The Elders of the guild

It took her seniors 10 years to find Bai Lu. It turned out he was adopted by a wealthy businessman. She was happy and wanted to show herself to him, but her master didn't allow her. 

He told her that getting involved with him or his adopted family would be to her disadvantage, unless she's powerful enough to swallow the whole Hua Xia kingdom.

At that time, she didn't know what he meant but after she grew her power and started to know things, she discovered that the family who adopted Bai Lu is in cohort with the enemies of Hua Xia kingdom.

At a point, she had the thought to steal him from them. Suddenly, the emperor raided their home, killed his adopted family and everyone involved in the crime of betraying the kingdom, however, Bai Lu was nowhere to be found.

The emperor left a decree with the highness of northern Wei that anywhere they spotted the young master of the traitor's family, he should be killed.

Ever since, she had sent out her people to look everywhere for him, only to hear such heartbreaking news after so long!

Su Yue closed her eyes for a moment before she opened them again and took the brush to write. However, her fingers weren't steady. Due to how shaky they were, her beautiful strokes turned unprepossessing.

Still, Ah Yue Cheng was able to read it out loud.

"Send a message for his body to be brought down from the gate and bring him to the guild to be buried. That will be all for today, you may all leave."

"Yes, master!" They all said and left, leaving Su Yue, Cheng, and Ah Yue Lin in the hall.

"Ah Yue Lin, prepare a bath for me," Su Yue wrote.

"Yes, master," Ah Yue Lin bowed and left.

Looking at Ah Yue Cheng, Su Yue picked up her brush and wrote: "I shall be heading to poison valley in two days, you should leave for the gold mine today and return tomorrow morning, or probably this night."

"Ok, master!" Ah Yue Cheng said with a bow of his head.

"One more thing, send someone to go check on the blacksmith village and tell them to bring the new weapons they have made," She wrote.

"Yes, master… master, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. The last time, I executed a disciple from the Tie Jàng house..." He lowered his head, feeling remorseful.

[Tei Jiàng house is the name for the blacksmith village.]

Su Yue looked at him with a slight frown on her face. It wasn't that she was angry that he killed someone, besides, none of her senior disciples would kill the juniors unless they broke the rules. However, she was a little upset because the Tie Jiàng house has only a handful of disciples. Killing them would mean that they'll be running out of weapons.

Feeling that her already terrifying aura was getting thicker, Ah Yue Cheng immediately went on his knees and kowtowed. "...The disciple was unfaithful. He bought low quality materials for the weapon forgery even though he was given more than enough money to get the best quality materials in the kingdom…"

Su Yue's frown deepened after hearing that.

"...When I did research on what he did with the rest of the money, I found out he went to the brothel and spent a few nights there, so I executed him."

Su Yue nodded. He did well, however she wasn't going to let him off. "Why didn't you tell me this and when was this?" She wrote.

"It happened when you went out as the miracle doctor," He answered.

"Understandable, but you still have to find a talented disciple from the Tie Jiàng disciples to replace him," she wrote.

"Yes, master, I already replaced him with a junior from the Tie Jiàng house. The junior wasn't very good at first, but now, he has dominated all of his seniors. Master Jiang praised him and said he has an eye for the student and the junior was going to take over the blacksmith house in a few years from now."

Su Yue curled her lips into a faint smile. Master Jiang was one of those men she brought into the guild. They were neither her students, nor were they her master.

Those few people who held the guild like elders were her master's disciples– her senior brothers.

Before the incident with their master, those few seniors were sent on a mission. When they returned, their master and everyone else were already dead, and they had also thought she died, after all, she was the only female and last disciple that their master took in, so she was loved by all her senior brothers.

That was why when they started to hear that a mute who was a miracle doctor was healing people, they found it odd and came looking for her.

When they knew that she had the intention to set up a guild, they supported her with all the manpower she needed and watched her bring in her disciples one after the other while some of them stayed at the gate, protecting the guild like their life, others, like master Jiang decided to let his blacksmith skills shine by taking in some disciples that has talent for forging weapons.

But unfortunately, the Tie Jiàng house had only a few disciples for over 5 years and that was the only reason Su Yue passed down a rule that none of the TieJiàng students must be killed no matter their crime.

And it seems that their privilege has gotten into the head of some. Killing that disciple, who by the way has been the only disciple killed in the Tie Jiàng house, was a good thing.

Buying low quality materials for their weapons means that he wanted them dead in war. It was a pity Su Yue didn't get to kill him by herself.

"Good, I shall go see Elder Jiang in a while. You can go now." Su Yue wrote before she stood up and left for her courtyard.