Wickedness of men

'Stupid' she wrote.

Ah Yue Fan drew closer to Su Yue and held her leg. He gently shook it and said: "I'm sorry master, I promise it won't happen again," He was really stupid. He had thought of going tonight to kill his uncle. Thank goodness his master came with him.

Su Yue looked at him and let out a soft sigh. She understood how he felt. She knew him too well and one thing she didn't like about this little brother of hers is his inability to see beyond complicated matters.

The reason she brought him to Solace City was for him to attend the ritual of his parents because, for 5 years, the boy had been too scared to come see his family. If not that they would be going to the Capital after this, Ah Yue Fan wouldn't have agreed to come to Solace City with her.

Su Yue gently patted him on the head and brushed off the stray hair from his face before she smiled faintly. She wrote on a paper and passed it to him.