Different thoughts

"Come back in the next court session to tell us whom you have chosen. Meanwhile, while asking us for an heir, you shouldn't forget that the kingdom already has a crown prince, unless you want his head severed for the upcoming crown prince."

The crown prince immediately raised his head to look at the emperor and cried out, "your majesty, this humble servant shall relinquish his title to the rightful heir!"

The emperor smiled when he heard that. "Your words shall be taken to heart."

"Thank you, your majesty!"

The emperor stood up from his throne and was about to leave when the crown prince scurried forward on his knees. "Your Majesty!"

The emperor paused on his steps and turned to look at him with his brow raised at his nephew, but said nothing.

"Your majesty, this servant begs for your immeasurable favor. Please, permit me the use of an imperial physician!"

"Who is sick?" He asked.

"My fiance, Your majesty."

"Permission granted," he said and walked away.

"Thank you for your grace, Your majesty." The crown prince remained there until the emperor had disappeared from sight.

Prime minister Su Tian sighed in relief knowing that his second daughter would be healed before he stood up with the others.

He looked at the other officials who had their daughters in the emperor's harem and narrowed his eyes. None of his daughters has gotten into the emperor's harem yet and his oldest daughter was being reserved to be the empress, but since things have turned this way, he would have to change his plans. Su Ling has to be sent to the palace immediately, even if it means sending her as a concubine.

If she can get into the palace, then he would be able to get the others to vote for his daughter to be the one to receive the emperor's favor. Once that happens and Su Ling gives the emperor an heir, then she would automatically be elevated to be the empress!

His heart swelled with great joy and his dampened mood lifted.

As he was scheming, so were the other ministers, especially left prime minister Huan Chung who has his two daughters as concubines to the emperor.

The man narrowed his eyes at the other officials who had daughters in the harem and marked them all as enemies he needed to take care of, ignoring his nemesis– prime minister Su Tian.

Some of them knew that the scheming emperor had set them against themselves, but what can they do about it? This isn't the first time they had fallen into the emperor's schemes and this won't be the last time either, so the officials weren't really bothered about the reason for the emperor's schemes at the moment.

However, the same cannot be said about the crown prince and the old teacher.

The crown prince was wondering why his imperial uncle just threatened his life when he could have made a decree that he would abdicate the crown prince title to his nephew when he's finally born.

It was not like he wanted the title of the crown prince in the first place. The title was decreed on him by the emperor, so why did he say that? Has he unknowingly offended the emperor?

It should be known that the emperor never make jokes. Whatever he says even when he's laughing should be taken seriously and preparations made ahead of time because when he strikes, he does it with full force.

The old man walked out of the hall and went in search of the emperor. Although he was supposed to be that rascal's teacher, still, he couldn't understand that Emperor.


Inside the Emperor's study…

"Your majesty, the minister of rites is here." Eunuch Liu announced the moment he walked in and bowed.

"Hmm, let him in."

"Yes, your majesty." Eunuch Liu walked out with his back in a bowing position.

Soon the old man walked in and bowed.

"Your majesty, this old man is here for you to make things clear to me. I am getting too old to understand your actions most times," He said without the respect he showed in the courtroom earlier.

"Teacher, you should have a seat first and wait for tea. Your throat must be dried from fighting me earlier," He chuckled.

"I dare not fight his majesty," the old man glared at him while his lips said the opposite.

"Is there anything you don't dare?" The Emperor rolled his eyes and got up to help the old man to his seat.

"Teacher, do you have to be so stubborn about these petty things? My brothers and nephews are there, they can inherit the throne after me, so why are you urging me like the kingdom has no one to rule over it."

"This is different, Yin An. No one can rule the kingdom like you do. The Kingdom will fall into the hands of the enemies if you think those brothers of yours can't be brave enough to withstand attacks."

"So what can my child do?" He chuckled.

"You child can be taught by you," the old man frowned.

"But I'm a wicked Emperor whom I'm very sure will be cured for thousands of years to come. My name shall go down into the book of history as the most evil emperor." He turned and walked to the window, looking into the distance, he continued, "... Teacher, do not join them in talking about my harem. It doesn't give me the opportunity to wipe them out."

"You this child…" he sighed. "It's been twenty years, she must have died of hardship–"

"No, teacher…" he turned to face the old man and shook his head with his hands behind his back. "... I shall find her and marry her."

"If she is still alive, she will hate you," the old man said.

"I will be honored, provided she's alive."

The master's eyes dimmed. 'That child is a problem. If she's alive, they must not be allowed to meet. He has to do something as fast as possible.'

While the old master was having his own plans, the emperor was fantasizing about a lady in red with a phoenix crown with lots of beads that extended to cover her face, making her face invisible, walking up the fleet of long stairs towards him.