Ah Yue Fan's Sorrow

While the two were chasing each other, two people in black with their faces covered, stopped their horses on the spot Su Yue and Ah Yue Fan were standing a while ago.

"Should we go back and report to master?" One said.

"Not yet. Let's follow them… hyaaaah!" The other said and whipped his horse into action.

The two started to discreetly follow Su Yue and Ah Yue Fan like they have been doing.

They got to a dilapidated house and stopped at the small gate in front of the house.

Ah Yue Fan swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared at the manor he once called home.

The front courtyard he was looking at used to be the place he ran around with his father chasing him while his mother would sit inside the pavilion built for her, beside the lake, and laugh at them.

It was this same yard he used to tease his mother's two handmaids and they would deprive him of the delicious sweets they would make for his mother.