so they often went berserk during the use of it in combat.

Mallory smiled suddenly showing her sharp teeth. "I do not think so. I am living well and have grown a lot since leaving that trash tribe of yours. You might not believe it but I awakened my ability. As expected.. like father, like daughter right? Did you really believe that a half blood cannot awaken?"

The man's eyes widened. "So you knew? Hahahahahaha yes! It was me who kept that woman. She sure was resilient to be able to endure everything."

He was the one to inherit but also earn the position of the tribe leader so many spoils were his to choose from before anyone else could.

There were few who could have been her father among the adults in the tribe and there were whispers among the tribe which Mallory had heard in her youth but she did not have the confidence to confirm it.

Mallory had finally gotten her answer and let out a sigh. "So what happened?"

She did not ask for herself but for the past Mallory who had grown up without knowing the truth and without a father figure in her life.

The present Mallory did not feel good having a scumbag of a father and felt uncomfortable with meeting him especially in his current state.

The tribe leader let out a laugh. "Hahaha you must be the only one left then.. so my tribes gifts will not be lost? Go ahead and kill me. I have endured enough."

Mallory coldly glared at him. "You can endure some more so tell me."

The tribe leader showed madness in his eyes as he began to explain. "What else? Those cowards called in many skilled adventurers and slaughtered everyone while most were still asleep in their beds! If there are any survivors then they will be in a similar situation to mine or will become human playthings. Though I doubt it since I was the only one to actually be transported out of there after being subdued. They only took me because I was the strongest one to put up a fight against them and they said I would be a suitable subject. Ahahahaha. Kill me… kill me.. Ahahaha. Why are you still alive while the tribe has ended? Why?! It should have been you! You are the one with bad luck! Your mother was a stubborn bitch! A small a weak human with nothing but a little pride!"

There were several scars on his body which were from the experiments but there seemed to be some wounds left on his limbs which would have impaired his movements.

While many had been slaughtered when sleeping, fighting back or escaping from the attack, the tribe leader seemed to only recall himself being taken away because he seemed to possess a strong enough body to catch the interest of one of the people involved.

Mallory caught that part and understood that there would obviously be people doing the dirty work for the business to get their test subjects if they could not acquire good ones that did not break easy in the slave auctions.

It may have been her own fate to be in those chains if Goddess Seshat had not bought her

While many had joined the party to attack the tribe, each had their own motivations for it whether it was for the quest to be completed and the payment, for revenge on the tribe or to try to gain something for themselves or others during the attack.

Mallory thought about some things then went on to think about whether to try save or purify the man and father in front of herself which would result in her tribe being no more and only leaving her behind who was only a half blood of the tribe mixed with a human.

She hesitated for a moment as her father was screaming and cursing her as if to provoke her. "You were all wrong about me. For sure I am a carrier of bad luck but you all misunderstood that as a carried of bad luck. I bore the tribes misfortune for you for many years, the only reason why this has happened is because you did not look for me and bring me back. Perhaps the tribe may have survived a little longer if you kept me around and treated me better."

The tribe leader was shocked by her words and then continued screaming at her. "Why did you not come back?! You bitch! You.."

Mallory could not listen to him anymore as Valis had thrust into his heart. "Because I have found a new family. Or should I say.. a familia? Farewell."

The tribe leader shook in anger but there was a tiny sliver of pride in his eyes before he became lifeless. 'Haha.. so the tribe is not dead.. my daughter is not a weak coward.. maybe.. this is.. her revenge?.. is she .. laughing at my foolishness?.. at.. how I tried.. to hold on.. to my pride too.. just like her.."

The image of the woman which he harmed briefly appeared in his mind and overlapped with Mallory in front of him before his death.

He felt pride that his bloodline was still strong and would be continued but he also found his death to be funny since his own daughter had been the one to put an end to his own tribe while ending his suffering at the same time.

The pain was too much for him and he had already been disgraced too many times so his pride as a warrior would not allow himself to live on.

If Mallory had chosen the cowards way and tried to save him then he would take the chance to take her with him in death the moment a chance had been given.

He did not know that his malicious aura was seen by Mallory and that had helped her to make her decision to end his life.

He had been determined as a threat and his death seemed to be fixed while the deathly aura was closing on her the longer she hesitated so she finally ended his life.

Valis was pulled from the body and blood dripped down it onto the ground while Mallory silently looked at the man who was once her father with a look of determination in her eyes. 'Now I really do have no family left in this world. Even more reason for me to protect what I have.. that is my familia and this city.'

It was not just the familia which she had come to bond with but there were others which had become friends or acquaintances of her while the people of the city had come to her often for talismans.

Life within the city was very eventful and she had learned many things and grown from her previous weak and lonesome self.

She let out a sigh then calmed herself down to allow herself to go back to her duty of collecting the needed evidence to convict those involved.

Mallory walked over to the people and monsters which had been far past being able to be saved and stabbed each of them in the heart.

The eyes of those that still had some kind of sanity had shown a little gratefulness before their eyes turned lifeless.

Many people entered and started to free the living test subjects which had been cleansed or purified then needed to be taken for treatment while others started to collect the evidence.

Later into the night after many had been imprisoned, Mallory lay on her bed silently while gazing up at the ceiling. "So much has happened in such a short time, so many problems have been encountered and solved but I have a feeling that this is not the end of it. The end of the leopard demihuman tribe definitely has some kind of connection to that place or at least they have a connection to some people out there in the world that are pulling the strings in the background. To think that I would be forced to commit the act of patricide.. I never expected such a thing to happen."

While Mallory was having some mixed feelings towards committing patricide, she knew that it had to be done to end her father's suffering and feelings of disgrace.

She quickly put aside those feelings because all of her memories in the tribe were bad and there was not a single good one that she could think of while her life afterward was full of meeting new people that she had come to care about.

Mallory could never have guessed that she would be reunited with her biological father and that the first fatality at the end of her spear would be him.