Plan in action– lab rat

Madam Su hasn't seen her daughter's face since she entered the chambers because her daughter had refused to let her. Frustrated, she unleashed exasperation on the maids whom she met kneeling, assuming they were the cause of her daughter's trouble.

The physician walked to the bed which has now been blocked by a screen. Su Yan stuck out her wrist from behind the screen to let him take her pulse. He placed a clean white handkerchief on the fair and slender wrist, and then placed his fingers on it to take her pulse, although he still didn't know what the problem was with the Young Miss.

While taking her pulse, his brows were creased and irritation flash through his aged face. After some time, he removed his fingers from her wrist and shook his head.

"What is the problem with her?" Madam Su asked with anticipation.

'What could be wrong with her if not that she is a drama queen? it's too early for this drama!' The old physician rolled his eyes in his mind. Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't voice it out.

He cleared his throat and said: "Second Miss' pulse is normal and she seems to be fine."

"That's not possible! you are a quack! mother, send him out of the manor now!" Su Yan screamed.

"Calm down, Yanyan. What is happening? Talk to your mother and I will seek justice for you." Madam Su comforted her as she made her way to the bed.

Because Su Yan was too engrossed in her grief, she failed to see her mother coming towards her.


Su Yan jolted in shock, knocking the screen over when she heard her mother's scream.

Everything happened so quickly that the maids couldn't react on time to place back the screen that had been blocking her from everyone's sight, so Su Yan's face that she had been protecting for so long, was finally revealed to everyone in the room.

Staring at that face full of huge blisters that were filled with white and yellowish pores, the people in the room couldn't help but let their jaws drop with their eyes wide as saucers.

Time seemed to have stopped as everyone, including some of the members of the Su residence whom no one knew when they came in, saw Su Yan's face and were so frightened and shocked that the room became incredibly silent that they would hear a pin touching the floor.

After a long while, someone finally snapped out of their stupor. "Second sister, y... your... face!" Exclaimed Su Mei Mei.

"Ahhhh!!!... Get out!!... Get out, all of you!!"

Su Mei Mei's reminder fueled Su Yan's craze and made her go on a rampage, throwing anything her hands could touch while screaming at the top of her voice for everyone to get out.

The behavior she was displaying was so unbefitting of the proud goddess image she engraved on everyone's mind. Right now, she looked like a demented wife who was cheated on.

"Yan Yan, wh... What happened to you?" Madam Su finally pulled herself to reality and couldn't believe what she was seeing, her beautiful daughter who was the envy of every lady in Hua Xia kingdom has become a... How should she describe this face?

"Get out, all of you, get out!... Leave!!!" She continued screaming like a deranged woman.

Ah Yue Jin stood behind the physician with a faint smile playing across his lips. 'The poison is… just great!

He remembered how he came into her room last night after returning from the inn. He knew her morning routine that she'd look at her face every morning when the cock crows. Then from that time until the dark sky embraces brightness, she would be applying one thing or the other on her skin just to keep looking beautiful and never aging.

He knew all of that from the gossipy maids who never stopped talking about how Su Yan wants to be the most beautiful woman that ever walked on Hua Xia soil, just for the crown prince to never look at another woman.

So he took the opportunity and applied the liquid poison on her face which was the prominent part of her body. He had wanted to mix them with her facial products but had a second thought about it and decided he would be applying it on her every night instead, but he never knew the result would be this quick!

The physician didn't understand how he couldn't find anything wrong with her when her face was like this. He was lost in thought when he heard Madam Su ask him: "Physician Wang, what is wrong with my daughter?"

Physician Wang shook his head, indicating he didn't know.

Madan Su felt her soul had been ripped off her chest, she lost her balance and fell backward. Thanks to her maid who was behind her, she didn't have to embarrass herself by falling down.

"How could this be?" she asked in an inaudible voice. If physician Wang couldn't find anything wrong with Yan Yan then who could?

Physician Wang is the third-best physician in Hua Xia. It cost the prime minister fortune to make him stay at his residence.

The first, is the miracle doctor who roams the world and the second are the imperial physicians.

If physician Wang can't help Yanyan, that leaves her to asking the crown prince for help. Thinking of the crown prince, her eyes lit up with hope as she left the support of her maid and rushed out in a hurry to find the prime minister.

Not forgetting to drive away all the guests in the room, leaving only Su Yan and her maids, with Su Yan bawling her eyes out and throwing a tantrum.

In a dimly lit study room…

Prime minister Su Tian was looking through the letter he received from his shadow guard with candle light when the study door was pushed open. Madam Su rushed inside like someone that was being chased.