Meeting the pavilion master

Getting to the gate of the hall, he appeared to be in mystery and said to the guards blocking him from entering.

"I have a message for the pavilion master, there is chaos!"

While saying that, he was throwing his hands everywhere, intentionally releasing poisons on the guards. 

He ran to the head guard and held his hand with his shaky hands and fearful face. "Older brother, please, let me see master. The enemies are overpowering us. Elder five sent me to tell master to…"

"Let him in!" 

Hearing the command from the inside, the guard stepped out of the way and Ah Yue Ai rushed in and bowed. 

"Speak, what is it?"

In the hall with a few higher ranked elders sitting on their chairs with the pavilion master seating on the head seat, Ah Yue Ai looked at everyone while scheming in his mind, but his eyes had tears with face and body filled with blood. 

Well, he killed those people to get blood stains on him anyway. 

"Pa– pavilion master, elder…elder five asked me to t– tell you to call for the backups." He said while throwing his hands around like he was having difficulty catching his breath. 

"Call for the backups? What about our preparations? The war just started and the student that left a while ago said that there is still more time and also…" The elder stopped talking when the pavilion master raised his hand. 

"Young Man, how did you know about the backups?" The pavilion master asked with his fierce eyes on Ah Yue Ai who had bowed his head after throwing his hands around.

Nobody aside from the elders knew of the plan to use backup, so how did this student know? Unless… he's a spy!

Ah Yue Ai raised his head and beamed, answering their doubts.

"Hai, it took you so many years to finally catch me. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."

Just when an elder closest to him was about to attack Ah Yue Ai, he felt his legs go weak and his body loses weight and before he could speak, he fell to the floor. 

The reaction caught the others by surprise but before they could ask what the problem was, they all felt their bodies unable to move and their mouths wouldn't move either. 

The pavilion master wasn't an exception. He and the others widened their eyes in horror. They so badly wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. 

Ah Yue Ai laughed when he saw that. "You didn't think we would allow you to call Black blood and Dark crawl assassin guilds, did you?

Ha, you must be senile if you think that way. Anyway, my master will be here soon, enjoy your paralysis until then. Oh, and the guards outside, they are all having the worst day of their lives right now." Ah Yue Ai said with a chuckle before he pulled a vacant chair and sat down. 


On the battleground, Su Yue chopped off the head of the elder standing in front of her and his blood sprayed on her face. 

Standing alone amidst hundreds of dead bodies, with her sword dripping blood, she looked around her and saw her people mercilessly slaughtering the enemies. 

The raging flame was still burning. She curled her lips and cleaned off the blood on her face.

Su Yue reeked of blood. From her hair to her shoes. Thanks to the black robe she was wearing, the blood stains were not visible. 

The remaining enemies were less than fifty, so she left them to her disciples and turned to walk towards the hall.

On Su Yue's way to the hall, countless dead bodies littered the floor. Some bleeding from their four sense organs, some missing some parts of their bodies, some exploded bodies, and some melted bodies lay across her pathway. 

She knew from the nature of their deaths that this 'evil' act was done by her people. 

True to her belief, she witnessed an exploding enemy right in front of one of her subordinates and another impaling a sword into an enemy's heart. 

She walked forward and cut down a few enemies on her path before walking into the hall with the elders and the Pavilion master sitting paralyzed in their seats, staring at her with horror. 

She liked those horrified looks. 

The pavilion master looked at the demonic figure walking into the hall with an evil air around them.

He had thought the person was a man, but at this moment, he realized the sword of death assassin master was a woman!

He wanted to say something, to scream at her in rage, but he couldn't find his voice. 

With every step she took towards him, the pavilion master felt his heart tightening from fear. 

How could a lady cause so much terror with only her appearance? 

Su Yue walked towards the pavilion master and kicked him out of his seat. With a loud 'thud', the pavilion master fell off, lying sprawled on the floor, unable to move.

Su Yue sat elegantly on the head's seat with one leg on the other and a hand under her chin, waiting for her people to finish the fight outside and come help her translate. 

"Welcome, master!" Ah Yue Ai who had gotten up since she entered the hall bowed in greeting. 

Su Yue waved her free hand. Even though Ah Yue Ai didn't see her gesture, he knew his greeting was acceptable so he raised his height and stepped to the side, also waiting for the others.

Soon, a few Yue disciples walked into the hall with their first brother Cheng and second sister Rong leading them. They saluted Su Yue before stepping aside. 

"Master, some students were able to escape, but with poisons in their bodies, they won't be able to run for long before they die," Ah Yue Cheng reported. 

A few disciples were able to open the gate and run away. However, while they were fighting with the sword of death assassins, they were also being made to unknowingly take poison.

Either by smelling, getting into their clothes, or getting a cut from their weapons.