Ah Yue Fan's ruthlessness

The boy felt Ah Yue Fan's piercing gaze on the center of his head and his heart jumped several beats. 'Have I been discovered?!' he asked himself.

Ah Yue Fan looked at him for a little longer before he sent a powerful kick into the boy's jaw which sent the boy falling back.

The kick affected the boy's lower teeth and a metallic taste overwhelmed his taste bud, but even so, the boy did not dare to be upset. He hurried to his knees in front of Ah Yue Fan. The moment he opened his mouth to speak, blood poured out from his injured gum. Still he continued his words.

"Senior, please forgive me, I'm sorry, I will never do it again, please forgive me!" He begged as his eyes started to get teary. It wasn't known whether it was due to the pain he was feeling in his teeth or due to what awaits him.

Betrayal and insincerity were two of the greatest taboos in the sword of death assassin guild.

All the other students were shocked. No one could believe that the most talented member of the Yulan house that would soon be promoted would dare to offend someone from the Yue house and not just anyone, Ah Yue Fan of all people! The well known devil!

"You will never do what again?" Ah Yue Fan asked with a vicious smile on his lips.

"I– I…" the boy stuttered and suddenly couldn't bring himself to confess. Confessing such a big crime would get him severely punished.

"You were very bold when you were plotting how to rob me off my life, but now you no longer have the wit to speak up in front of me? I would like to know why you thought it was okay to come after my life. Where did I offend you?"

Everyone, including the boy gasped in astonishment. He made an attempt on his life? Has Yulan Mo become stupid? Did a horse kick his brain?!

Yulan Mo raised his head in utter shock. Beat him or kill him, and still, he won't understand what Ah Yue Fan was accusing him of. "S– senior, w– what do you mean?" He asked slowly, trying to not miss out any word that would make his statement to be misinterpreted.

"You have hearing problems, don't you?" Ah Yue Fan glared at him. "Your specialized poison was used against me today. So tell me, who else but you has the access to your signature fast killer poison aside from the shop keepers?"

Yulan Mo almost died of a heart attack when he heard that someone used his poison against the devil. His brain immediately went on overdrive to figure out who among those he secretly sold the poison to would have the mind to kill Ah Yue Fan.

However no matter how hard he thought, no one came to mind. He was so frustrated and angry at himself that he didn't notice that the courtyard was becoming more crowded.

"You think I have the whole day to spend with you? Yue Meili, throw me your whip!" Ah Yue Fan stretched his hand towards the quiet girl that was seated on the branch of a tree looking at the happenings in the Yulan courtyard.

The girl unhooked her whip from her waist and threw it into the courtyard. Ah Yue Fan used Yulan Mo's head as a stepping stone and leaped towards the direction the whip was falling. He caught the whip and from mid air, cracked it to loosen it from its curled state, and while landing, he cracked it again towards Yulan Mo and the spiked whip fell on Yulan Mo's back, sending the boy screaming like a butchered pig.

Ah Yue Fan landed on his toes and walked a few steps to stand in front of Yulan Mo whose uniform had been torn by the spiked whip. His bleeding back could be seen by all the students kneeling a distance behind him which sent chills down their spines. The whip was wicked, but the one cracking it was more wicked.

Yulan Mo felt the hotness on his back getting intensified. At that moment, he knew without being told that the whip was laced with poison. He immediately started speaking the moment it dawned on him that he might be dying soon.

"Senior, please forgive me! I swear it wasn't me who wanted your life! I only sold the poison to a senior who asked for it. I didn't know it would be used on anyone from the guild!" He rushed through his words just so he could get enough time to finish his story and probably get an antidote before the poison spread.

Gasps and murmurs broke out among the students. They keep getting shocking revelations from the person most of them envied and were jealous of.

"Interesting!" Ah Yue Fan chuckled. "So you sell poisons to others without authorization. You not only broke the rules, but also betrayed the guild. I can't handle your matter anymore, you have fallen into master's hands. Hehehe…impressive!" He laughed like the devil he was.

Yulan Mo, like a deflated balloon, sat on the floor looking like a hopeless person. Everyone in the yard felt their hearts getting heavy, not because they pitied him, but because they could visualize what he would go through in the hands of the master.

Ah Yue Meili who was sitting on the tree silently shook her head and sighed. "Another seeker of death," She murmured.

Meanwhile, Su Yue who was sitting behind a desk in her study room heard the flapping of wings and when she turned to look at the opened window, a black parrot pitched on it and started to break some sentences to her.

Poison...sold Yulan...sold…sold...sold...Yue… sold...Fan…."

Although it wasn't clear what the parrot was saying, yet, from the four to five words it continued to stretch unintelligently, Su Yue then understood that whatever commotion that was happening was, it has something to do with Yue Fan, poison, and Yulan.