Weird Emperor

Jin and Rong widened their eyes in surprise. Yeah, they knew their master was the definition of a heartless person, but…

"Senior, what did you do?" Jin asked Rong.

"I…" she frowned. "I think it was because I made things easy for third brother the last time he challenged me. I made him win and master heard of it. She said nothing at the time, so I thought she would let it pass," Rong explained.

"Hahahaha… master never let things slide. I also get punished sometimes even though she's not here. Like the last time, my message was delivered late and she received innkeeper Ling's news before mine. Now I'm serving the punishment which is to seduce that idiot with a dog nose you saw at the gate earlier. It's good that you are also getting punished, I thought I was the only one serving punishment, hehehehe." Ah Yue Bo laughed.

Jin wanted to laugh too but didn't dare. The fact that Senior Rong would thrash him again, aside. Was it him that hadn't been punished before? Even third brother who was loved had received more punishments than any disciple had, still he won't stop causing trouble.

"Why are you here?" Ah Yue Bo finally asked after laughing.

"I was sent to deliver a message to junior brother Jin." Rong took out two bottles from her bag and handed them to Jin. "Master said to apply them on one of the favorite daughters of prime minister Su. However you do it doesn't matter, provided it has the same result."

"What's that?" Ah Yue Bo asked while stretching her hand to take one of the bottles.

"I have no idea." Ah Yue Rong shook her head.

There were no names and no descriptions on the bottles, a typical thing their master does.

"I guess we'll know the result after you use them. Who do you intend to use them on?....There's a powder and a liquid." Ah Yue Bo announced after opening the lids of the bottles.

She wasn't scared that it would have a repulsive smell because their master's poisons can never be detected by the greatest doctor in Hua Xia kingdom– no, that's not right. Their master is also the miracle doctor. Hahaha…

"Prime minister Su loves his first daughter more, but that lady, Su Ru, is too nice to be troubled. The second young Miss is the second child that the prime minister likes and she's set to marry the crown prince. She causes me a lot of trouble every day, so she's my target," he smiled.

"Won't you be suspected since you have bad blood with her and you know medicine?" Rong asked. She wasn't worried for him because she knows what he's capable of. She was only worried that their master's plans might be ruined.

"Who told her to be a troublesome and two faced lady? To the public, she's the nicest as she tries to compete with her older sister in everything she does, but while in the manor, she becomes villainous, just like her mother.

Also, she and the third young Miss have never liked each other, and that one too wants to be something she's not. It won't be bad to turn them against each other. Hehehe…" Jin gave a villainous laugh.

"You want to make the second Miss accuse the third Miss of her problem?" Ah Yue Bo asked in amusement.

"Of course, I can't skip an opportunity to make both Misses suffer. The third Miss dared to slap me for not greeting her when I didn't know she was there…" his face darkened.

"Wow, she messed with the wrong person. I heard she and her mom are not very pleasant… "

"No one except First Miss Ru is pleasant in the Su manor. Even the little girl of five years old is worse than Su Yan– the Second Miss," Jin explained.

"Hahaha… the whole family is already dead, master is only going to wash away their ashes," Ah Yue Bo mocked.

"But senior, do you have any idea why master wants to destroy the Su family? I have asked the YUE disciples and they don't seem to know anything. You have been with master the longest, so you should know something, right?" Jin asked.

Ah Yue Bo shook her head, "master's mind is deep and complicated. She never explains her reason for anything. I have been in the palace for ten years already, but still have no idea why I was made to always give information on the emperor and every news I hear."

Rong who was silently drinking and listening to the conversation suddenly interrupted Jin who wanted to say something. "I caused a mess today," she said.

"Ah, I think I heard it too, I was meaning to tell you after this meeting. The news is everywhere that you taught those three rascals a lesson. You should leave the capital before dawn or else those three families would cause a ruckus to find you and the emperor– that weird man might not intervene," Ah Yue Bo said.

"How do I leave before dawn?"

"The crown prince is about to send a few caravans out and they will be leaving before dawn, you should infiltrate them."

"Hmm, thank you, senior."

"It's no big deal. I was sent here to pave the way for you all….. Ah, give master this." She brought out a neatly folded letter and handed it to Rong.

"What's with the emperor and what were you looking for at the gate?" Rong asked after keeping the letter safe.

"The emperor wanted us to look for a few spies that were sent into the kingdom. We were searching for marks on them since they had weird birthmarks."

"Oh… sometimes, I feel the emperor is a great leader, but most of the time, he makes terrible decisions," Jin shook his head.

"The man is weird, just like master. Tell everyone to lay low when you get back. The emperor has taken the search for our hideout seriously. He sent a large number of men out a week ago to track us down… why am I even worried? I know that master must have heard it already and her reply would be for you all to kill any spy on sight… I should be waiting for my punishment for not informing her before innkeeper Ling did," Ah Yue Bo sighed. Working in the palace is hellish, the emperor is acting weird and she had to lay low.

"I'm not sure your punishment would be coming anytime soon. Master is about to attack the poison valley," Rong announced.