Ah Yue Fan meets master (1)

"I will ask you one last time, where are they!" The General raised his voice a little, still, Zhou Shi kept quiet.

"Archers, come forward!!" the General roared.

Around ten to fifteen archers stepped out of the crowd of black-clothed men, ready for battle.

"At the count of three, if you don't speak, I will kill all these people."

The servants and maids became frightened. They could see the aura of death hovering above their heads as the courtyard was filled with tension.

Zhou Shi's two handmaids held themselves tightly from breaking down, digging their nails into each other's skins to remain sane and not give away the location of their masters due to fear.

But the same cannot be said about the other servants whose fear of death has already taken root in their hearts.