Yulan Mo– 5 years slavery

"Yulan Mo, for going against the rule of the guild, your punishment is naturally, death. However, you are given the option to choose whether you would serve Ah Yue Fan for 5 years or have your head–" 

"I choose to be a slave, I'll serve senior brother, Ah Yue Fan, I'll serve him!" 

Yulan Mo's heart had plummeted and stopped pumping blood when he heard that he would be killed. But the second he heard the other option, his mouth miraculously responded before the whole words registered. 

The last thing he wanted right now was to die before he seeks his revenge. He didn't want to die until his little brother grows old with a wife and children. 

Ah Yue Fan was stunned. He abruptly looked at his master who had her eyes on her tea cup and wanted to explode with anger. 'She's doing it on purpose!' He yelled in his mind.

The other disciples in the hall chuckled softly when they saw his face like a child who didn't get what they wanted and was holding grudges.

Yes, Ah Yue Fan was holding grudges right now. He turned his head to look at Yulan Mo and narrowed his eyes at him. 

Yulan Mo shivered when he saw those eyes. 

"Ahem," Cheng coughed into his fist. "I haven't finished," he said. 

'What else does master want?' Yulan Mo thought.

'Is there an option for me to do away with him?' Sh Yue Fan smiled when he thought of that, but to his disappointment, the next words to be read almost made him run up to Su Yue to challenge her. 

"Ah Yue Fan, not a hair on Yulan Mo's head must go missing. Teach him with a good heart while he's serving you. Master has a use for his skills in the future. 

Yulan Mo, listen to your Ah Yue Fan. Obey him and learn well."

Ah Yue Cheng rolled up the paper to look at Ah Yue Fan with his eyes sparkling with joy. 

Now that Ah Yue Fan has a student, he would be so occupied that he won't have the time to challenge him every moment he wants to have fun. He laughed in his heart. 

Cheng wasn't the only one thinking that way. Ah Yue Rong's lips curled into a smile. Master is too brilliant! 

Ah Yue Rong knew that this was Ah Yue Fan's punishment for causing trouble a few days ago in the guild.

The sulking Ah Yue Fan had nothing to say anymore, so he accepted. Besides, even if he protests, master will not listen. She's as stubborn as a bull! Once she makes a decision, nothing and no one can change her mind. 

Although in some cases, she goes back on her words, it's very rare for that to happen, especially not in this case.

"Disciple accept master's decree!" The both of them chorused at the same time.

Su Yue waved at them before she started to write on another paper. 

After she was done, Cheng read it out. It continued like that until she asked for them to start reporting on their missions. 

Ah Yue Rong started giving her report. She explained what she saw and heard in the capital and also gave an account of the trouble she caused as she lowered her head, hoping she hadn't spoiled anything for her master.

Just then, she remembered that a letter was given to her by her senior, Ah Yue Bo, so she immediately presented it. 

Su Yue read through the letter in an unhurried manner. The more she read, the more creased her brows became. It was fortunate she was wearing a mask, plus her bangs covered the other side of her face, so her abnormal reaction went unnoticed.

'Chou Lèi Kingdom!' She called the name in her heart. 

"Master," Ah Yue Rong called. 

Su Yue raised her head to look at her. 

"I think there's a possibility that the Chou Lèi Kingdom would be finding trouble with us in the future." She voiced her suspicion. 

Ever since she heard those people talk about the Chou Lèi Kingdom, she had been feeling restless. If it was possible to not think of anything, the Chou Lèi Kingdom would be the name everyone in Xiao-Haas continent would love to forget. 

Su Yue wrote down some words and Ah Yue Cheng read them out. "Your senior sister is also concerned about that. I shall send out your brothers after the war with the poison valley to look into the matter." 

"Yes, master… also, I think the crown prince is up to something," She said. 

"What did you find out?" Ah Yue Cheng read. 

"I was fortunate to escape the capital with their carriage and an incident where I had to defend my life occurred. The crown prince was said to not have powerful people around him, but the guard I had a little exchange with was a lot more powerful than the others. 

I wanted to make him tell me some things but he didn't get to finish his words before others started approaching. However, I heard him mention a gold mine." She reported. 

'Gold mine', Su Yue stretched the words in her mind. She picked up the pen and wrote a few words. 

"Ah Yue Cheng, go and–"

"Master!" A voice pulled Cheng from reading the whole message to himself since the message was for him. 

"Greetings, master. A messenger bird has arrived with a message for master." The messenger, a middle-aged man with bird nest hair said as he stretched his hand with a small pipe made of bamboo forward. 

Ah Yue Fan walked over to him and retrieved the bamboo pipe from him before the man walked away. Not even waiting to be told to leave, or waiting to know what's inside the pipe. 

Nobody cared as it seems it has been a norm. 

Ah Yue Fan passed the pipe to Cheng who handed it to Su Yue before stepping aside. 

Su Yue opened the pipe and brought out a small rolled-up paper. She unrolled it and read the message in it, then she set it on the desk.