Venting his anger

After Ah Yue Fan left the meeting, he didn't go directly to his courtyard, but went to the prison to vent his anger. On getting there, he met a guy in Yulan house's uniform and curled his lips into a wicked smile.

"Open the gate," he told one of the guards standing by the prison gate.

The guard raised himself from his bowing position and opened the locks on the gate.

Ah Yue Fan went in with Yulan Mo who refused to leave him alone. Anyway, since they were servant and master now, Yulan Mo has to go everywhere with him.

"So, it's you, huh?" Ah Yue Fan asked without warmth in his voice.

The guy refused to say anything and just sat on his spot with legs curled to his chest and head down.

"He didn't respond to me, It seems I'm too small and weak to solicit a response from him.." Ah Yue Fan said to Yulan Mo who was behind him.

Yulan Mo rolled his eyes. 'Oh please, who isn't scared of you in this guild?' he thought.

"Mo, go get me senior sister Meili's whip," Ah Yue Fan commanded.

"Yes, little master," Yulan Mo said and walked away.

Even when the guy heard that a whip would be brought soon, he still refused to raise his head. It wasn't that he was not scared. However, what else could he do that would save his life other than to accept his death?

It was better to die before getting caught in this guild because once a spy is caught, his ending would be more than miserable!

He had wanted to send a cry for help to his people but the message was intercepted by those old villains staying at the gate. They shot down the messenger bird and took away the letter.

He also didn't know that the master had already sensed him to be the spy for long and the moment he sent out the letter, he was apprehended by two disciples from the Yue house.

He was a powerful assassin, one of the finest in black blood assassin guild, however with Ah Yue Meili and Ah Yue Wei coming together to arrest him, he was nothing. Those two girls are demons!

In the sword of death assassin guild, there are 6 girls and 4 boys to be feared.

Ah Yue Lin

Ah Yue Meili

Ah Yue Rong

Ah Yue You

Ah Yue Wei.

Ah Yue Ran.

And as for the boys, those to be feared are:

Ah Yue Fan

Ah Yue Cheng

Ah Yue Song

Ah Yue Ai.

Those 10 disciples were strictly taught by their master and their mercy level was close to nothing!

The boy sighed when he heard the sound of the prison gate opening again. Just when he was about to raise his head, "kuh-chhhh!" The sound of the cracking whip sent a shiver down his spine as beads of sweat started forming a little while later.

Ah Yue Fan seemed to be teasing him with the cracking sound of the whip as he had a smile on his lips but wasn't stepping forward, only watching him shiver with every crack he made.

Yulan Mo felt goosebumps rising on his skin and slowly rubbed his arms. If wickedness has another name, then it's Ah Yue Fan.

"Who sent you after my life?" Ah Yue Fan asked after he was sure that he had driven the young man into a terrible state of fear.

The young man raised his head to look at him. The horrified look on his face frightened Yulan Mo and made Ah Yue Fan chuckle.

The young man had mucus running from his nose, mixed with the tears from his reddened eyes, and a pale white face.

He wasn't supposed to be this scared as he was a well trained assassin, but he had no idea what the master of sword of death assassin guild fed him with before she interrogated him a while back.

Now he has no free-will or strong-willed, neither did he have self control over his emotions and fear. He should be resisting their torture, that is the most sensible thing to do as an assassin that already signed away his life, but here he was, confessing everything he knew before even getting a hit.

"Ha, I haven't even touched you yet and you are this scared? What a weakling. You should have thought of how wicked I am before you tried your petty schemes on me. Now, I don't want to repeat myself, who sent you and why?!" He yelled with seriousness on his face.

The guy had nothing to hide anymore. After all, he has no control over what he does now, so he opened his mouth and let the words out freely.

"I– I'm a spy from the dark blood assassin. I wanted to k–kill you because it was my mission to weaken your master and I found out you are the only person she liked, so I, I…"

Ah Yue Fan sighed. "So you were sent after my master and you had the effrontery to accept the mission. You are scared of the weakling of the dark blood assassin guild that called himself master, but not scared of the master of the sword of death assassin guild? Very good. It so happened that I needed a place to vent and you presented yourself to me, I'm glad."

"Kuh-chhhh!" He cracked the whip again before he took a few steps to stand close to the guy and started to whip him like he was whipping a sack of rice.

Yulan Mo closed his eyes after a while of watching the skin on the young man's body peeling off. As a Yulan, he had seen gory scenes and gone on different missions that required him to take people's lives, but he preferred to give them quick deaths and that was also why he chose his kind of poison that kills quicker.

However, it seems he was going to be seeing such gory scenes much in the future by staying around Ah Yue Fan, which makes him wonder if that was why his master made him Ah Yue Fan's servant.