New Gear

Each person who had participated in the task had gained a little boost to their status upon being updated by Goddess Seshat with those who actively participated in some battles who gained the most.

Unfortunately for those who still did not have their status until afterwards, they had all started out with zero stats in each of their physical stat measurements which they could begin working on right away.

Almura was among those that had some slight gains in how her stats had risen but she had not gained anything else.

Through the whole experience, nobody had been unlock a rare skill or anything else but it was not anything to worry about.

Skills could be obtained at any time and it was usually very unpredictable when someone got them.

Some were very lucky or talented enough to gain one quite early and others were able to unlock much more than one.

Those less talented did not unlock one until much later in their adventuring career and others could be stuck with only one skill for their entire lives as an adventurer.

Mallory spent a long time together working on some new ideas and making new armours and weapons in order to better prepare for the next task or tasks.

The light armour Mallory was wearing was replaced with an even better set which had runic engravings on it.

Among her weapons was a new set of throwing weapons like kunai, needles and shuriken which were all placed in a small customised bag that was attached to a belt strap around her waist.

Among her larger weapons was her polearm weapon named Fang which was built solely for dealing with larger numbers of enemies and in situations where a wider swing was possible.

Fang was purely built for a completely physical battle and for slashes and cleaves in a wider area or open space.

A newly upgraded version and replacement of Valis called Valis II, it was created with the similar concept in mind allowing for focussing primarily towards a lighter model which was focussed towards thrusts and acting as her medium for magic use.

The design of Valis was the best possible choice for Mallory due to its versatility but many spell casters would still much prefer to use a wand or staff.

In order to cut down on all the types of weapons or tools being carried with her for all kinds of purposes, Valis was the best option to let her achieve what she needed during combat.

With her combat style being different from other spell casters, there was a need to break free from the normal methods in order to find what best suited her.

One final weapon that was being made was a much larger and more deadly than the others which was primarily focussed towards one task alone.

It was built to pierce through thicker armour with the larger spear tip and there were other hooked parts down the side which were added to allow for shields and armour to be hooked onto.

If such a weapon was pulled back after missing someone the first time then the hooked parts were very dangerous and could tear at their flesh or possibly even hook onto them if they did not get out of the way in time.

It was much heavier and sturdier than Valis and Fang but it did help a lot against armoured opponents that she could not injure.

Meanwhile within some area of Visa City which was located a couple of streets away from the location where Mallory usually set up her stall, a group of people were approaching some teens who were sitting in a back alley with their backs against the walls.

The group of people were wearing large coats that had the collars up high covering their face along with a big hat that made it more difficult to see their appearances all that clearly especially in the darker back streets.

The teens instantly were on alert upon seeing someone approaching them suddenly which was normal behaviour for them who lived on the back streets and did all sorts of things like begging stealing and many others more criminal acts to earn enough to keep themselves alive.

They had made many enemies and there were many others who sought to exploit them so they needed to always be on high alert.

Coins were dropped at their feet one by one which made their eyes widen followed by a voice that came from one of the men who approached. "Hey kids, want to earn some easy Valis?"

The teens started to grow excited towards seeing the coins and the small bag full of coins that they were taken from. "What do we have to do?"

Despite their excitement there was still some among them that were still vigilant enough to not accept right away.

The same man spoke calmly explaining. "It is actually quite simple. I just would like your assistance with running a small test on something. From now on you all will be my eyes and ears while performing these tests."

He started to go more into the details of what he expected from them in the future which would begin taking place as quickly as they could be ready to carry out the first steps.

It was clear that they did not have good intentions within Visa City and the group of teens were just going to be used as disposable pawns in order for their plans to succeed.