The master's arrival

Su Yue knew that he could handle whatever problems he was facing, but the curiosity to know what was happening to her 'little brother' got the better of her and she closed the book she was reading. She stretched her hand and the parrot perched on it and they both headed outside.

Getting to the front of her study room, her courtyard was quiet with no soul around– just like it had always been. She has maids but they don't appear unless it is time for them to do their chores.

The courtyard beside hers that was separated by a fence was also quiet, but with occasionally weird noises, which means the problem wasn't coming from there, so she leaped into the air while stepping on objects to help her get to the top of her roof.

While she was leaping and jumping, her parrot was also flying with her.

Standing on the top of her roof which by the way was the highest roof in the guild, she saw what was happening in the third yard away from hers. She could see Ah Yue Fan standing in front of a boy that was seated on the floor and everyone in the yard was kneeling.

Su Yue sighed. 'Who offended that boy?' she asked herself before she slowly started to walk soundlessly on the rooftop, heading towards the place.

The roofs of the houses were either joined or separated with branches of trees stretched towards the building that could easily be jumped on, so Su Yue didn't have to climb down from the roof and climb back up when she got to a part where there was no conjoined building.

Getting to the roof of the Yulan courtyard, Ah Yue Meili hurried to stand on the branch of the tree and bowed to Su Yue who only nodded at her before she hopped down. Seeing that, Ah Yue Meili also followed behind Su Yue.

Everyone in the yard was almost frightened to death when their master suddenly appeared without warning.

Their surprise could have lasted for much longer if Ah Yue Fan didn't speak. They all kowtowed to her while greeting her in a loud voice.

The majority of them in the courtyard had never stood this close to their master before. Some of them have never even seen her before, but two things everyone is aware of, are;

Firstly, the master is like a freezing temperature. The coldest person in the guild and unknowingly exudes a fearsome aura mixed with might.

The second thing is that the master's face has never been seen due to her mask, and the sound of her voice has never been heard before, probably because she is too mighty to speak to anyone.

However, nobody, including Ah Yue Fan, knew that their master was mute and wasn't pretending, or feeling 'divine'.

Su Yue gave a once-over look at the people in front of her before kicking a pebble towards Ah Yue Fan.

The kneeling Ah Yue Fan who had his head bowed raised his gaze when he saw the pebble had stopped in front of him.

Pebbles cannot move on their own unless a strong wind is involved. His master never speaks and again, there were no writing tools here for her to use, so with the pebble, he knew that it was his master. After all, she does that a lot with them. When there's nothing for her to get her subordinates' attention, she does anything to gain it, including kicking pebbles.

Ah Yue Fan stood on his feet and started to report. The more Su Yue heard, the more her sharp brows creased, until she heard that her little brother was almost killed with poison.

A murderous glint flashed through her dimmed eyes for a moment. Luckily Ah Yue Fan was quick enough to follow up with Yulan Mo's claim of selling the poison to someone else. If not, Yulan Mo would have been searching for his head by now.

Su Yue looked at the boy whose face was becoming paler and paler. She lowered her gaze to his lips, and saw that they were turning blue. She looked over her shoulder and stretched out her hand to the girl standing erect behind her.

Seeing her master's outstretched hand, Ah Yue Meili immediately stepped forward and pulled out a small bottle from her waist belt, and passed it to Su Yue with both hands.

Su Yue collected the small black bottle and passed it to Ah Yue Fan who accepted it with both hands and a bow before turning to face Yulan Mo. He uncapped the bottle and poured out a white pill which he passed to Yulan Mo.

Yulan Mo took it from him in a hurry with shaky hands... Like the pill would disappear if he didn't take it immediately.

The pill had gotten to Yulan Mo's parted lips when he remembered he had no water with him, so he searched around the training ground with his eyes, but found no water pot.

"Brother Mo, take this," a young girl said and threw her water skin to him.

Yulan Mo looked at the girl with gratitude in his dying eyes before he took the pill and drank the water.

Su Yue watched as the boy started to vomit black blood a few moments after taking the pill. From black blood, it turned red mixed with black before it turned completely red.

After watching the boy for a while and seeing that his pale face was getting better, she raised her hand to make a 'go on' gesture.

Seeing this, Ah Yue Meili said: "Yulan Mo, master would love to hear your excuse." The senior members of the guild had long been with her and they understood her way of communication.

"I– y– yes, master," Yulan Mo raised himself from his sitting position and went on his knees. "I– I'm sorry master, I sold three pills in secret to some seniors… I really needed the money…" his voice trailed off.

" Who did you sell the pills to?" She asked.

"The pills... I can't remember who I sold the pills to. Their faces were covered, but they wore the Yulan house's uniform," He answered.