Looking for an inn

"Oh, I almost got a fright. I thought the Qingming festival was tonight. Hahaha…" Ah Yue Fan laughed awkwardly. He knew that the festival was in two days, but he was acting dumb just to get the young man to spill out all he knew.

"Yes, the festival is two days from now, but the King is coming tonight to lead the ritual preparing for his brother, Prince Shen An, and his wife, Zhang Shi–"

"Zhou Shi!" Ah Yue Fan corrected him with hostility which baffled the young man.

The young man knew he didn't say anything wrong except for mispronouncing her name. After all, they have been dead for five years, it was normal to wrongly pronounce her name, right?

'These people are weird, I should leave now before I end up like that soldier in the dark alley', he thought.

When the man looked Ah Yue Fan in the face, the look he saw got his heart to turn cold. He subconsciously compared the face to the look of a bloodthirsty monster.