
The boy had long stopped trying to move as all his body felt sore and he couldn't move a finger. Before now, he was still able to roll around but by the time he started to bloat, he started to feel like he had been paralysed as his inside started to heat up like a volcano was about to burst inside him.

Ah Yue Fan saw the boy trying to look surprised but the pain he was feeling must have been the culprit that turned his face into the crunched state it was in right now.

"I know you must be wondering how I poisoned you. However, you don't need to know that. All you should know is that the person who put you to this shall be joining you in a few days. When you see him in the after life, I advise you to tear him apart for making you go on a suicide mission– that is, if you can."

With that said, he walked away from the body that had bloated to the size of a pregnant hippopotamus.

Not far from the moon gate, Ah Yue Fan and the two students following him in their horses heard a loud explosion. The students were frightened, however Ah Yue Fan only smiled.

"He has exploded, but that took a lot of time. I think I need to make adjustments to the poison." He said with a beautiful smile, but when he thought of the person who wanted him dead, his face changed along with his countenance. 'I won't spare you,' he thought.


Ah Yue Fan returned to the guild with a different contenance from when he left in the morning. Walking past the disciples that were sitting or standing around the Yue courtyard without uttering a word to anyone, got the people surprised.

Their third brother never sees anyone from the top fifty disciples without stopping to cause little trouble, so seeing him like this today got the people wondering what has happened to him.

"Little third brother, what's happening, you look upset." A young girl of about seventeen to eighteen years said while blocking his way.

Ah Yue Fan looked at the girl in front of him and said with a low voice, so low that those who heard it felt they couldn't breathe for a while.

"Someone stepped on my toe, I'm about to rip off her organs." With that said, he glanced past every single one of the people standing around with his sharp eyes that conveyed how bloody things would be soon.

With his lips curled into a sardonic smile, he stepped to his right and walked past the girl that had thought her soul had disappeared for a moment when she heard him speak like that.

She stood there for a while before she blinked her cute wide eyes and turned to look at the others with anger visible in her brows. "Who offended him?!!" She yelled, but who would dare to say they did?

Hearing no response after a while, she asked again, "no one?" Then she nodded, "very good."

"Hey, Seventh sister, what are you planning? Please don't use that pill on me, I'm innocent of whatever happened to third brother!" A guy of about twenty five immediately cried out.

"Oh, so you have secrets you don't want to be revealed? That's great, but it's unfortunate that I want to hear it," The girl said.

"Seventh sister, please don't try nonsense. Let third brother handle it himself. He can find the person that upset him, please don't get involved." Another guy of around twenty frowned.

Ah Yue Wei chuckled. "Ok, I won't get involved, but I'm going right now to inform the master." She beamed when she saw the terror on their faces.

"Hey! How could you be so callous?! We are friends, aren't we? You know what will happen if master gets involved and you still, you still…" A young girl of about twenty yelled with a finger pointed at Ah Yue Wei.

"Then, does that mean you will take the truth pill? If that's the case, call every one that hasn't gone out for their missions in the courtyard to come out. They all have to take the truth pill," Ah Yue Wei smiled while playing with her braided long hair.

"Only the Yue house? What about the other disciples?" One of the people frowned.

"I don't believe that the juniors would dare to plot against little third brother. Only us– seniors would have a reason to want to upset him." She refused to believe otherwise.

Meanwhile, Ah Yue Fan whom everyone thought was inside his room had left through the window and had gone to another courtyard that was larger than the Yue courtyard.

From the top of the tree beside the large courtyard, Ah Yue Fan watched as the students wearing almost identical uniforms as the YUEs were either practicing sword fights, archery, fist fights or just hanging around.

His eyes moved around the people until he saw a boy of about twenty-five beating his opponent in a sword fight. His lips stretched into a wicked smile as he jumped down from the tree and landed soundlessly on the roof.

He then sprinted towards the boy's direction and and when he felt he could jump squarely to land in front of the boy, he leaped from the roof and simultaneously stretched his leg forward and kicked off the sword the boy had thrust towards his opponent that could have declared him the winner.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, catching the fighters by surprise which prompted the opponent to slash the boy's arm with the tip of his sword.

The boy hissed as he held his bleeding arm. Then he turned to his side with the unfinished words he roared, "who dares…"

Seeing who did it, the two boys immediately went on one knee with their heads bowed. "Greetings, senior!"

Their loud cry startled the others who also turned around and seeing the visitor, they also went on their knees to greet.

Ah Yue Fan ignored everyone else and focused his angry eyes on the twenty-five years old boy.

The boy felt Ah Yue Fan's piercing gaze on the center of his head and his heart jumped several beats. 'Have I been discovered?!' he asked himself.