War with the poison valley 3

The boy became a human shield for Su Yue, from the arrows that were being shot at her.

Soon, the arrows lessened, giving Su Yue the time to raise her head and look at the direction the arrows were coming from.

The archers and two elders stood on top of a tall building. It seems the building was made for the masters to stand on and address the students, but why was it that tall? Or is there another use for it?

That has nothing to do with Su Yue though. She pointed at Ah Yue Cheng who happened to look at her after cutting off a student's head.

Getting Ah Yue Cheng's attention, she pointed at the tall platform and made a slitting throat gesture with her hand.

"To the archers!!"

Ah Yue Cheng cried out and a few top fifty disciples, less than ten sprinted after him.

With no arrows to get in the way anymore, Su Yue looked around and saw that none of her disciples were killed yet… at least, none from the space she was standing.

Her gaze searched the chaotic battleground for Ah Yue Fan and saw the maniac stabbing a girl in the stomach with a disgusted look on his face.

Yulan Mo wasn't far from Yue Fan either. He was chopping down enemies while looking out for his little master's back.

Ah Yue Rong, wouldn't miss the opportunity to let her target see their intestines, nor would Meili stay back without using her spiked whip to rip off her target's head.

Su Yue smiled faintly, but the next second, her sword that was resting by her side was thrust back and it stabbed into a student that was trying to sneak an attack on her.

She pulled the blade out without looking back at the student she killed and moved away to allow the student to fall forward.

She strode into the place with the most students in yellow and started a killing spree.

With every slash of her blade, two or three bodies fell.

The students are not warriors, all they know is poison. How could they fight against Su Yue and her disciples who were hardcore assassins?

The killings continued until someone shouted to use poisons. Some students hurriedly brought out their poisons and let the breeze blow them around.

However, even after the time it took to burn an incense stick, no one from the sword of death Assassins fell from being poisoned. Fear gripped them knowing that their enemies were immune to poison.

"Retreat! Retreat!!"

An elder screamed when he saw they were losing too many students.

The students started to run in one direction.

The sword of death assassins didn't go after them. The hundreds of them with some injured stood together, waiting for what was about to come.

"Throw the explosive!"

The elder roared when he saw that all their students had left the open space.

The students picked up explosives from the huge basket beside them and lit them before throwing them at Su Yue and her people. Unfortunately, on reaching the ground, the fire on the ropes attached to the explosives went off.

After a long while, nothing happened.

The elder was flabbergasted. He snatched an explosive from a student and touched the rope… it was a little damp.

The elder threw the explosive on the floor in rage and overturned the basket of explosives.

"You…" he grabbed a student. "Go to the hall and inform the master, hurry!"

The student bowed and hurried off.

The elder looked from one student standing in front of him to another, probably to catch the traitor.

However, the traitors in yellow uniforms were busy pouring inflammable liquid in the other buildings and setting them on fire.

"Fire! There's fire!!" Someone screamed.

"Attack!!" Ah Yue Cheng cried for the battle to begin.

"Put out the fire! Protect the academy!"

The elder was confused. He didn't know which one to do. He was not a general who was good in battle. He wanted the academy to be saved, same way he wanted the enemies to be killed, but both of them cannot be achieved at once.

Putting out the fire would mean that the students would have to be divided, and facing the enemies would mean that the fire would consume the whole academy.

While the disciples ran in to continue the battle, Su Yue slashed mercilessly at whoever came to view as she created a path for herself to head to the hall, where she believed the pavilion master would be.

Meanwhile, as the battle was going on, the student that was sent to inform the pavilion master was seen rushing towards the hall that was behind the academy.

From the top of a tree standing by the path, the boy heard a voice from the top of the tree, "hey, come over," Ah Yue Ai who was lying on the tree waved at the boy but he ignored him.

Ah Yue Ai sighed. "You don't ignore me," he said as he jumped to stand in front of the boy.

"Weakling, get out of my way!" The boy barked at him.

"Tsk. Because I allowed you to bully me in the past doesn't mean you should repeat it again."

The boy was the academy's most talented student and for that, he bullies almost everyone and sees himself as a god.

Well, Ah Yue Ai allowed him to do what he wanted because he was here for something, but not anymore.

"Get out of my way or else, I'll kill–" the student raised his blade and slashed it towards Ah Yue Ai's face.

Ah Yue Ai docked and punched him under his armpit, paralyzing his arm before he took hold of the student's sword and slashed at his head, splitting it in two.

"I forgot to tell you that I hate you." Ah Yue Ai said before he threw the sword on the boy's dead body and started to walk towards the hall.

On his way to the hall, Ah Yue Ai killed all the guards he met. Either with poisons or by cutting them down.