
The subjugation of the alchemists, doctors, herbalists and some healing magicians was not as simple as it was expected.

There were those that chose to resist and used various ways to fight back against the Seshat familia and the city guards.

There was a certain arrogance and unwillingness to submit about them which lead to a battle even if many were very weak in physique.

They had assistance from their hired security that had yet to submit but they were met with a stronger force.

What came next were things which could turn the tide of the battle.

Poisons were released in the surroundings, people were inflicted with curses, magic was fired into a crowd of people indoors, other strange acidic or explosive concoctions were thrown into a crowd.

Anything that could be used by them was used even if it was recklessly used inside the building and would possibly harm themselves or their allies too.

Many were driven by their desire to escape capture and avoid having their deeds exposed to the public.

Their great status would be damaged and worse of all, they would be found guilty of some major crimes if certain documents or other secrets were discovered.

Their actions had destroyed some minor evidence that could be used against them but by doing so, they attacked the city guards which was a crime too so it was just as foolish but they did not have long to think up any kind of plan to overcome their crisis.

They had not been challenged for a very long time and had believed themselves untouchable.

That arrogance lead to sloppiness and often not cleaning after themselves or leaving crucial evidence and records lying around.

They were not worried anyone would be coming and were caught off guard especially since they had cooperated with the Seshat familia to send some of their people to assist the mandatory inspection and believed themselves to not be among those suspected of doing wrong.

While many places were investigated and brought down within the city, they were nobles, the slums and places of business that could easily be discarded by the city while they had sunk their roots into the city so that everyone needed them and saw them as the most important place to maintain.

Even a city lord could be replaced if they made a mistake and they believed that if the city lord made a mistake then things could be arranged to have him removed from his position and replaced.

During the desperate attempt at fighting back against their captors and destroying evidence, they had failed to calculate the newest addition to the city.

Many Seshat familia and the city guards were all given talismans by Mallory before they set out for their mission.

The poisons and diseases that spread were cleansed.

The curses were purified.

The magic was blocked by a barrier.

The acidic solutions failed to harm those they fell onto because they were covered in a protective barrier.

The explosions caused damage to the surroundings and started a fire but those nearby were protected by a barrier.

A water talisman washed away the acid or helped to dampen the fires before support arrived to put them out.

A wind talisman scattered the remains of the harmful substances away.

The things that Mallory had found were more than enough to incriminate them but their resistance only helped to add to their crimes.

Some smarter people were able to use the talismans in ingenious ways to protect the documents and materials from being damaged due to their fast response time.

Some small time doctors, healers, alchemists and herbalists came forward quickly from a couple of places in the city to assist and they had their own stories about how the criminals had run them out of business or caused them problems.

While they did have their own grudges, they had mainly been used to provide information about the ingredients and mixtures so most of their own problems were not taken into consideration.

Going through many documents and interrogating many prisoners lead to many nights with not much sleep for many people but there was finally a lead.

Goddess Seshat sat opposite the city lord with many documents stacked on the table in between them. "I have found the culprit. If you act quickly then you may be able to possibly prevent another death.. if they are not already dead."

A couple of named and orders were circled which Seshat pointed to. "It had to be someone close. Someone who knew who works for you and possibly detailed information about your activities while possibly knowing the details about your worker's family situation."

She brought up the work documents for the city lord and pushed them by the side of the previous document. "If you compare them then you should be able to see."

The city lord looked over it then his face became very gloomy. "Hah.."

In a room nearby, there was a man who was nervously fidgeting in his seat. "What can I do? There is no way master would suspect me… right? I was very careful to not expose my identity to that fool."

He knew that an investigation had been conducted but he did not know the details.

He only knew about the events a couple of days ago but he did not know the reason an investigation had been held or the bigger purpose that had been kept hidden.

The door was opened and the city lord came inside quickly then grabbed him by the collar. "You little.."

A punch landed on his face and he fell back into his seat. "M..master?"

The city lord looked at him with a gloomy and disappointed look. "You… take him away."

The man was dragged away kicking and screaming for his master to explain himself but his voice disappeared as he was dragged further away.

There were three people who had been taken in as students by the city lord and were considered as the main assistants and potential heirs to his position.

While there was a little competition between them, the city lord kept reminding them that he hoped they would support eachother for the sake of the city and that they should put the city first before their own wants, needs and rivalries.

He did not expect that one of his own students would be so eager to overthrow him so that they could gain his position.

A little later, the confession had been given which wrapped up the case and the dark elf representatives were informed about the results.

The results of the raid days before were decided that many in higher positions or that were involved with the major crimes committed would be given a greater punishment.

Those that resisted arrest or destroyed evidence would have more punishments added.

Those in smaller positions would be placed on a probationary and observation period while receiving fines and background checks on them to discover any other problems with them which could earn them further punishment.

Those in the middle were held responsible for their own crimes and involvement but were given a lighter punishment from those who participated in the major crimes.

The daughter had been discovered already dead but was given a proper burial so that added to the crime of the criminal and some other details had been revealed in an attempt to make excuses for himself or reduce his punishment.

At the city gates, Mallory, Seshat and the City Lord were stood opposite the brother, sister and the representatives.

While standing opposite each other, Mallory smiled towards the brother and sister. "Stay safe out there."

The brother quietly nodded while the sister timidly hugged onto her brother.

After protecting the peace of Visa City from a potential war, Mallory went back to her daily life of studying and experimentation with the use of her skill.

Her fame within the city had grown, her reputation with the dark elves had grown too upon the representatives returning home and there was a massive amount of attention on her and the Seshat familia because of the great changes in the city.

Through each individual action or decision made, there were some corrupt or dangerous people who had been brought down while others were given a chance to overcome their previous misfortunes and illnesses.

With the loss of certain nobles or organisations, there was room for the smaller and less well known people who had been suppressed and push out to step forward and prove themselves so that the void left behind could be filled.

Many other documents for the city were drawn up to overcome each problem with some suggestions from Mallory.

The day finally came when the feeling of growing Excelia inside her finally reached a point where it would be difficult to increase anymore and could not he contained within her present body.

A knock came on the door of Mallory's room and Seshat entered. "So you have finally come… you must be excited about this."

Seshat showed a wide grin suddenly. "Come on and take off that top of yours. I have not got to check your status in a while!"