Mallory had stepped away from the protective divine presence of her Goddess who could lessen her chances of encountering bad luck which meant that most of what had been suppressed would be active once again.
Instead of taking on the bad luck of a small tribe, she now had to bear the weight of an entire city with the addition of a village so the moment that she left the protection, her misfortunes would begin appearing one after another whether they were in small or large doses.
Her body type could reduce the misfortune of those around her but it did not mean that others who were very close to her could not get caught in the crossfire of her own misfortune which had been shown by Almura being targeted by the plants too.
Mallory had gained a lot of Excelia by solving a lot of problems in the village related to the fertility of the crops and land but had then gained more from having countermeasures in place for Almura who could have been harmed by the plant or nature based spell.
By defeating someone who had an evil aura within him, Mallory had gained more Excelia by simply making him faint and having him restrained.
There was a big problem that Mallory could not solve and she was very stuck with how it could be better identified.
She was closer to catching those involved with each thing she had stopped and hoped they would be provoked into revealing themselves sooner or later but they would not reveal themselves without investigating their enemy and coming up with a plan of their own.
Some may have already been plotting her downfall in the background and may have already sent someone to remove her so her guard could not be let down.
If the enemy did not have a grudge against the city, were just acting randomly or the fall of Visa City was just a small part of a bigger plan then there had to be something that was related to the past of the Seshat familia or the goddess herself.
For someone who was a goddess of writing, books, notations and measurements, Seshat would have overseen the library of the gods and the books within so she was overseeing a lot of public and private knowledge which in itself could be a dangerous duty if she stumbled across dangerous information.
In the previous world of Mallory, Seshat was said to have taken part in making sure the measurements accurate for temples, buildings and rituals as the goddess of scribes while overseeing the library which made her also known as 'She who is foremost in the house of books' and she was overshadowed by another god named Thoth, the god of wisdom who she had been depicted as either his consort or daughter.
In the present world, no matter her status in the realm of the gods there would be similarities in the story to what Mallory knew but there would he some differences between both world's gods even if they were supposed to be as close to the gods image as possible.
Mallory thought to herself. 'From the knowledge I have read.. Seshat has no enemies and is just a god that makes others tasks simpler and more smooth due to the precision of her work as a scribe. Either she knows too much and needs to be sent back to the realm of the gods or she may have an enemy I do not know about.
In this world, gods cannot have children so she cannot be the child of Throth which means that she is either a concubine or does not have that kind of relationship with him. There could be a chance that it could be an enemy of Throth but lets just put that aside for now.
The style of these attacks seems to have a key element that is related to curses, diseases and other things so that may help narrow things down a little. Perhaps this is just some war, destruction, chaotic or evil god playing tricks.
I can guess that they would only see someone like Seshat as someone that would get in the way of their fun due to her being able to make sure things can go ahead without accidents happening. The main issue is that she does not take a head on approach and locks herself away with her books so she is easy to deal with.'
Even if here thoughts were just based off what she knew from her previous life and some clues she had picked up along the way, they helped to narrow down the list of suspects that she knew about from the lore of the gods.
If the god was an Egyptian god just like Seshat then it made it all the more easier to narrow down that list to identify possible suspects who were on the opposite side of Seshat.
As Mallory was thinking to herself after Almura had dragged the man outside, she had continued checking the other rooms until she had come across a strong aura that was hidden behind a wall.
If she had not been able to see it with her eyes then she may have walked right by the wall.
After feeling around, Mallory had noticed that there was a small space where light had shone through a little in the wall and with enough force applied to that area, she could push the section of the wall out of place which had allowed her to slide it over once it had been pushed back.
The opening revealed the insides that were very dark without a single area that light had touched until the light from the opening Mallory had made came inside.
There was a sound that came from within from the back of the room where it was the darkest which sounded like a hoarse whisper.
Meanwhile a little earlier, there was a figure that was seated within the darkness and was sleeping but sudden noises woke them up, they spoke with a hoarse and quiet voice. "Is brother or father causing problems again or is there trouble? What should I do? They told me not to come out and to not do anything without them saying so."
The crashing and sounds of conflict within the home had grown louder which had caused that person to become more anxious until it had died down.
There was no sounds that were familiar to them and only unfamiliar voices and the sounds of something being dragged before the entrance had opened up to reveal someone they did not know stepping inside.
Alerted to the intruder, the first instinct was to act in aggression but they were far too weakened to even hope to contend with anyone else.
The only reliance they had was the sole power they had which was the cause of their weakness and poor health.
They did not choose their fate and it was forced upon them by their loved ones to help their loved ones succeed but it came at a cost.
Nobody would choose such a fate for themselves unless they were prepared to endure those consequences themselves, they were unaware of the risks before they used it or if it was forced upon them by others.
Not everyone could willingly take on such a burden unless they were certain they would gain something in return and even then there would be those that would be regretful afterwards.
Such dark abilities or curses that had a cost or consequence were such things that could not be used wildly unless various requirements had been met to reduce the after effects or to conform with rules of the world and equivalent exchange.
Due to the unknown intruder appearing and being afraid, that person had chosen to ignore such dangerous conditions and consequences in order to protect themself.
They raised their hand as a dark magic power had started to gather and condense before they had began chanting in a hoarse and quiet voice. "Corrupt, chaos that opposes all that has life and wishes to grow. Blight."
It was the type of spell that corrupted lands to reduce the resource output, growth speed, and production rate but had some effects on living organisms too but she had never tested it on a human before so she was not aware of the consequences or the effects.
If there was anyone who was hit by it then it could only be guessed that it would affect their health or life force in some way and the spells cost would depend on what it had been cast on.