Looking for her?

"I'm not sure your punishment won't be coming anytime soon. Master is about to attack the poison valley," Rong announced.

"Finally! It's only a pity I won't get the chance to fight alongside master. It's been a long time since I saw her fight," Ah Yue Bo sighed.

She knew the beef between her master and the poison valley because she was already Su Yue's disciple when the tragedy happened to Su Yue's master and seniors. That night was too painful to remember for her, let alone Su Yue.

Ah Yue Bo was there when the twelve years old Su Yue started gathering the ashes of her master and seniors' remains and buried it even though she couldn't separate her master's ashes.

Ah Yue Bo was also with Su Yue when she started building her assassin guild solely for Vengeance against the poison valley. She had been waiting for years to hear that her master had declared war against the poison valley and now, she has finally heard it and she's happy and sad.

Happy that the poison valley will be wiped out and sad that she won't be there to witness the poison valley's defeat.

"Ah Yue Fan must be very happy hearing that." Jin chuckled in sadness. He was also upset that he wouldn't be joining the fight.

"Hmm." Rong responded.

While the three were still discussing the Poison valley, in the opposite room, a young man was seen standing with his back to a kneeling masked man.

"Your majesty, I lost track of her."

"How many times have you lost track of her?" The deep rich voice 0f the man standing with his back to the room asked.

"Fifty times, your majesty." The guard answered with his voice filled with remorse.

"Tell me about the investigation I asked you to carry out."

"Yes... I found the surviving guard from twenty years ago."

"He hid himself really well, for twenty years... Continue," the man said.

"After she witnessed that incident, she ran into the bush with some guards chasing her. From the man who survived the horrified incident in the forest, he said that the little girl was saved by an eccentric old man who seemed to be very adept in the use of poison. I asked for the description and it turned out to be poison master Chu Longwei." The guard reported.

The man turned the side of his face to glance at the knelling guard and stated with meaning: "Poison master Longwei had only one female disciple."

"Yes, Your majesty. The disciple was said to have never said a word before and she wears a mask all the time," The guard added.

The man frowned. "Isn't that the description of the miracle doctor?"

The guard raised his gaze to look at his master's side profile. Seeing he was staring at him, he slowly nodded.

The man turned to look out the window into the dark night with his hands still behind his back. "Search for that disciple and also the miracle doctor, I believe they have a connection."

"Yes, your majesty." The guard stood on his feet and was about to leave when he heard the man say:

"Tell the others to lay low. I heard she had sent a letter to the poison valley. Send Jiang Gu to keep a tag on her and should be careful to not get caught."

"Yes, Your majesty." The guard bowed before he strode out of the inner room.

"Where on earth are you hiding? I have searched everywhere but failed, still, I will find you, Yue'er." The man looked into the far distance for a while before he went to take his seat behind the desk and with the help of the oil lamp on the desk, he was able to see the image drawn on the spread sheet in front of him.

The paper was the portrait of a little girl of about five years old with two ponytails. The child had a happy smile on her face as she stood on a tree, wearing a light pink and white hanfu dress.

The man stroked the girl's face as a bitter smile slowly appeared on his lips.


The next morning...

In the Northern Wing of the Prime Minister's manor, the maids were seen doing their morning chores.

The courtyard was quiet and the occasional chirping sound of birds and the sound of brooms scraping against the hard floor could be heard.

The sky still held a thread of darkness as the morning sun was about to announce her appearance.

Every morning has always been this hectic for the servants of prime minister Su's residence.


The servants working in the second Miss' courtyard paused for a moment and when they heard the shrieking sound again, they all dropped their cleaning tools and rushed towards the room.

The two maids closest to the door of the second Miss's room were quicker.

Getting inside the chamber, they saw three maids kneeling on the cold marble floor with their faces down and their shoulders shivering, evident that they were scared out of their wits. The floor was littered with fallen candlesticks and their stands.

The maids glanced at the second young Miss on the bed, holding a bronze mirror to her face while screaming.

It has always been the Miss' tradition to check her pretty face every time she wakes up in the morning, so today was no different.

The servants that had gotten into the room tried to understand what the problem was, until the Young Miss took the mirror away from her face.

The servants widened their eyes in horror at what was staring back at them. How could this be?!

They hurriedly lowered their gazes to the floor as two servants ran out of the room.

One ran towards the Madam's courtyard, while the other ran towards the physician's dwelling.

A while later, an old physician was seen rushing into the second Miss' courtyard with his attendant hurrying after him with the medical kit in hand.

The physician met Madam Su in the room, scolding and hitting the maids who were kneeling. Second Miss was crying on the bed behind a screen.

The instant Madam Su saw the physician, she immediately stopped hitting the maids and rushed to him. "Please check on my daughter and find out what is wrong with her." She pleaded with an anxious and worried tone.