News regarding Bai Lu

Ah Yue Fan passed the pipe to Cheng who handed it to Su Yue before stepping aside. 

Su Yue opened the pipe and brought out a small rolled-up paper. She unrolled it and read the message in it, then she set it on the desk.

She picked up her pen and wrote: "a gold mine has been discovered in Rua village, on the border of northern Wei and southern Hua. Ah Yue Cheng, select 50 capable disciples and head there to retrieve the gold, all of it." 

"Yes, master!" Ah Yue Cheng bowed after reading it. 

Su Yue curled her lips. 'Third uncle, I'll see you soon',  she said in her mind.

The message was delivered by Ah Yue Jin and it gladdens her heart that she would be wrecking her third uncle's plans for the gold mine.

Done with the matters of the mine and others, she turned her gaze to Ah Yue You and gestured with her fingers for her to start talking. 

"Master, the royal family of northern Wei are said to be preparing to visit Solace city for the Qingming festival. I heard that his highness, the king of northern Wei is meaning to take advantage of the festival to honor his late brother, first prince Shen An, and his consort, Zhou Shi…"

Ah Yue You stopped talking when she saw that her master had raised her hand. She didn't know if she had said the wrong words or something, so she lowered her head until she heard Ah Yue Cheng's voice.

"Skip that part and continue with the rest of your discovery." 


Unbeknownst to them all, Ah Yue Fan's lower lip was bleeding from biting down on it too hard. His forehead bulged with blue veins and his tightened fists turned white from loss of blood. 

He raised his reddened eyes to look at his master who shook her head at him. He understood that she was telling him to hold it in and not lose control. 

Those red eyes held tears, but he refused to shed them. He slowly nodded at her, asserting that he understands, but his heart didn't comprehend. It was hurting and very painful. It felt like his heart was being pricked with countless needles and he was almost on the verge of not being able to bear it anymore. 

Yulan Mo felt the changes around him, so he turned to look at his side. Seeing the playful and wicked Ah Yue Fan holding in so much pain that was threatening to explode, he discerned that the report of just now has something to do with him, so he stepped forward and bowed, interrupting Ah Yue You who wanted to continue her report. 

"Master, please grant this disciple the consent to take his little master away." 

The others looked at him with frowns on their faces. The meeting is not over yet and this junior wants to leave. They all turned to look at Ah Yue Fan who immediately turned his back to them. 

Su Yue nodded at Yulan Mo who hurriedly pulled Ah Yue Fan out of the hall after saying his gratitude. 

The others stared after their backs. They didn't see the hurt and what Ah Yue Fan was going through, but from the sadness and rage that his body was subconsciously giving out, they then realized why Yulan Mo had to take him away.

Su Yue's gaze followed the two until they left through the door before she returned her gaze to Ah Yue You and gestured for her to continue. She picked up the cup of hot tea that Ah Yue Lin poured her. 

"Thank you, master," she said and continued. 

"While I was strolling through the busy streets of northern Wei's capital city, I heard that the King had ordered the execution of someone named Bai Lu…"

Su Yue's hand froze in mid-air. The cup of hot tea was just a few inches away from her lips. 

The temperature of the room plummeted, it went from warm to freezing. The disciples all knelt with a plop. 

"Please cease your anger master!!" They all echoed, no one wants to lose their heads by mistake. Their master was known to be eccentric, they never know what she is thinking and when she decides to punish a person for a mistake they made a long time ago. She is a ticking time bomb. 

 It took them by surprise when they saw her releasing this deadly aura over an unknown young man. 

'That young master must be very important to her', they thought.

"Ah You, what happened?" Ah Yue Cheng immediately asked even though he wasn't given permission. He was starting to feel the heat on his back and any moment from now, he might start sweating buckets.

"Reporting to master, he was decapitated and hung on the northern Wei city gate…" 

Ah Yue You tried to be conscious of her words but didn't know how else to say them aside from how she just did. After all, that was the truth.


A cracking sound was heard as the teacup Su Yue was holding cracked and the hot tea rushed onto her shaking hand.


Ah Yue Lin exclaimed in horror as she disregarded the fact that her master never allows body contact with anyone and rushed to dabble a clean white handkerchief with the water from the jar sitting on the table and quickly wiped her hand with it.

 The burn was severe, thanks to her Milky pale smooth skin. Ah Yue Lin, with reddened eyes dabbled the wet handkerchief on her master's hand while blowing on it.

 Su Yue lowered her gaze to her reddened hand and shifted her fervent stare to Ah Yue Lin. She felt no pain from getting burned because the pain she was feeling in her heart right at that moment obliterated the pain in her hand.

After she was rescued by her master 20 years ago, she had begged him to help her look for Bai Lu. 

It took her seniors 10 years to find Bai Lu. It turned out he was adopted by a wealthy businessman. She was happy and wanted to show herself to him, but her master didn't allow her.