Barrier Limitations

Just as Mallory was becoming a little more happy in the way things were proceeding, she was shocked when something else took place.

The dog person leading the group took out a large long bow made of some materials that did not look to be low grade.

A larger arrow made completely of metal was placed on the bow before being aimed towards her back.

The power coming from the bow and the recoil built up was so strong that it showed on the face of the dog person who was holding it in place before releasing it. "Hua!"

The metal arrow shot towards her back with so much power that it was difficult to dodge even for the very agile Mallory.

Her eyes widened as she turned her head to see the object coming towards her.

There was suddenly a ripping noise that came from her pocket as one of her talismans activated.

The metal arrow crashed into the barrier that formed and cracks started to form which brought surprise to Mallory's emerald green eyes.

It made her aware that such a weapon could not be wielded by an ordinary person and be used so accurately.

It was the type of weapon specially built to suit adventurers who had levelled up and needed equipment to be able to match their new capabilities.

Even the string on the bow seemed to be made from the tendons of a very strong monster giving it strong durability and elasticity to create such an effect.

The whole arrow itself seemed to be made from a much stronger ore and was heavy so it required a much stronger bow to be able to fire it far enough to reach its target.

Once fired from the bow, the arrow would deal a very heavy blow on its target.

That heavy impact hit the barrier causing it to crack in one hit which was very impressive and scary at the same time.

The shock in Mallory's emerald green eyes was replaced with more caution towards her foes. 'Tsk.. so there really were some above level one capabilities among them.'

She kept moving forward but the barrier behind her remained still and in place as the arrow had broken past it creating a small hole in it burrowing through.

Mallory dodged to the side narrowly avoiding the path it was on.

With the lowered power behind it from the barrier slowing it down, it became much easier to read and avoid so she was able to avoid harm thanks to that.

If she had not come prepared then it was likely a single hit would have ended in her dying.

The barrier with a hole in it started to gain more splintered pieces in its structure before crumbling to nothingness allowing those blocked by it to proceed forward and chase.

It caused Mallory to become aware of the fact that a single barrier would not be enough to stop the enemy from harming her.

There was a limitation to how many talismans could be activated in a single instant to help to automatically protect her from harm.

They responded to each danger individually so once one had activated, another danger had to come after that in order for it to activate.

There could be a way to make up for that flaw by making use of the fact that one barrier protected her but the threat would still come at her to possibly activate upon being sensed as the second time being in danger but Mallory would never allow herself to test out such a theory that put her in danger.

There would be times when she would be able to test it further to see if that was the case since it involved how well the talismans would work against stronger opponents that could shatter the barriers in an instant just like the arrow did.

She avoided danger by taking action herself after the arrow was slowed down so she did not have to test out such a thing but there would be times in the future where one barrier would not be enough to hold back a threat to her or provide enough of an opportunity to avoid harm.

She quickly took out the remains of the talisman from her pocket which revealed that it was a level one automatic barrier protection type that had protected her.

It caused her emerald green eyes to show a little relief. 'Luckily it is just the lower grade talismans that are having such difficulties.'

She quickly analysed her enemies and came to a conclusion that so far, only one person among them seemed to possess such a dangerous weapon capable of breaking past her barriers.

It was still unknown if her level two barriers could provide more stability against such an attack but she did not wish to use something that was much rarer and possibly overpowered for the situation.

It seemed to take some time for the dog person to prepare such a strong attack so the level one talisman was enough to provide what was needed for her survival so long as she was careful.

If a level two talisman was used then it would block the arrow and would probably remain as a small wall barrier until the magic supporting it dissipated.

It could provide some kind of obstruction to the enemies but it was still seen as a waste of such a precious talisman she had less of a supply of due to the increased magic power needed to devote to their creation.

The dog person watching her flee perfectly fine was shocked that his attack had failed then shouted. "Chase her down kill her before she becomes a problem! Those barriers should not be able to hold out like that forever!"

The people under him responded quickly as they all pursued Mallory from behind as a single unit with some of the faster ones among them catching up closer to Mallory.