Second Miss Su Yan's face

At the prime minister's manor…..

An imperial physician was seen in Su Yan's room. 

He took her pulse and after a while, he creased his brows, then he repeated the process again and again and shook his head. 

He took a long silver needle from his medical kit and cleaned it with an unknown liquid and took it close to Su Yan's face. 

"W– what are you trying to do?" She asked in fright. 

"Calm down young Miss, I need to check the pores," He answered. 

"Yue'er, let him do what he wants, he knows better." Madam Su squeezed her daughter's hand gently.

"Ok, mother," she answered before she calmed down a little. Although her eyes weren't calm at all as they followed the needle everywhere it went. 

The Imperial physician poked the needle into a large boil. Instantly, yellow pores ran out of the boil to produce a horrifying smell. 

The physician almost held his nose but immediately cautioned himself. He might be a low-ranked imperial physician but the young Miss he was treating is the crown prince's fiance.

Madam Su turns to look at Su Yan in terror. "Y– Yanyan, w– why is your face smelling?" She didn't dare to close her nose but was discreetly shielding her nose with her handkerchief.

"Mother, what do you mean?" 

"Y–your face, don't you smell anything?" Madam Su asked in a slow and disbelieving voice.

How could she not smell it?

"I– is that smell coming from my face?!" She panicked 

She had perceived that smell but didn't have the time to ask who the maid with that smell was before her mother said that. 

Madam Su slowly nodded with her eyes holding a stream of tears. 

"Y–You, it's im– impossible mother!"

"Take it easy, young Miss. You are causing more damage to your face." The imperial physician quickly said.

His words were effective as Su Yue who wanted to throw a tantrum earlier, sat down calmly with tears flowing down her cheeks. She wanted too badly to see how her face looked now, but she wouldn't dare because the boils had become larger.

The physician ignored the horrible smell and proceeded to observe the needle to see if it changed color but it didn't. 

The man sighed and shook his head in resignation.

"How was it, did you find anything?" Madam Su asked the physician as she wiped her face. 

"No, madam, the poison that was used on her face is weird and I haven't seen it before." 

Su Yan burst into a loud howl as she thought of her engagement with the crown prince and her standing in the kingdom if her face remained this way. 

"Madam, I have to go report to the crown prince, there is nothing I can do." The physician said while putting his apparatuses together.

Madam Su didn't hear what the physician said as her eyes were clouded with tears while also consoling the wailing Su Yan. 

The physician sighed again and walked out of the room to the crown prince who was sitting with prime minister Su Tian in the welcoming hall.  

Getting to the two men in the hall, the imperial physician bowed and said with sadness; "Your highness, her ailment is strange, I couldn't find anything in her pulse."

"You mean you can't treat her?" The crown prince asked, a little perplexed.

"I'm sorry, Your highness for my lack of knowledge." The physician bowed even lower. 

"It's fine, you can't be blamed." The crown prince said with dejection in his voice. 

Prime minister Su's face contorted in rage as resentment filled his heart. While sitting there saying nothing, his mind was piecing possible culprits together and cooking up ideas on how to punish them. 

Just then, he got yanked back to reality by the words coming out of the imperial physician's mouth.

"Thank you, Your Highness... Your Highness, if I may suggest, I think prime minister Su should seek the miracle doctor. I heard she will be visiting the Capital soon."

The moment the imperial physician voiced out his suggestion, both the crown prince and prime minister Su leaped for joy. 

"Are you serious?!!" They both chorused. 

"Yes, Your highness. My wife's maternal brother who came to visit from Western Du told me so. He said the miracle doctor's disciples announced it themselves." He explained excitedly.  He was also hoping for the miracle doctor's visit because he carries the thought of begging for some knowledge. 

"Take this," The crown prince gave him two taels of gold in appreciation. 

The physician and even the prime minister were shocked beyond words. 

It is a universal knowledge that the crown prince is nice and loving to the people, but this was too much! 

Money in Hua Xia is categorized into three parts. 

The silver and gold tael, the silver and gold coins, and the copper and bronze coins. 

Some of the means to recognize wealthy households are; the materials used for their clothes, their carriages, and the money they spend. 

However, that does not mean that others cannot hold taels. When given taels, the person is expected to hurry to the nation's bank and change the money to the denomination he feels would be good for his status to avoid unnecessary trouble. 

Taels are rare, especially in the time of the ruling emperor. He stopped the 'excessive' production of taels to eradicate embezzlement of funds and the law has been working great in the people's favor. Although the corrupted officials are not pleased with the law. 

The imperial physician hurriedly thanked the crowned prince after his initial surprise; "Thank you, thank you, Your Highness!"  

The crown prince dismissed him with a kind smile. 

After the imperial physician had left, the crown prince's face turned serious and he said to the prime minister. "Please, refrain from sending people over to my manor at night. I don't want my imperial uncle to think I am amassing power, it won't end well with you and this prince if that happens."